A Little about me and this Page


The purpose of this Wikipedia page is for me to spread my knowledge, understanding and love for things with others while also being able to do extensive research purposefully. I will also use this Wikipedia page as an area for me to put things that would usually be locked in my brain and eventually forgotten into a place where I can see it as well as others. I may give insights into books aswell as reviewing them, create pages based around conspiracy theories (including my input), information surrouding the cosmos/basically everything astronomy and other little things splotched here and there. I am unsure as to what else I may put on this besides perhaps my degress which I have none as of currently but as I become of age I wish to be an astronomer and also enjoy biology as a potential back up job (my last option would be in law, most likely as a lawyer). Well thank you for visiting my page and I hope you find joy and knowledge from my Wiki's. Good Reading.