User:Jason.nlw/National Wikimedian/Month 70

Institution Resident’s name Residency period Period Covered Date of report
National Library of Wales Jason Evans Jan 2015 - Permanent May 2023 14/06/23

Projects delivered


Aim 1 - Knowledge Equity


Increase the engagement and representation of marginalised people and subjects


  • Continuing early development of Wikibase for Welsh name authority.
  • NLW authority ID's added to several thousand WD items.
  • Discussed role of Wikipedia content in Diversity calender being developed at NLW. Aligned all topics with Wikipedia articles.
  • Registered Wales for Wiki Loves Earth 23 and created the Home Page
  • Moved Women in STEM Editathon with Cardiff Uni to Septemeber
Event Date and Duration Location No. of Attendees Usernames Name of trainers
Partnership interactions
Activity/Purpose of Meeting Date and Duration Institute Location Names of Attendees Links
Meeting with NLW 'decolonising archives officer' about using/contributing to WIki 9/5/23 30 min NLW NLW Jason, Rob Phillips, Miidong P. Daloeng

Data Uploads

BaGLAMa (page views for Wikipedia articles containing images from National Library of Wales)
  • May Page Views - 19,146,287 (GLAMorgan)
GLAMorous (Percentage of Commons files used on Wikimedia projects)
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jun 14 2023) - 83.24%
Note: Ive tried several times to contact GLAM WIKI DASHBOARD to add NLW but have had no reply.

Aim 2 - Digital Literacy


Work with partners to develop digital, data and information literacy through Wikimedia


  • Suppored a 12 week student placement (University of Maryland) exploring the use of Wikidata to tag images in crowd sourcing projects. The student, Amelia Eldridge, and I delieverd our findings to NLW digital staff and wrote a blog post
  • Helping to run Weekly SPARQL training sessions for NAWG (Name Authority Working Group) Members
  • Agreed to be a technical lead (Wikidata) in Grant application (US funding) by the NAWG for a Research and Development project focused on Wikidata for name authority. - Bid submitted
  • Submitted joint bid for pannel discussion on Impact at Europeanna Tech conference in October.
  • Submitted scholarship application for GLAMWIKI Con 2023
Event Date and Duration Location No. of Attendees Usernames Links
Presentation to NLW staff. Findings of Wikidata for image tagging accuracy study. 23 May NLW 15
SPARQL Wednesdays! - Weekly training with Wikidata Query service and upload tools 1 hour, every Wednesday Online 8-10
Partnership interactions
Activity/Purpose of Meeting Date and Duration Institute Location Names of Attendees Links

Volunteer projects


Volunteer hours TBC (excludes visiting scholars)

0 new volunteer trained this month

  • IIIF Image tagging project. Images completed this month:0 - (6889 total)
  • 1 Volunteer helping with Wikidata/Openrefine tasks

More information about projects held with the NLW volunteer team can be found here

Aim 3 - Advocacy


Create changes in policy and practice that enable open knowledge to flourish


Event Date and Duration Location No. of Attendees Usernames Links
Partnership interactions
Acivity/Purpose of Meeting Date and Duration Institute Location Names of Attendees Links

Projects in development

  • Name Authority Working Group Wikidata R&D project
  • Place Name soundclips campaign with Welsh Language Commissioner

