The Appeal to the Macedonians in Bulgaria from September 28, 1944 (in Bulgarian language).

The appeal to the Macedonians in Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Апел до македонците в България) was a political address of 29 left-wing activists, mostly members of the Bulgarian Communist Party, nearly all of whom originated from the region of Macedonia.[1] They appealed to the members of the then Greek and Yugoslav Macedonian refugees' organizations in Bulgaria. The appeal was published in Sofia, soon after the pro-Soviet coup held on 9 September, 1944 in Bulgaria. In it, the signatories adhered to the view of the existence of a separate Macedonian nation.[2] The document supported the newly created Anti-fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Macedonia, appealing for the creation of a Socialist Macedonia in the frames of a future Socialist Yugoslavia. Solidarity with the new communist-led Fatherland front government in Bulgaria was also expressed. It was pointed out that the main task of the Macedonian emigration in Bulgaria became to purge all local emigrant organizations of their current Greater Bulgarian leaderships, which were servants of the ousted "Bulgarian fascists".[3] Among the signatories were Pavel Shatev, Mihail Gerdzhikov, Alekso Martulkov, Petar Traykov, etc.[4] Afterwards the new Bulgarian authorities proclaimed the old National Committee of the Macedonian Emigration dissolved and replaced it by a new one, led by some of the communists who signed the appeal.[5]

See also



  1. ^ Георги Даскалов (1989) Българо-югославски политически отношения, 1944-1945, Унив. изд-во "Св. Климент Охридски", стр. 142.
  2. ^ Добрин Мичев (1994) Македонският въпрос и българо-югославските отношения, 9 септември 1944-1949, Унив. изд-во "Св. Климент Охридски", ISBN 9789540701820, стр. 175.
  3. ^ Гребенаров, Александър. Легални и тайни организации на македонските бежанци в България (1918 – 1947). София, Македонски научен институт, 2006. ISBN 9789548187732, стр. 368 - 369.
  4. ^ Билярски, Цочо, Ива Бурилкова. БКП, Коминтернът и Македонският въпрос 1917-1946, Том 2, Главно управление на архивите, София, 1999, стр.1122.
  5. ^ Nedeva, I., Kaytchev, N. (1999). IMRO groupings in Bulgaria after the Second World War, p. 174. In: Pettifer, J. (eds) The New Macedonian Question. St Antony’s Series. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Category:Macedonian Question Category:1944 in Bulgaria