I still vividly remember how this pandemic started few months ago. It changed our way of living in different aspects. It started from people seeking enough supplies of the face mask and alcohol as preparatory safety measures, followed by preparation of the hospitals and other health care institutions in addressing the crisis as seen and heard in the everyday news. March 16,2020, when the inevitable dilemma struck the country. Series of lockdowns announced, positive cases kept on rising, health care institutions were very much challenged, health care workers struggle to save lives. Transmission kept on going.

Noticing from six months ago, since Iloilo City was declared lockdown,there were many curfew violators during the time of ECQ, Business were also affected,most of the establishments was closed, people lost their job,added by the strict quarantine measures. People were only allowed to have one member in the house to go out and buy the everyday needs. Scarcity of rice and other goods rose, everyone relied on the goods given by the government. In my personal experience, it was hard at first imagining your world revolving only in the corners of your home. I always have this thought , "What if this lockdown continues and there's still no quest of vaccine?" How would everyone deal with that? As an Ilonggo,how can we surpass this threat?

How to Prevent Covid19? 1. Wash hands thoroughly and often with soap, for 30 seconds. Please make sure to clean between fingers and under nails. If soap and water are not available, an antiseptic hand sanitizer can be used.

2. Avoid touching your eyes,nose and mouth as much as possible.

3. Wear mask when interacting with the public.

4. If suffering from flu you're encourage to wear a mask. A mask maybe replaced with the fresh one after a day.

5. Avoid crowded places,better stay home.

6. Anyone showing symptoms of flu, may consult doctor immediately.

7. Avoid coming into contact with people when you are sick.

8. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue and throw the tissue in the trash.

9. Seek medical help early if you have a fever,cough and difficulty in breathing,and share your travel history with healthcare providers.

10. Avoid animals (alive or dead), animal markets, and products that come from animals (i.e. uncooked meat).

STAY SAFE! Protect yourself and the people around you. Wear your facemask and observe social distancing.