James Morely is an Indian Educationalist, best known for his contribution to English Language Education and School Education, in the State of Andhra Pradesh. He is a pioneer in the field, primarily for his teaching philosophy known as ‘English through English’. After his Bachelors in Arts, he began his career as an English Language Instructor. In the year 1991, he founded his first venture named as ‘British Institute of English’ at Eluru, Eventually, it became hub of English Language Learning (ELL) activities that included TOEFL, IELTS and so on. College students aspiring for higher education abroad, graduates dreaming for best careers and professionals ambitious of promotions in career; all had one single destination in the locality-‘British’, as the students fondly named it. Later on, Mr. Morely had expanded the ELL HUB to different districts in Andhra Pradesh. In the year 1995, he established ‘Montessori Public School’ at Tenali, in Guntur District.

Birth and Family

Dr. Morely was born on 10 May 1968 at Kuttikad, in Kerala, another state located at the Southern tip of India. His father, Ouseph Morely, who was a farmer by profession, had died when Dr. Morely was a 6th grader at the school. His Mother Alia Ouseph Morely was a house maker. He has two sisters and three brothers. Father’s untimely death had pushed the family into financial crisis, as all the children were pursuing their education.

Early Education: Kerala (1973 to 1983)

Morely had begun his education at the age of four in a Pre-School run by Dominican Sisters at Jeevadhara Family Centre, in his native village. At the completion of five, he was admitted in St.Sebastians H.S School, at Kuttikad, In the year 1983 he passed out from X grade. The state of Kerala has 100% literacy rate , and so getting admission in a good junior college (11th and 12th grades) was very difficult, as he had not secured good scores in his S.S.L.C board examination.

Secondary Education: Karnataka (1984-1986)

Secondary Education, in those days was attached to colleges and the course was known as PUC, expanded as Pre-University Course. Morely had moved to Mangalore, Karnataka, another Indian State, for his Secondary Education. He was a student at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, run by Jesuit Priests. At PUC he had opted for humanities and had passed out with 55% of marks. He scored well in all the subjects like English, Hindi, History, Economics, Sociology and Political Science.

Nagpur University—Maharashtra (1987-1990)

Nagpur University is located at Central India, in the State of Maharashtra. James Morely migrated to Maharashtra pursuing his Bachelors in Arts. He joined St. Francis De Sales College, affiliated to Nagpur University. In humanities he had opted for Indian philosophy in addition to other subjects. At Nagpur, he was attracted to religious life and he joined, The Congregation of Dominican Fathers and as a part of religious studies, he had completed a Diploma Course in Western Philosophy at St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur. But his interest in religious life did not last long, as he was wavering he took a break from it.

Madras University— Madras (Chennai) Tamil Nadu (1991-1993)

On completion of his undergraduate studies, he migrated back to Southern India to purse Masters in English Literature and this time the alma mater was Madras University, at Madras (now known as Chennai). After the graduation he focused on expanding his business related to English Language Education.

Nagarjuna University— Guntur, Andhra Pradesh (2004-2005)

Morely could not really stop studying; although he was a teacher and founder of educational institutions, by now, he wanted to be an officially-trained-teacher. So in 2004, he did Bachelors in Education, from A.L College of Education, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. The college is affiliated to Nagarjuna University, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh.

Andhra University—Vishakha Patnam, Andhra Pradesh (2011—2012)

He was back to college campus again, after a break period of six years, for his Masters in Education, in Nova College of Education, at Vegavaram. The College is affiliated to Andhra University, Vishakha Patnam, Andhra Pradesh. He was awarded Masters in Education upon passing out with a Distinction. He wanted to become a teacher-trainer as he had many novices in his educational empire. Nagpur University— Nagpur, Maharashtra (2014—2019) In pursuit of Doctorate in English Literature’ he wrote the PET (Ph.D Entrance Test) and as he could clear it easily, he got registered as a Ph.D scholar, in the University of Nagpur, in January 2014. This was the most hectic period of his life, as he had to make many journeys both as a part of his research from Nagpur to Mumbai; and at times, to attend to his business, from Nagpur to Tenali. His research was on the Metropolitan Culture of Mumbai, based on the novels of Vikram Chandra, an Indo-American Novelist. His thesis dealt with both the Metaphysical and Materialistic aspects of Indian Culture, focusing mainly on metropolitan culture of Mumbai.