Press/Media about the residency


Historic statistics

BaGLAMa (page views for Wikipedia articles containing images from National Library of Wales)
  • July – Page Views - 13,125,805.
  • Aug – Page Views - 13,245,583
  • Sep – Page Views - 13,773,939
  • Oct – Page Views - 15,041,258
  • Nov – Page Views - 15,705,146
  • Dec – Page Views - 16,190,426
  • Jan – Page Views - 14,819,919
  • Feb – Page Views - 13,346,353
  • March – Page Views - 15,280,661
  • April – Page Views - 14,967,649
  • May – Page Views - 15,639,250
  • June – Page Views - 12,941,034
  • July – Page Views - 13,624,765
  • Aug – Page Views - 13,220,049
  • Sept – Page Views - 14,177,965
  • Oct – Page Views - 15,584,357
  • Nov – Page Views - 16,389,647
  • Dec – Page Views - 17,497,123
  • Jan – Page Views - 16,351,473
  • Feb – Page Views - 14,411,266
  • March - Page Views - 17,446,348
  • April - Page Views - 22,875,582
  • May - Page Views - 19,199,789
  • June - Page Views - 15,966,784
  • July - Page Views - 15,861,089
  • August- Page Views - 14,886,795
  • September- Page Views - 15,460,532
  • October - Page Views - 18,122,157
  • November - Page Views - 18,371,278
  • December - Page Views - 17,121,137
  • January - Page Views - 16,032,445
  • February - Page Views - 15,079,784
  • March - Page Views - 17,115,317
  • April - Page Views - 23,160,689
  • May - Page Views - 20,648,862
  • June - Page Views - 20,205,252
  • July - Page Views - 20,087,895
  • Aug - Page Views - 20,560,677
  • Sept - Page Views - 17,642,258
  • Oct - Page Views - 21,254,555
  • Nov - Page Views - 22,162,779
  • Dec - Page Views - 20,811,729
  • Jan - Page Views - 19,532,109
  • Feb - Page Views - 18,251,408
  • Mar - Page Views - 20,084,375
  • April - Page Views - 19,825,051
  • May - Page Views - 19,748,145
  • June - Page Views - 16,955,414
  • July - Page Views - 16,677,277
  • August - Page Views - 18,406,652
  • Sept - Page Views - 16,917,314
  • Oct - Page Views - 17,771,866
  • Nov- Page Views - 18,022,032
  • Dec- Page Views - 18,181,096
  • Jan- Page Views - 17,487,831
  • Feb- Page Views - 15,624,291
  • Mar- Page Views - 15,417,534
  • April Page Views - 15,106,727
  • May Page Views - 14,237,104
  • June Page Views - 13,603,833
  • July Page Views - 12,873,475
  • Aug Page Views - 13,702,950
  • Sept Page Views - 18,513,083
  • Oct Page Views - 15,739,484
  • Nov Page Views - 17,128,325
  • Dec Page Views - 14,253,374
  • Jan Page Views - 13,750,600
  • Feb Page Views - 15,078,383 (GLAMorgan)
  • Mar Page Views - 17,293,119 (GLAMorgan)
  • April Page Views - 16,966,303 (GLAMorgan)
  • May Page Views - 19,146,287 (GLAMorgan)
GLAMorous (Percentage of Commons files used on Wikimedia projects)
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Sept 5th ) - 50.75%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Oct 2nd ) - 51%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Oct 31st ) - 52.14%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Dec 1st ) - 52.59%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jan 19th ) - 52.58%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Feb 1 ) - 52.58%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (March 5 ) - 52.55%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (April 3 ) - 52.58%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (May 9 ) - 52.79%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (June 12 ) - 52.83%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (July 17 ) - 66.61%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (August 24th) - 66.40%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Sept 17th) - 66.51%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Oct 9th) - 66.55%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Nov 9th) - 66.58%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Dec 4th) - 66.62%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jan 2nd) - 65.89%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Feb 24th) - 66.00%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (March 13th) - 66.03%%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (April 1st) - 66.04%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (May 2nd) - 66.08%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (June 2nd) - 66.10%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (July 2nd) - 67.44%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Sept 3rd) - 67.49%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Oct 4th) - 67.47%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Nov 4th) - 67.47%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Dec 3rd) - 78.04%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jan 13th) - 81.94%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jan 13th) - 82.3%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Feb 28th) - 82.25%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (April 3rd) - 82.4%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (May 3) - 82.25%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (June 6) - 82.36%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (June 30) - 82.5%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Aug 08) - 82.5%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Sept 01) - 82.35%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Sept 30) - 82.35%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Nov 02) - 82.34%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Dec 08) - 82.37%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jan 06) - 82.37%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Feb 02) - 82.38%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Mar 13) - 82.41%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (May 5) - 83.10%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (June 24) - 83.00%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (July 7) - 83.00%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (June 2) - 83.03%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Sept 2) - 83.03%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Oct 2) - 83.05%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Nov 8) - 83.04%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Dec 1) - 83.05%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jan 06) - 83.06%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jan 31) - 83.05%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Mar 2) - 83.21%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Apr 5) - 83.27%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (May 06) - 83.27%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jun 08) - 83.25%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jul 11) - 83.25%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jul 30) - 83.4%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jun 30) - 83.26%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Sept 01) - 83.25%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Nov 01) - 83.24%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Mar 17 2023) - 83.24%
  • Percentage of images used in a Wiki (Jun 14 2023) - 83.24%