Jack Nicholson


Hi, I understood that Jack had contacted Furcillo Rose by phone and said I hear you are family or something like that? Also Furcillo Rose does look a lot like Nicholson, specifically the trademark eyebrows, see these pictures: [1] Regards, Arniep 19:06, 12 November 2005 (UTC)

Hi ArnieP, I've already seen those pictures and read the article. I have also read all the biographies on Jack and many interviews. I am not sure of the question sorry. Yes Don does look a bit like Jack, Eddie King has the same hairline.... I think Jack looks quite a lot like June, though. No offense but I think what you have written kind of backs up what I've said which is that we shouldn't state Jack's parentage as a certainty as Jack Nicholson has no birth certificate and has done no DNA tests and his mother has passed on. We are left looking at pictures of eyebrows and speculating over second or third hand re-tellings of what might or might not have been said in phone calls. Don did not claim Jack had said "I hear you are family" when he recounted the phone call to the National Enquirer in 1980 but even if Jack did use those words (unproven) it doesn't really signify anything. I mean Jack had "heard" Don Furcillo Rose was family because Don Rose's wife had sent him letters telling him he was, this does not mean Jack was acknowledging him as family or was sure that he was family, only that he had heard he was. Don Rose might well be Jack Nicholosn's father with the emphasis on "might" and any site using the word encyclopaedia in reference to itself, needs to reflect that, imho. To view the article recounting Jack's phone call with Don Rose go here [2] second row on the right.

Hi, thanks for your response and the links. I still feel that Furcillo-Rose is Nicholson's father, Nicholson definitely has the Italian look imo. Also don't you think it is significant that Nicholson's mother married Furcillo-Rose shortly before Jack was born? Presumably she did that as she knew she had slept with him and she knew she was pregnant. Arniep 23:27, 13 November 2005 (UTC)

Hi ArnieP, no offense but do we publish in an encyclopaedia what we "feel" or facts? What I think is "significant" isn't terribly material either. I am not interested in debating whether a good case can be made for Don Furcillo Rose being the father or not, I have said twice now - first in my explanation and again in my response that he might well be Jack Nicholson's father - but he might not. Whether Jack has the Italian look etc is not something I'm intersted in commenting on nor am I going to say what June's actions "presumably" indicate. It's not my place to presume, feel, judge, speculate or guess. The personal information section presented certain info as if it was fact. It is not a proven, acknowledged, public domain fact at this time. It is debated by both Jack Nicholson and his family who say they are unsure of who Jack's father is. If I was uncertain of who my father was I don't think I would want someone to state in an online encyclopaedia that my father is X. If you have a source that backs this up and makes it clear it is a known fact then please post it here and take my changes out. Jack Nicholson has chosen not to confirm who his father is, there were avenues open to him, in the absence of a birth certificate and of his mother, that still would have provided conclusive answers. He has chosen to leave the question unanswered. Is it too much to expect people to respect that or do others have to force their opinions upon him, decide on the facts of his birth for him? What gives anyone such a right? and based upon what?

June Nicholson was dating several people around the time of Jack's conception according to her sister Lorraine. In 1937 an unmarried mother-to-be would have been facing scandal and disgrace, who knows her reasons for marrying? I don't think we can presume much, after all Jack was raised believing June was his sister and it is hard to make accurate presumptions about a situation so complicated and when so many lies and half-truths have been made necessary by the moral climate of the time.

I really don't have time for this, no offense but I have an essay due so I won't be responding any further just so you know. Thanks. My position is and will remain that Don might well be the father but it remains unconfirmed and unacknowledged by Jack Nicholson. There is also a possibility that Eddie King could be his father.