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“Tian Xia Wei Gong” 2030 Greatest World Peace Movement (“天下为公” 2030 世界大和平运动)

"Tian Xia Wei Gong “ 2030 Greatest World Peace Movement, represented by code "SG65" (Saving Gaia), was founded by Mr. Ronnie Lai Li Xiang.

Brief Background of the Founder - Mr. Ronnie Lai
Ronnie is a Singaporean Chinese, a strong proponent of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. He is also a/an admirer of Abraham Lincoln, mission poet, H Energy academics, retired financial accountant, Teochew, alumnus of Tuan Mong High School, Thomson Secondary School and Nanyang University, liberal Christian, and alumnus of Australia Universe Energy College.

Origin of the "Greatest World Peace" Movement
The Gulf war which started in 1990 had led Ronnie to start pondering about the sufferings of humanity in this chaotic world and to explore seriously a path for world peace. In 1991, Ronnie wrote a book titled “Just Peace! Or Lasting Peace!?”. [1]During this process of soul-searching and exploration, he came to know more about Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and was deeply touched and inspired by the life story of Dr. Sun. He vowed to tell the whole world through missionary poems, that he has deep respect and admiration for Dr. Sun. He strongly believes that there is a need to initiate a world peace movement, and named it “Tian Xia Wei Gong” 2030 Greatest World Peace Movement (“天下为公” 2030世界大和平运动).

Launching of “Tian Xia Wei Gong” 2030 Greatest World Peace Movement
The movement was launched on 1 November 2015 through an announcement and the publishing of a missionary poem in Singapore’s Chinese media newspaper “Lianhe Zaobao”. [2]

The “Zhongshan Actions” (中山行动)
Seven “Zhongshan Actions” were launched during 1 November to 23 December 2015.

First “Zhongshan Action” on 1 November 2015:[2]
The movement published in Singapore’s Chinese media newspaper “Lianhe Zaobao”, the first missionary poem written in Chinese by its founder Ronnie, titled “Proclamation to the World, I Love Sun Yat-sen” (告诉全世界,我爱孙中山), as well as issued the following three messages of peace to the world:

( 1 ) Declaration: From 1 November 2015, Ronnie Lai (pseudonym Mr. Sunflower) volunteered to become a supporter of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. Ronnie’s mission is to promote and carry on the spirit of Dr. Sun, and to achieve Dr. Sun’s aspiration of “Tian Xia Wei Gong” (天下为公) , to strive for the state of Great Peace on Earth.
( 2 ) Appeal: Appeal to all Chinese in Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, as well as all world citizens to take “Great Peace on Earth” as our common mission, and to work and strive together for the movement’s first project - “To Save the Earth and the Children”.
(3) Advance Notice: On 26 December 2015, Ronnie and his research team will announce the plan for the “Tian Xia Wei Gong” 2030 Greatest World Peace Movement. The plan will comprise three innovative global projects, with the mission of achieving great peace for the world and supporting the United Nations 2030 Goals.

Missions of the First Poem “Proclamation to the World, I Love Sun Yat-sen”:

(1) To promote and spread the ten positive energies of the spirit of Dr. Sun;
(2) To appeal to mankind to take achieving “Great Peace on Earth” as the common mission.

The substance of the first missionary poem “Proclamation to the World, I Love Sun Yat-sen” is as follows:

(Translated from Chinese)

1990, the impact of the Gulf War, marked the starting point of my journey of reflection…
the chaotic world, the path for world peace…
In the process, I realized the greatness of Dr. Sun Yat-sen,
whose life touched me and led me to action.
I proclaim to the World, my deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

(1) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Care and Concern”.

He cared about the plight of destitute people in his country.
He was concerned about the decadent imperial court, the oppression of the foreign troops,
as well as the ceding of lands, the shame and humiliation suffered by his country .

(2) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Sacrifice”.

He did not stay overseas and embrace a promising future as a doctor,
but chose to help the nation,
and embarked on a precarious journey.

(3) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Courage”.

Bare-handed, he raised up the flag of revolution against the mighty imperial court.
Though his life was fraught with dangers, he was not afraid in the least.
He served his people and lived a life of vagrancy.

(4) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Erudition”.

He diligently and tirelessly researched and acquired knowledge from the west.
Observing development in the west,
he constantly read widely and improved his knowledge on Chinese culture to promote essence of Chinese ideology.

(5) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Wisdom”.

