Jasmerrin joined Wikipedia early in 2007. His primary hobbies are animating and reading comic books. Jasmerrin aspires to be a movie writer and director one day.

Personal Life


Jason Merrin is a graduate of the Abraham Joshua Heschel School, and will be attending the University of Pennsylvania in the near future. As Jasmerrin, he is a member of the Newgrounds and YouTube communities.



Movie Origins


Jasmerrin has made a number of animated movies. His original, The Random Cheese Movie, was made on his Palm Pilot. His second major film, after a number of shorts, was a math project entitled "The Hyperbolic Geometry Song," a parody of Five for Fighting's song "Superman," which earned him an A for his hard work.

End of the World


Jasmerrin's first project to appear worldwide on the internet was End of the World, which fared averagely on Newgrounds, but which sat for a while in the top five list on UgoPlayer, as well as #1 on the Music Channel. The movie was done in frame-by-frame with stick figures, and is a full-length music video for REM's famous song "It's the End of the World as we Know It (and I Feel Fine)." The film was praised for its style and content, which featured a stick-figure man facing off against ninjas, monsters, robots, and aliens before taking the fight into outer space and back. "End of the World" also won the 2005 School Talent Show and an Editor's Choice Award at a student film festival in Conneticut.

The film references Star Wars and The Matrix on several occassions.

Real World


Jasmerrin's second major project to go online was titled "Real World," and was a music video for the Matchbox Twenty song of the same name. The movie uses full figures (as opposed to the stick figures used in "End of the World"), but still relied primarily on frame-by-frame animation. The film did well on both Newgrounds and UgoPlayer, but failed to recieve the recognition "End of the World" did on either.

A Channukah Story


Jasmerrin directed, co-wrote, and edited a Channukah video with his school's movie club. The video starts in a traditional manner, and then quickly turns into a 300 film trailer parody, with the Maccabees as the Spartans and the Assyrians as the Persians. The film went up on YouTube and received many hits around the time of the Holiday, but its popularity ended soon after that.

History of an Animation


In 2008, Jasmerrin created his final film to be submitted to a high school talent show. History of an Animation was a short meant to trace the story of how the filmmaker became an animator. Notably combining real life footage with computer animation, the film begins with a character animated on a Post-it flipbook who then jumps onto index cards, then onto real paper, and then finally gets scanned into a computer. The film ends with a slow zoom out on a poster up in a movie theater, proclaiming that "History of an Animation" is coming soon.

Works in Progress


Jasmerrin is currently working at a summer job making short animated videos. He has no plans for future projects at the moment, but hopes to continue filmmaking when school resumes.