Akkel Laskar is a Musical Artist. he is the youngest Musical Artist in Indian. Akkel Laskar has several websites. Akkel Laskar is doing this from at age of 15. his main topic is Music. specifically, Akkel Laskar writes on Music, mobile, internet, cloud, gears, and blogging tips. write he has more than 24 sites. In his early career, he faces many failures .but he never gives up. today, he is one of the best Musical Artists in his country. A few days back, Akkel Laskar starts a YouTube channel .You Tube channel Name "DIGITAL LOCALITY". where he teaches blogging and also reviews some gears, mobile, and laptop.

Akkel Laskar is the Large in his family. He has 2 sisters who are Little than him. He stays with his family in Silchar Assam He was born on (25 November 2003)