He reflected on the imperfection of the western mechanism which led to economics causing disparity between the rich and poor, and giving rise to economic crisis.
He painstakingly researched on improving the mechanism in the west to achieve a better state of economy for his country.
The people’s livelihood and rights were the core of his ideas.

(6) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Innovative Spirit”.

His creativity could be seen,
from Three principles of the People to the Five-Power Constitution,
from currency revolution to the solemn ZhongShan suit.

(7) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Concession”.

To avoid the recurrence of a civil war and national contradiction,
he willingly gave up the presidency that he earned while putting his life at stake.

(8) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Unconventionality”,

for the beautiful story of his courage of love for his comrade in the revolution.

(9) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Indomitable Quality”.

Throughout his life, he fought so the people could have a better life.
Though there were countless failures and dangerous revolutions,
he did not give up his dreams and his faith never wavered.

(10) My deepest love and respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Great Ambition”.

Before he passed away, he constantly reminded and instructed,
to “Strive for Peace and save China!”.
During the revolution, he wrote with determination and his forceful words constantly displayed and echoed “Universal Love”, “Great Peace on Earth”,
holding up two bright and big lamps of the common goals of humanity.

This poem is not meant to praise him,
but more importantly, to open the treasure trove of Dr. Sun’s spirit for today’s generation,
to immerse others in his ideology, virtues, actions, contributions and positive energy.

On the 90th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s passing,
I appeal to the world to think back on our roots.
Hereby I bow to Dr. Sun, salute Wuchang,
I am grateful for Xinhai and would like to spread the blessings to all.

Calling on people who share the same thoughts,
and those who respect and love Dr. Sun Yat-sen,
to turn their love into action,
to step forward,
to strive together towards a common goal.
First step in “Universal Love”, is to first love the Earth and children.
First “Great Peace on Earth” project, is to save the Earth and children.

Let us progress together! Supporters of Dr. Sun Yat-sen!
Let us progress together! Supporters of “Universal Love” and “Great Peace on Earth”!
Let us progress together! Save the Earth and children!

Long live Singapore! Majulah!
Long live the great unity of the people of the world! Majulah!

Second “Zhongshan Action” on 6 November 2015:[3]

The movement published in Singapore’s Chinese media newspaper “Lianhe Zaobao”, the first, second and third missionary poems written in Chinese by its founder Ronnie, titled “Proclamation to the World, I Love Sun Yat-sen” (告诉全世界,我爱孙中山), “Singapore, My Pride”( 新加坡,您是我的骄傲) and “Suddenly, Lincoln Stood Up, with Fist Clenched” ( 林肯突然站起来,握着) respectively. At the same time, the movement also conferred benediction to all Chinese in the world and “Lion City”, on the occasion of the meeting of Mr. Xi and Mr. Ma in Singapore.

Missions of the second poem “Singapore, My Pride”:
(1) To encourage citizens to give a serious thought on what the country has given them
(2) To call upon citizens to strive towards the common goal of “Great Peace on Earth”

The substance of the second missionary poem “Singapore, My Pride” is as follows:

(Translated from Chinese)

Dear Singapore!
My feelings towards you, of over a thousand words,
concentrated into this space, as a display of my gratitude.

Singapore, you have given me a sacred land to be born in.
Singapore, you have given me a homeland to play my favorite childhood games.
Singapore, you have given me the teenage years in which I recited the pledge.
Singapore, you have given me an extensive learning environment.
Singapore, you have also given me the applause when I wore the graduation gown.

Dear Singapore, but what can I give you instead?

Singapore, you have given me the mentor to become bilingual.
Singapore, you have given me the wings to soar through the skies.
Singapore, you have given me the passport to travel around the world.
Singapore, you have given me the banner of international meetings.
Singapore, you have also given me the pride on which I stand on this ground.

Most importantly, Singapore has given me
a diverse, safe and harmonious environment as well as a warm bed to be in.

Dear Singapore!
Your colourful rhythm is my pride.
You have given me so much! But what can I give you instead?

Sunflower is my favorite flower.
On 8 November 2014, I respectfully presented three sunflowers to the nation,
as a representation of my respect and gratitude towards the country.

This year on Singapore’s 50th golden jubilee,
I present a small Christmas gift to my dear motherland,
with the given title “Great Peace on Earth”.
Motherland, would you kindly accept?

Missions of the third poem “Suddenly, Lincoln Stood Up, with Fists Clenched”:
(1) To highlight that President Lincoln was the mentor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen;
(2) To call upon America and China to lead the world and create a state of Great Peace.

