1. REDIRECT Problems with Steroids

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Steroid are used to get an unfair edge in competition. This affects the integrity of the game that is being played. If an athlete gets caught with steroids then they can face suspension that could range from a few games to a whole season. This happened to Miguel Tejada, who was suspended for a whole season for PEDS after being questioned by congress for the Palmeiro investigation. (http://www.sportsonearth.com/article/46220706/). Miguel was charged with the season wide ban after taking Adderall which violated the MLBs methamphetamines policy. Even though Miguel was a good player he violated the MLBs policy and cheated, which devalued his chances at making the hall of fame.

1. 2nd try (Current rough draft) Research Question: Why is the use of steroids in baseball so controversial, and why is punishment difficult to determine? Doping in baseball has been a problem for a long time. The athletes that play ball have ways to get around taking steroids. Athletes that are role models to young kids will get more lenient sentences rather than athletes that are not as popular and get caught. I think that all athletes should be treated the same even if they are famous. Athletes should have a punishment that fits the crime that they committed.

2. 1st try Research Question: How can these athletes be caught cheating and what should their punishments be? cheating in sports Many athletes throughout history have been cheating with performing enhancing drugs. Some athletes can get a easy way out of this because they are big stars, and others can get out of the situation because they have a way of having the drugs go undetected. When athletes are caught with performing enhancing drugs, they should get a punishment that the athletes truly deserve. One way that athletes can get caught are by blood and urine samples. "The WADA and Olympic officials are aware that undetectable drugs are used by athletes in events." These officials know this occurs because the Olympic athletes that are competing are using drugs during the off-season. this allows athletes to build up their muscles to gain a competitive edge, but is still risky because if they get caught they can be banned from the Olympics and stripped of their medals.