Sexual Oppression The image provides an example of oppression as a mans hand that is covered in dirt is holding the head of barbie. It provides an idea that man are superior to women

The 'Oppression Page' focuses more on oppression within law enforcement. I plan on expanding and adding more information to oppression. I plan on creating a 'Race Issues' Page. The 'White Privilege Page' narrows in on America. I plan on expanding the article to a more global perspective.

Social Oppression


Social oppression is the socially supported mistreatment and exploitation of a group, category, or team of people or individual.

For my contribution I plan on adding a section for Sexual Oppression

Sexual Oppression


Social oppression is closely related to sexual oppression. Existing research overlooks this role of social oppression and sexual inequality in our everyday lives although the thought structures that support our everyday sexual attitudes and behaviour reflect patterns of dominance and inequality [1]. Sexual oppression is the idea that one sexual group is superior to another. Alicia Gonzales and Gary Rolison believe that inequality is reproduced from an individual’s idea and perception of themselves [2]. Men and women can both feel the effects of sexual oppression.


  1. ^ Herdt, Gilbert. "Sexual Development, Social Oppression, and Local Culture." Sexuality Research & Social Policy 1, no. 1 (01, 2004): 39-62. doi:
  2. ^ Social Oppression and Attitudes toward Sexual Practices Alicia M. Gonzales and Gary RolisonJournal of Black Studies Vol. 35, No. 6 (Jul., 2005) , pp. 715-729Published by: Sage Publications, Inc.Stable URL: