My name is Jason M. Christos. I am God's Son. A demigod one with the Father through Christ.[1]

John 17:26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."[2]

I call myself a Disciple of Yeshua. Disciple meaning a follower of; or of the discipline of. Yeshua being the given name of the Messiah or Christ. I feel that many churches teach things not found in the Bible, and many times in direct contradiction to what can be found in the Bible. I feel that all non-Christian churches are false as are many Christian churches.[3]

"To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed, but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others, ascribing to himself every human excellence, and believing he never claimed any other. " -Thomas Jefferson , in a letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush[4]

I consider myself an Utopian Anarchist. Utopia meaning the perfect society and Anarchy meaning no human or man made authority ( certain authority is always present and not made by man ). Utopia can never be achieved by governments. To govern requires the use of force to make people do right. I feel that in a perfect society or Utopia everyone would do right without being forced. Anarchy is the only way to Utopia.[5]

1 Corinthians 15:24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.[6]

I have no possessions. I do not want any possessions nor do I want to join anyone in chasing possessions.[7]

“Why grab possessions like thieves, or divide them like socialists, when you can ignore them like wise men?” - Natalie Clifford Barney (American Writer, 1876-1972 In My Country 'tis of Thee, no. 299, Adam (1962))[8]

Where I grew up

   Saint Louis, MO[9]