User:Isak201000587/ Tertiary lecturer gives marks for sex

Tertiary lecturer gives marks for sex


The university of Namibia is the highly recognize institutionthat offer different and recognize course of studies by NQA in Namibia. The UNAM is valued as other university in Africa as well as worldwide. [1]. According to previously report and research contacted by several media, it was discover that some lecturer at the University of Namibia have awarded marks for students to qualify for exam as well as during exam final marks. [2]. This occasion of sex for marks disaster bust out in August last year after members of the university’s Student’s Representative Council (SRC) informed Deputy Minister of Education Dr David Namwandi that many lecturers have been demanding sex from students. [3]. After the incident of marks for sex that was a serious issue at UNAM, the Rector of the Polytechnic of Namibia,[4]

Dr Tjama Tjivikua took an investigation on his campus to rectify that the same incident whether occur at the Polytechnic or not. The committee was established to go through all Polytechnic student’s life where qualification where thoroughly carefully looked at but no evidence of sex for mark were reported. [5] Different method, tools, equipment as well as technique was used where student and lecturers problem box was provided to write in any that they see or they have heard about sex for mark were the information was confidentially kept and no name were publicly announces, but no one come up and nothing was written. According to the SRC President at the Polytechnic of Namibia, he was approached by the media concerning the issue of sex for marks and he indicated that there is no such a thing and it will not happen at Polytechnic because Polytechnic is one of the highly recognize institution that is offering quality course at the world class level. [6]

