User:Jnestorius/Depictions of Saint Patrick

Mainly to see whether blue or green was used before the 19th century.

  • Need to distinguish names of vestments - alb, chasuble, etc.


Depictions of Saint Patrick
Date Artist Work Location Description Colours Image Ref
1102-1123 ?? Manuscript of Ado of Vienne's Martyrology Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris Marginal illustration White clerical robes, gold shading, red halo and details, bareheaded (only one page has other colours: f72 has green) [1] [1]
13th century ?? French manuscript of the Golden Legend Huntington Museum of Art Patrick converting Óengus mac Nad Froích King of Munster [not the High King of Ireland] "Blue cassock" pigment "probably azurite" [though actually a blue-grey, not as blue as the background]. Earliest known depiction of Patrick. zzz [2]
13th century ?? Miniature in a légendier manuscript Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris Christ handing Patrick the pastoral staff while he shows him the hole/well-shaft leading down to Purgatory Grey-blue robe (Christ in Royal Blue cloak over Red-Brown robe) [2] [3][4]
14th century ?? Manuscript of vies de saints Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris Saint Patrick devant le purgatoire Pink cloak, white robe, cream mitre, blue halo [3] [5]
>1317 Jacopo di Mino del Pellicciaio Fresco [Painted over 1600, revealed 1974] Servites / Sisters of Saint Clair Monastery, Todi, Italy Saint Patrick allowing Nicolas (from the Golden Legend) to look through the opening of a round well at the souls being purged White bishop's apparel zzz [6]
14th century ?? French vies de saints Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris Saint Patrick prêchant In pulpit; red cloak over mauve robe, grey beard, bare head, mauve halo. Blue background [4] [7]
1348 ?? French manuscript of the Golden Legend Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris Patrick converting Óengus mac Nad Froích King of Munster Blue cloak w red lining; white surplice w red trim; white mitre, buff halo [5] [8]
15th century ?? South English Legendary: Lives of Saints, and Temporale (Passion of Christ). Bodleian Library MS. Tanner 17 f.31r Bishop making benediction Red robe; white bishop's vestments; grey-green inside of mitre. [6]
15th century ?? French manuscript of the Golden Legend Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris Patrick converting Óengus mac Nad Froích King of Munster All figures are white with buff shading, gold halos [7] [9]
15th century ?? French manuscript of the Golden Legend Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris Saint Patrick devant le purgatoire Blue cloak, mauve lining, grey surplice, white under-robe, white/gold mitre, gold halo [8] [10]
c.1450 ?? Manuscript of William Staunton's account of his 1409 visit to St Patrick's Purgatory British Library Royal MS 17 B.xliii, fol.132v Saint Patrick in his Purgatory surrounded by a vision of the torments of hell Bishop's vestments; red outer with dark blue lining; green inner with red-and-white borders [9] [11]
1514 Jacopino Scipioni Frescoes Chapel, Santuario di San Patrizio [it], Colzate, Italy Scenes from his life Bishop, red cloak over light-green, gold-trim robe over white tunic
1599 Bergamo area Fresco Chapel, Santuario di San Patrizio [it], Colzate, Italy Saint Patrick and Saint Lucy with a donor "Ioanes de Clericis" [10]
1547 Giovanni Galizzi Saint Mark enthroned between SS Patrick and James, under the Madonna and Child Parish church of santa Maria Assunta, Vertova, Italy [12] [13]
c.1585 Stained-glass window Bay 21, St Patrick's Church, Rouen Scenes from his life As bishop: Blue robe, white over it, mantle of gold outside red inside; mitre and staff. As abductee: blue tunic, violet hose; as slave: white shirt and breeches. [11] [14][15]
c.1600 ??? Frescoes and ceiling Church, Santuario di San Patrizio [it], Colzate, Italy
  • Frescoes: Miracles and teaching of Patrick
  • Ceiling: Holy Trinity with SS Peter and Paul and Patrick in glory
  • Frescoes: ???
  • Ceiling: Red and gold cape over white robe (Peter is gold cape over violet robe; Paul is red cape over blue-green robe.)
1603 Adriaen Collaert Hand-coloured engraving National Gallery of Ireland Scenes from the life of Saint Patrick White robe with mantle of gold outside and green-blue inside; mitre of same green-blue with gold trim. The colour corresponds more to the blue of the sky/clouds than the green of the grass/hills. [16] [16]
1611 Enea Salmeggia Painting Parish church of santa Maria Assunta, Vertova, Italy[13][n 1] Madonna and child enthroned with saints [it] St. John the Baptist, St. Patrick kneeling on the left side, on the right the evangelist Mark and then another saint who could be identified in St. Joseph or perhaps James the Greater [12]
1624 Paris edition of Thomas Messingham's Florilegium Insulæ Sanctorum "usually regarded as the prototype of the modern bearded figures" [14]
1636 Jacques Callot Etching from Les Images De Tous Les Saincts et Saintes de L'Année Multiple, this copy in NYC Met Driving the [flying] snakes out Grey beard; clothes may be vestments or poor old man's: sleeveless robe over sleeves-with-cuffs; slippers; mitre on ground and wearing instead an odd wide-brimmed hat with puffy crown (Moss calls this a Cappello romano). Carrying a stick, not a crozier. [13]
c.1650? Mattheus Borrekens Engraving Biblioteca Nacional de España Reading a book while a dragon cowers behind and a cherub uses his staff to sweep away snakes In bishop's robes with biretta [14]
17th C. Fabrizio Chiari Engraving ??? Ignatius Loyola helps St Patrick save Ireland Bishop's robes with mitre and two-beamed cross staff [15]
1684 Claudio Coello fresco Iglesia de la Mantería (Zaragoza) [es] "depictions of St Alipius [of Thagaste], St Fulgentius [of Ruspe], St Patrick and St Simplician, all companions of St Augustine [of Hippo], on the pendentives below the drum"[17] Perhaps Patrick should have been Possidius; "Some authors claim Possidius had a brother named Patricius".[18] Possidius and Alypius were canonized together in 1672. Alternatively, Augustine's father's name was Patricius, although he only converted to Chrisitianity on his deathbed, probably never venerated as a saint, certainly never a bishop as depicted here. Blue cloak over an olive-green robe; white mitre with red cross [16] [17]
?c.1700 Giuseppe Maria Mitelli Engraving Driving demons from a mountain top [14][19]
1704 Simone Giorgini Statue façade of San Isidoro, Rome bishop, mitre, crozier, flowing robes All white stone [18] [20]
1716 Pedro Camacho Felizes [es] Painting Colegiata de San Patricio [es], Lorca, Murcia Reading a book[n 2] Bishop; white mitre and robe, dark gold-trimmed mantle with red lining[n 2]

