This user is a cock puppet

“The only real nation is humanity”

this user is a cock puppet
Balinese men sure do love their cocks!

In the early evening they take them out, stroke and fondle them, croon to them and sometimes play “my cock’s better than your cock″ by the side of the road along with their Balinese companions. To a visitor from the west, one cock looks pretty much like another cock. After all, to most westerners, a rooster’s just a hen with a bad attitude.

Cockfighting (or at least the betting on them) is illegal in Indonesia. At least there’s a law against it someplace on some law book. Nobody seems to know where that place is or what law book. It has something to do with practicing one’s religion. If you need to throw a rooster at another rooster and good money after bad in your quest for a better relationship with god(s), you’re golden. You can do roosters. And wagering.

Roosters are kept separated from each other (so they don’t do freelance fighting when you have no money on the outcome) in cock cages. You’ll see them everywhere, often right outside your room. Cocks in cages awaken as early as cocks ranging free, and they are just as enthusiastic in announcing the dawn. When choosing a place to sleep, keep a sharp eye out for hive-shaped baskets with grown-up chickens inside.

— a tale from a website that never launched