I am creating this user (Jberr1218) in compliance with a course I am taking at Williams College. This course is CS12 and concerns using computer programming techniques to solve math problems that can not ordinarily be done. In addition, we will be using Wikipedia to organize most of our work in an effort to show the benefits of using a wiki to complement teaching. I decided to take this class because I plan on taking computer science classes in the future and CS12 will give me a good background on the subject matter. Also, math has always been a strong interest of mine, and therefore I find the goals of this class very compelling. If I were to use this account to edit WIkipedia there are a few subjects that I believe I could contribute to. As previously stated, I have a great interest in math and related fields. I am also a wrestler and a sports fan in general. Lastly, I enjoy reading fantasy and other fiction novels.

