Jean Bernard nee Makasi Kimeso Henock Lola Tshikeva aka Big Papa T, Ya Tshike, Le Roi lion were born in 1960 Kinshasa DRCongo. His Dad General Tshikeva was one of the DRCongo Army pioneer who created the Parachute centre training in Africa camp Ceta and one of the first parachute training centre in Africa and he is the first Army officer to introduce womens in the African army also womens in parachute first time ever in the world.He created the Commando centre Kota-Koli and the famous 31eme Brigade Parachute. Himself as a Army ellie officer in the DRCongo Army, the Capitaine Tshikeva started army in 1982 with the CFSO 2 in Kitona Base,then join EFO 15 in Kananga Army officer academy in 1985. In 1985-1986 Join CPSLI 4 in Kitona for Commandant companie training. From 1986 join Kota-Koli and took the Brevet A Commando and been selected as one of The best Commando officer to work in the Commando Kota-Koli Centre. In 1987 join the Intervention commando companie as the second commandant in charge of Intervention and extra security Presidential President Mobutu of Zaire. Also became among the only 5 officers in the all entire country as Commando saboteur the 5 only Elite in the Zaire Army as the best Elite officers.In 1990 been sent to the West of the country of Zaire in Baki, Kitona as Sporting Regional Officer. And left the country for UK as his life was in danger, where he seek asylum. Sport life: Ya Tshike,Le Roi lion well know in Zaire/DRCongo as one of the best Wrestler who defeated Edingwe twice and been rated as the best Army Wrestling Champion and been selected in The Army Wrestling Team as the Team Capitaine. His accolades as North Ubangi Champion 1986-1990,1990-1991 best Zaire Wrestling in The Elima News Papers as The talented Wrestler of all time Elima news Papers 1991. In UK 1995 opened his wrestling Club with his friend Mundeke who started since Zaire in the same club in the Matete call Club Monama in 1980. When he was the club vice Capitaine with the Coaches Mukendi,Musumari and his Long time friend Selemani who convince him to leave Karate to join His club Monama in Matete Zone/Borough. Big papa T aka Ya Tshike started Martial Arts sport in 1963 and been coaching by master Franck who was living in Ndjili Zone and then moved to Angola with the FNLA Army in 1967. He learned Judo,ju jutshu, then Karate by Master Makunku Prince who late become Army Commando Coach in Kota-Koli then join Garde civil as Sport Army Coach. In UK Big Papa T aka Lion King opened his Club in 1995 and become British Super Heavyweight Champion and took the European Belt in 1996 with a big fight in the Broadwater Farm centre.and become Top European Wrestler.In 1999 being the wrestler who brought back wrestling on TV and won the World Tag Team Championship belt with Jody Fleisch as his Tag Team partner.being on National TV in UK,across the World with cable TV channel,ZDF channel TV Germany,RTL Luxembourg TV,and Poland Sport TV.Being voted by the American Wrestling Magazine as the 10th best Wrestler in the World and the second baddest Wrestling in the World after Rowddy Piper. Now Big Papa T run his Wrestling Club for 23 Years in New River Staduim Footsteps Sport Academy Youth place in Wood Green London UK. Being in many news papers, magazines,TV: BBC,ITV,Channel 4, Sky TV... He his regarding as a Legend in story of Wrestling by bringing wrestling back on TV in the 1990's Also being the first black ever Wrestling coach in UK.