The substance of the third missionary poem “Suddenly, Lincoln Stood Up, with Fists Clenched” is as follows:

(Translated from Chinese)

President Lincoln, upon his seat,
looked towards the future with a stern expression.

(1) On 8 am of 11 September 2001
Suddenly, Lincoln stood up, clenching his fists, shedding tears,
amidst the teardrops were the words, “Do not become the slave of hatred”.

At 8.31 am
The children at the playground saw a huge bird in the sky.
They waved their hands in excitement and exclaimed, “A plane! A plane!”.

At 8.46 am
Television-viewers from all around the world were in shock.
A plane dived towards the building at great speed.

In various global news reports and across the Internet,
some firmly believe,
it was a cruel act of revenge by the terrorists.
While others firmly believe,
it was self-directed by America to pave the way for war.

Regardless of peoples’ opinion,
those who were unable to comment, were the innocents who lost their lives,
those who were lost for words, were the friends and families of the victims.
It is a pain that would remain in their hearts forever.

(2) On 20 January 2009 America made history
Suddenly, Lincoln stood up, he held a key and passed it to Obama.
Engraved on the key were the words, “Forgive one another for the sake of the children”.

I pray for the souls of 2996 victims at each anniversary of September 11.
Rest in Peace! Fellow members of humanity.
Finding out the culprit behind this tragedy would not bring back any lost lives.
Together, let us spread more blessings in the world and awaken humanity.
Help us turn back and not sink deeper in the hatred of destruction,
and open up a peace-loving route for the future generations.

(3) On 21 September 2030 amidst the sea of people and excitement
Suddenly, Lincoln and Dr. Sun Yat-sen stood up, walking into the United Nations together.
With sunlight highlighting the words, “A United World, democracy and freedom, Great Peace on Earth”.

The first dawn of sunlight,
from Singapore’s Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, the place of positive energy where Dr. Sun Yat-sen once stayed,
shines throughout the world in all directions.

Third “Zhongshan Action” on 8 November 2015:
Ronnie presented a bouquet of flowers to the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen at the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall in Singapore, to mark the success of “The 18th Singapore Writers Festival” . [4]

Fourth “Zhongshan Action” on 12 November 2015:
Ronnie presented a set of books titled “The Complete Works of Dr. Sun Yat-sen” (孙中山全集)[5] to United Chinese Library (同德书报社) as a gift to mark the 150th anniversary of Dr. Sun.

Fifth “Zhongshan Action” on 21 November 2015:
Ronnie attended the opening ceremony of “Wan Qing Culturefest 2015”[6]as a support to the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.

Sixth “Zhongshan Action” on 28 November 2015:
Ronnie presented a bouquet of flowers to the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen at the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall in Singapore, as a remembrance of Mr. Kwek Leng Joo, and to show heartfelt gratitude for his contributions to the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.

Seventh “Zhongshan Action” on 9 December 2015:[7]
The movement published an open letter to the world in Singapore’s English media newspapers “The Business Times”, with the goal of raising S$65 million from the world for the “Peace Seed 65 Fund”, using two innovative methods and the selling of three missionary poems (manuscripts and substances) written by its founder Ronnie.

Half of the funds raised would be used to promote three global projects of “Tian Xia Wei Gong” 2030 Greatest World Peace Movement. The other half of the funds would be used to support Ronnie’s further research.

The open letter explained the methods and the key details of the fundraising:

(A) Raising a total of S$53 million through the sale of poems manuscripts (6 sets)

Ronnie firmly believes that literature products, such as handwritten manuscripts, have the same potential and investment values as music and art pieces. Hence, he had personally handwritten manuscripts of his three missionary poems (which he published on 6 November 2015 in Lianhe Zaobao), and seeks six collectors of the manuscripts from the world.

The target audience and allocated literature price of the manuscripts are as follows:

(1) “Proclamation to the World, I love Dr Sun Yat-sen”: Limited to 2 sets of manuscript, priced at S$8.8 million each, targeting fellow Chinese individuals, organizations or businesses from around the world;

(2) “Singapore, My Pride”: Limited to 2 sets of manuscript, priced at S$8.9 million each, targeting all fellow individuals, organizations or businesses in Singapore;

(3) “Suddenly, Lincoln Stood Up, with Fists Clenched”: Limited to 2 sets, priced at S$8.8 million each, targeting non-Chinese individuals, organizations or businesses from all parts of the world.