panoramic Clear· Alt· left replaced!· shows far right· ditto· some of far left top

c. 1720 Unsigned painting at altar right side chapel of the north wall, Maria Pöllauberg [de] Flanked by angels, he is a protector from hell below White robe, red mantle with gold trim and pink lining; angels carry mitre and crosier
17xx Joseph Dietrich (1696—1745) Mural S. Patricius Hiberniae Apostolus John the Baptist parish church (former chapel of Kloster Rebdorf [de], Augustinian Canons abbey) in Eichstätt Preaching in a royal court Plain white alb, pale blue mitre, crozier
17xx Joseph Ignatz Sadler (1725-67) fresco no. 27 Most Holy Trinity Church, Fulnek Seated, banishing snakes Bareheaded, crozier behind, white robe with grey-blue cape; seat has pale blue back and yellow-tan arm drape
1750 Pablo Minguet Print in a calendar of saints Biblioteca Nacional de España Praying Bishop's vestments with mitre [20]
c.1756 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Altarpiece painting Saint Patrick, Bishop of Ireland Museo Civico, Padua (formerly in San Giovanni di Verdara, Padua Possibly Paulinus of Aquileia rather than Patrick. White robes, gold trim, bareheaded.
17xx Franz Anton Maulbertsch Painting Jedlesee Reading on a cloud surrounded by angels floating over animals on a hillside White bishop's vestments with gold trim, mitre, crozier [24]
1762? Francesco Capella Painting Saints Patrick, Maurus or Gerolamo Emiliani, and Gregorio Barbarigo, with the Child Jesus and an angel zzz [21] [25]
c. 1763 Michelangelo Unterberger Painting at High altar Pfarrkirche Donnersbachwald [de] in Donnersbachwald Virgin and child flanked by Saint Leonard and St Patrick as patron saints of agriculture and cattle White robe with gold shoulders, barehead, crozier
c.1788-90 Vincent Waldré Sketch for ceiling of Saint Patrick's Hall Patrick and the Paschal fire White cloak and robe and wooden cross [22] [26]
1792[n 3] ? Altar painting Maria Schutz [de] pilgrimage church, Semmering Pass, Austria In front of a pasture with cattle, sheep and a horse White robe, green-blue tunic with gold border, red-brown cape with pink trim and lining, gold mitre and crozier
c.1800 James Barry The Baptism of the King of Cashel by Saint Patrick National Gallery of Ireland Oil on paper sketch White bishop's vestments with gold trim [28] [29][28]
1896 Hubert-Denis Etcheverry [fr] St Patrick Converting Two Irish Noblewomen Musée Bonnat-Helleu Baptising Eithne and Fidelma from the bank of their bathing-place barefoot and bareheaded, white surplice and cowl, brown mantle [n 4] [31][30]
20c William Nagle (d. 1923) Sketch for a Church Wall Decoration National Gallery of Ireland "including the Nativity, Saints Patrick, Peter, Paul and Other Saints on a Frieze" I'm unsure whether Patrick is first or last saint in lineup [23]
20c Michael Healy various stained glass National Gallery of Ireland Mostly red outer, with blue or yellow lining, white mitre [32]
1912 Frederick Cayley Robinson[n 5] Oil painting The Landing of St. Patrick in Ireland Hugh Lane Gallery On ship arriving at shore Barely visible. Bareheaded, white beard, dull robe with lighter mantle, perhaps holding staff [24]
1924 Catherine Amelia O'Brien Saint Patrick sketch for stained glass National Gallery of Ireland Standing with view of seashore White robe, gold trim; blue wrap, red lining; gold crook, bareheaded [25]
1932 Margaret Clarke St Patrick climbs Croagh Patrick Hugh Lane Gallery Climbing Croagh Patrick White monk's habit, green cloak with purple lining [26] [34][35]
by 1935 William Conor St Patrick Hugh Lane Gallery One of 16 crayon-on-paper drawings of Gaelic early medieval figures posed on blank background All white, gold trim on mantle, bareheaded, crozier [27]
  1. ^ Moved in 1750 from Santuario di San Patrizio [it], Colzate, Italy
  2. ^ a b Assuming Patrick is the one right of tabernacle in images. From photos and list of all paintings I think the order is (left to right) upper: Saint George and the DragonResurrectionCrucifixionAssumptionAemilian of Cogolla (on horseback); lower: Adoration of the MagiPope Clement I (with papal tiara)—tabernacle—Patrick—Adoration of the Shepherds.
  3. ^ Source[27] cited in List of Tetragrammatons in art in Austria
  4. ^ Image from Blanchet site[30] is larger when opened in a separate tab or window.
  5. ^ Possibly the reference in Benezit to St Patrick Disembarking by Georg Sauter in Dublin Civic Museum?[33]

Patrick Comerford


From Patrick Comerford's blog; posts tagged "Saint Patrick":

