Silly user page for me because I'd rather see my user name in blue instead of red.



I speak English as my native and only conversational language. I can read a small amount of Japanese, but usually not enough to be particularly useful. I can understand simple sentences sometimes. It should really be more more like ja-0.5. Geez, this language template has no respect for dividers.

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.

About Me


I use Mozilla Firefox, though I still have yet to let it do Flash. I just choose to open those in Internet Explorer instead. I normally find flash to be extremely annoying, so no loss there.

Foxit PDF Reader has replaced Adobe Acrobat on my system after the latter repeatedly crashed Firefox.

I like traditional pencil & paper RPGs, though I usually use IRC for playing them. hmmm... Keyboard and Text Document games? - oh, seems there's already an article for this. I usually just lump OTBRPG in with P&P.

Pages I like


Catgirl nyaa~
List of unusual deaths