The open letter further stated that interested collectors are expected to have five consensuses with Ronnie, that:

(1) collectors appreciate his poems and feel that the poems inspire positive thinking;

(2) in principle, collectors support the innovative thinking towards world peace and respond to “Tian Xia Wei Gong” 2030 Greatest World Peace Movement;

(3) collectors agree that poems and manuscripts are intellectual products with literature and investment values, and understand that Ronnie has the full authority to manage the amount raised;

(4) after acquiring the intellectual products, the collectors own the “poem manuscripts” but not the poem itself. The poem does not belong to any individuals. Instead, it belongs to the world;

(5) collectors have the full rights to sell or part with the ownership of the poem manuscripts they have purchased.

(B) Raising a total of S$12 million by selling the “substance of the poems” through crowdfunding

This refers to the innovative idea that public who appreciate and enjoy what they have read, feel inspired by and benefited from the “substance of the poems” are welcome to (1) contribute any amount, (2) unconditionally support the “Tian Xia Wei Gong” World Peace Movement. The Movement plans to raise S$12 million through crowdfunding, a form of fundraising which has been increasingly common.

Three Stories of Interest

In the open letter, the movement pointed out that raising S$65 million with three poems might sound like a tall tale to many. However, the Movement cited the following interesting examples to bring new perspectives to the public:

(1) Grab Taxi (Taxi-booking app) raised US$700 million during the period 2012 to 2015[8];

(2) A wealthy Hong Kong businessman bid for 2 rare diamonds with over S$100 million, as a gift for his 7 year-old daughter[9];

(3) In May 2015, the 1955 oil painting by Picasso (The Women of Algiers, version O) was sold for around S$239 million by New York Christie’s.

The open letter explained that the three examples cited relate to investments in transport, gifts and art. All of them involved higher amount than the funds the Movement intend to raise. The founder of the Movement further mentioned in the open letter that he has full respect for the investors in the examples cited. However, he was setting a precedent in a uniquely creative way, to fight for investment values for literature products by selling handwritten manuscripts and substance of literature, and to open a new source of income for all writers of literature works.

In addition, through the open letter, Ronnie seeks to reach out to those who share the same aspirations from all parts of the world, to support the “Tian Xia Wei Gong” Greatest World Peace World Movement. From another perspective, the S$65 million funds represent investments in “Peace Projects” and “Peace Research”, as well as investments in the future of all children and a better world for future generations.

Through the open letter that was published on 9 December 2015 in “The Business Times”, the Movement calls for support from the world for “Project Peace Seed 65” and to create a state of “Tian Xia Wei Gong” (天下为公) – Unity and Great Peace on Earth. In addition, the open letter also announced that its founder Ronnie would be giving a speech on 26 Dec 2015 to address in more details and depth on the term “Tian Xia Wei Gong” (天下为公).

References[edit source | edit]

1.Jump up ^ "宣言:启动“天下为公(2030)”世界大和平运动". 新加坡联合早报. Retrieved 2015-11-01. 2.Jump up ^ "祝福中华,狮城友谊习马会,发扬中山,天下为公大和平". 新加坡联合早报. Retrieved 2015-11-06.

External links[edit source | edit]


  1. ^ Lai, Ron Lips-De (1991). Just Peace, Or Lasting Peace (First ed.). Singapore: R.L.D. Lai 1991. p. 183. ISBN 9810026498.
  2. ^ a b "宣布:启动"天下为公"世界大和平运动". Singapore LianHe Zaobao. 2015-11-01.
  3. ^ "祝福中华,狮城友谊习马会 发扬中山,天下为公大和平". Singapore LianHe Zaobao. 2015-11-06.
  4. ^ 陈, 宇昕. "今年新加坡作家节 探索岛屿写作之梦". 早报. 新加坡联合早报. Retrieved 2015-12-23.
  5. ^ 中国社科院近代史所 (2011-5-1). 孙中山全集(全11册). 中华书局. p. 6468. ISBN 9787101079357. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  6. ^ "Wan Qing Culturefest 2015". Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. Retrieved 2015-12-23.
  7. ^ ""天下为公"2030世界大和平运动 创举:售卖三首任务诗歌(手稿与涵义)". The Business Times. 2015-12-09.
  8. ^ "Taxi app GrabTaxi raises $350m from CIC,others". TODAY. TODAY. Retrieved 2015-12-23.
  9. ^ Chew, Hui Min (2015-11-13). "HK billionaire Joseph Lau buys $69m diamond for daughter: 5 things about the tycoon". The Straits Times. Retrieved 2015-12-23.