Jay Salyers has been focused on marketing and sales in the hospitality industry since 2001. Jay began his career as a Travel Industry Sales Representative for MeriStar Hospitality at the Resorts of Captiva and Sanibel Islands, Florida. He quickly moved into the digital space as Interactive Marketing Manager for the resort group. Tasked with redeveloping the groups websites and increasing direct bookings, he achieved these goals and grew revenue on the websites by $2.91 million (34%.)

In late 2004, Jay went to work for Miles in Sarasota, Florida as a Project Manager. He quickly moved from Project Manager to Associate Publisher. In November of 2005, Jay opened a northeast office for Miles in Philadelphia, PA. Jay spent 18 months building the northeast business before heading back to corporate.

Currently, Jay is responsible for delivering over $20 M of top line revenue for a division at Miles. He manages six account teams consisting of 65+ team members that develop and implement various marketing strategies for 30+ clients in the destination marketing industry. If you would like to contact Jay for business purposes or a tee time then email him at [email protected].