Diploma in Journalism and Other Certificates.

Morely was passionate about journalism from his undergraduate days, but he was not able to make a career in it. He had done Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism (PGDJ) from Management Studies Promotion Institute , New Delhi. He performed as the Chief Editor of Mag-Montessori, the yearly new s road up, and Montessori News, the monthly news, of all his educational establishments. James Morely has undergone training in a workshop entitled: TEKS Resource System - Kermit ISD - Secondary School Teachers. Morely had undergone many other training programs for educators, organised by TEA at Texas Education Service Centre like, Cyberbullying for Educators, Bullying Prevention for School Personnel, Allergy and Anaphylaxis, Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Mental Health and & B 460.

Dr. James Morely’s Educational Establishments:

British Institutes of English @ Eluru, Vijayawada, Guntur, Tenali, Nellore Dr. Morely started his career in 1990, as a grammar teacher in a language institute at Bhimavarm in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, which was started by Mr. George Morely, his elder brother, After working there for an year, he began his own first venture, known as ‘British Institute of English’ at Eluru, Andhra Pradesh, in the year 1991. After completion of his Masters, he had expanded his business to other cities like Vijayawada, Guntur, Nellore and Tenali, along with his college-friend, Mr. Jose Sebastian, who later became a business partner. The administration of this establishment is done by Mr. Jijo Morely, a cousin of Dr. James Morely and the institute has been renamed as British Spoken English. Montessori Public Schools @ Tenali, Duggirala, Guntur, Kollur In the year 1995, under the able leadership of Dr. Morely, a body was registered by name Montessori Educational Society, and in the same year, a Primary School was established under the name ‘Montessori Public School, Tenali’, in the year 1998 the school was upgraded to a High School. The school is named after Dr. Maria Montessori, the Italian Educationalist, who invented the Montessori Method. Montessori Method was unknown to this part of the globe in those days, and it was Dr. Morely’s vision and initiative, that made this teaching-method famous here. In 2003, the second school, Montessori Public School, Duggirala, was established for the benefit of rural children at Duggirala in Guntur District. The school was inaugurated by Mr. Yedlapati Venkat Rao, Member of Parliament (India). Within a year the school became the best Centre for English Medium Education in the locality. School-goers from nearly 24 villages/counties benefited from this educational establishment. In 2004, the 3rd branch of the school was established with the inclusion of another business-partner, a friend of Dr. Morely, Mr. K.V Sebastian; at the Head Quarters of Guntur District, by name Montessori Public School, Guntur. Mr. Kanna Lakshmi Narayana; Minister in Andhra Pradesh Government had inaugurated the premises and many other dignitaries attended the event. The school had run many school-buses covering the entire city of Guntur and downtowns, for the benefit of the school children in and around. In 2010 all the ‘Montessori Public Schools’ were renamed as ‘Montessori English Medium Schools’. The fourth branch of the school was established in 2012, with the new name Montessori E.M School, Kollur, .. https://www.justdial.com/Guntur/Montessori-English-Medium-School-Main-Center-Kolluru/9999PX863-X863-111203182611-Z8P4_BZDET at Kollur, in the same District. The Member of Legislative Assembly, Mr. Nakka Anada Babu inaugurated the school. In a short span the school became a well known centre of education for the rural folk. Under the able leadership of Mr. Morely, all the institutions were excellent and exuberant centres of learning. All the the four schools established by Dr.Morely had upheld high standard of education and good discipline. English Medium Education that was in the reach of urban population became accessible to the rural folks too and they had only one destination for quality education i.e ‘Montessori School’. It was Dr. Morely’s vision and efforts, that moulded tens of thousands of children and teens to good citizens in rural and urban areas of Guntur District, in Andhra Pradesh. In 2009, his work got recognition when he was awarded with BOLT & RANK, an award for The-Best-Teacher.

Employee in Other Educational Establishments.

