User:Jawleyford/Aframomum zambesiacum

Common name: Nangawo (Kimalila).

Description: A leafy plant growing from a short, branched rhizome. The leafy stems grow in clumps up to 2 m tall. 20 - 50 flowers are borne in heads arising from the base of the shoots. Petals are white with a large crimson patch at the base. The red fruits are oval, 7 cm long and 4 -5 cm wide with prominent ridges running from top to bottom. Seeds are shiny, dark-brown.

Ecology: Grows in upland and secondary forests often near water between altitudes 1450 and 2050 m.

Uses: In Umalila (Southern Highlands of Tanzania) the juice surrounding the seeds is reported to be effective in curing tropical ulcers. The seeds are pounded and eaten to expel tape worms.

References: Flora of Tropical East Africa 1985