Jitender Rajour born in 20-08-1983 in Delhi.

He was one of the very popular leaders, at his college time, people liked him and he used to understand the problem of the people and come out with its solution. Once in front of the college administration, he talked to the management about the problem of the students and requested to solve that problem as soon as possible.

But the management did not listen to them, which was a matter of the students faculty, nor did the student union ring and said that we cannot. But it was a joke for him. What was then a revolution was started in the college and he came out with his colleagues & classmates by becoming a revolutionist. And then in the history of the college, the first times strike happened. And later, the management accepted their advice and acted in their interest. And after they got out, the management stopped making choices in the college.

"Truth always win".