Dr. Morely had also worked in other educational institutions for brief periods, while heading his own. He had achieved the Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor in 2019 and worked as a Secondary School English Teacher in Kermit ISD, Texas, USA for a brief period as part of Cultural Exchange Program between India and USA.After his Master in Education, because of his passion for teaching, he decided to work in Teacher Education College. He was selected in the position of Lecturer for English Methodology and Educational Philosophy by St. Peter & GK College of Education at Tenali. But he had to quit the job in 2014 as he had registered as a Ph.D Scholar in RTM Nagpur University. The Teaching Philosophy- ‘English through English’.By the time the British had quit India, the English Language had spread into many parts of India. But in rural India, the so called English Medium Schools were not equipped with well-qualified and fluent-in-English teachers, even now the case same. This became an opportunity for Dr. Morely to set up his establishments. He always discouraged teaching of English in Vernacular Languages and this is why he upheld ‘English through English’ in all his educational establishments. While doing his Masters in Education, at Nova College of Education he had done a research on ‘Problems of Teaching English in Vernacular Medium’ and submitted it to Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. This research was well appreciated by his professors, especially, for the following Dr. Morely had put forward;

1. Lecturers/Teachers should be given refresher courses.

2. Every college/School should have audio-visual aids to improve listening and speaking skill.

3. Speaking English should be made compulsory between students, staff for their formal and informal communications.

4. Students must be motivated to show interest in learning English, not merely for passing the English Subject but for the benefits of knowing the Language.While working in Kermit High School, Kermit, Texas; as a Secondary School English Teacher, he had the opportunity to understand, that his principle of ‘English through English’ is the best method of teaching the language. There, the Spanish students enjoyed the luxury of substitute teachers accompanying them to very class. But this was misused by most of the Spanish students, as they did not have to put efforts for learning the language, as everything was done by the translator-teachers. Dr. Morely observed that it would have been better, if the Spanish students were given translators only during the first three or four months of their admission, and later the substitutes should be called back and by this the students would feel compelled to make efforts to learn English.‘English through English’ was possible in Dr. Morely’s educational establishments, by administering a Diagonastics Test at first, and classifying students according to their previous knowledge of the language and developing different teaching-techniques, keeping in mind the individual differences. He had developed a curriculum for those who did have zero knowledge of the language, and executed it, on a one-to-one mode of teaching. In Montessori Public Schools ‘English through English’ worked very well with young kids and the children in Dr. Morely’s Schools learnt the language rather quickly and correctly, when compared to children in other schools.

Important Accomplishments.

1. Recipient of BOLT & RANK AWARD (Broad-Outlook-Learner-Teacher) 2009, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. http://rankandboltawards.blogspot.com/2008/10/andhra-pradesh-winners-list-2008-2009.html.

2. In 2015, Dr. James Morely received THE BEST SCHOOL DIRECTOR-2015 in Andhra Pradesh, for his Outstanding Accomplishments and Individual Excellence in the stream of Administration and Infrastructure of Montessori English Medium Schools in Tenali, Duggirala, Guntur and Kollur.

3. In 2017, Montessori E.M School received the No. 1 Ranking in the survey for ‘Swatch School’ (Green and Green School) done by the town planning department of Tenali.


5. Representing the state of Andhra Pradesh, as Delegate IN NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS 2019, NEW DELHI.

6. Winning of Certificate of Eligibility For Exchange Visitor (J1) as Secondary School English Teacher at Kermit ISD, Texas 2019.

7. Achievement of ‘Doctorate in English Literature’ by RTM Nagpur University 2020.

8. Authorship of the following books about to be Published by INSC International Publishers; ‘Theism: Poly- vs. Mono-’ and ‘Migrants to Mumbai: Life Growth and Decay’.

9. Professional Membership in Institute of Scholars; InSc. Id: InSc2020FF8F.

10. Appointment in the position of Editor, of the following academic publications;

1. International Journal of Educational Research and Development. ISSN 2664-7095

https://www.journalofeducation.in/board 2. International Journal of English Research ISSN 2455-2186


11.Articles Published: 1. ‘Vikram Chandras’s Sacred Games’—Satirical on Bollywood’s Plastic Beauty’;

Article published in, International Journal of English Research ISSN 2455-2186, 22-09-2020.

https://www.englishjournals.com/archives/2020/vol6/issue5/6-5-202. ‘Metropolis Culture and the Alarming Growth of Materialism in India’;

Article Published in International Journal for English and Studies, ISSN :2581-8333, 25/10/2020


3. ‘English In India’ Article Published in National Journal on Social issues and Problems ISSN 2278-3199. December 2018.http://www.journalsnmcsip.org.in/ressearch_journal/social_issues_problems_vol_7_issue_2.pdf Pages 27-31


[1]https://www.ijoes.in/papers/v2i9/18.IJOES-%20Dr%20JAMES(157-165).pdf</ref> [2]