  • Saint Patrick lighting the Paschal fire on the Hill of Slane mosaic by Boris Anrep (1883-1969) in Cathedral of Christ the King in Mullingar
  • Saint Patrick Window stained glass in Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Athlone; 1937 by Richard King of Harry Clarke Studios; central image of Patrick is young and clean-shaven; Saint Patrick’s dream and other scenes in side panels
  • Patrick Chapel in Glenstal Abbey [donated by John O’Dwyer of Cappamore in memory of his wife and the Fitzgibbon family]
    • 3 stained glass windows by Patrick Pye (assailed by demons / driving out the saints [sic] / comforted by angels)
    • icon (2008) by Maria Sigala-Spanopoulos
  • various
    • stained-glass window (1925) porch of Saint Bartholomew's Church, Ballsbridge, Dublin
    • stone sculpture (bust with crook on breast) by Seamus Murphy in Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth
    • Saint Patrick preaching in the court of King Laoire … a carving on the ‘Comerford Pulpit’ in Carlow Cathedral
    • statue with mitre and staff on the Hill of Tara
  • Saint Patrick’s Window in Saint Edan’s Cathedral, Ferns "The popular images of Saint Patrick at that time in stained-glass windows, road-side statues and popular postcards show him standing on a bed of shamrocks decked in the robes and mitre of a truly Tridentine bishop. Of course, I would point out that green is the wrong liturgical colour both for Lent and for a saint’s day. But why was he never seen in those popular portrayals in convocation robes or in a simple alb and stole? Because the message was clear: Celtic Christianity was for Roman Catholics only, and at that for a particular type of Catholicism."
  • Saint Patrick with mitre, crozier, Bible and shamrock Stone carving on the side of the chapel in Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth
  • Patrick and the Fire of Pentecost at Tara stained glass window in Saint Patrick’s Church, Tara. "the correct liturgical colour for his day is white, not green. ... for over 1,000 years Saint Patrick’s hue was blue. Blue is still the official colour of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, the official colour of the President and the official colour of the National Stud. Before partition, the strip of the Irish football team, representing the whole island, was Saint Patrick’s Blue."
  • Saint Patrick alongside Saint Cuthbert, Saint Finbar and Saint Laurence O’Toole stained glass windows, baptistery, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin BL Royal 20 D VI f213v manuscript St Patrick temporarily resting in the 1622 Spanish cloister in St Isidore’s #Rome.




  • De Petris, C. (1 January 2012). "Saint Patrick's Purgatory-a fresco in Todi, Italy" (PDF). Studi Irlandesi (2): 255–274.
  • Moss, Rachel. "The Staff, the Snake and the Shamrock: St Patrick in Art". St. Patrick’s Confessio. Royal Irish Academy. Retrieved 30 January 2017.
  • MacGreevy, Thomas (March 1943). "The Iconography of Saint Patrick". Father Mathew Record: 1. Retrieved 31 January 2016.
  • Morris, Henry (1936). "Iconography of St. Patrick". Journal of the Down and Connor Historical Society. VII: 5–29.
  • Rooney, Brendan, ed. (2016). Creating history: stories of Ireland in Art. Irish Academic Press. ISBN 9781911024286.


  1. ^ "Saint Patrick (Paris, BnF, Latin 17767 f.32)". Biblissima. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
  2. ^ Blackburn, Lisa (15 March 2013). "Wearin' o' the Blue". Huntington Blogs. Huntington Museum of Art. Retrieved 30 January 2017.
  3. ^ De Petris 2012, p.262 fn.6, and Plate 1
  4. ^ "Saint Patrick devant le purgatoire (Paris, BnF, NAF 23686 f.178v)". Biblissima. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
  5. ^ "Saint Patrick devant le purgatoire (Paris, BnF, Français 183 f.242v)". Biblissima. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
  6. ^ De Petris 2012, pp.258–9, and Plate 11
  7. ^ "Saint Patrick prêchant (Paris, BnF, Français 185 f.186v)". Biblissima. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
  8. ^ "Saint Patrick et le roi (Paris, BnF, Français 241 f.83)". Biblissima. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
  9. ^ "Saint Patrick et le roi (Paris, BnF, Français 242 f.72)". Biblissima. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
  10. ^ "Saint Patrick devant le purgatoire (Paris, BnF, Français 244 f.104v)". Biblissima. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
  11. ^ Moss; Wright, Colin. "Miniature Of St. Patrick In Purgatory, In 'St. Patrick's Purgatory'".
  12. ^ "G. Galizzi, San Marco tra San Giacomo e San Patrizio, XVI sec". La chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria Assunta (in Italian). FONDAZIONE BERNAREGGI. Retrieved 31 January 2017.
  13. ^ a b "Visita guidata al museo di Arte Sacra e alla parrocchiale di S.Maria Assunta". Paese Mio (in Italian). 13 April 2015. Retrieved 31 January 2017.
  14. ^ a b c MacGreevy 1941
  15. ^ "Eglise Saint-Patrice à Rouen". (in French). Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  16. ^ a b Saint Patrick
  17. ^ Sullivan, Edward J. (2003). "Coello, Claudio". Oxford Art Online. doi:10.1093/gao/9781884446054.article.T018444.
  18. ^ Blasco, Julio Martín (7 November 2009). "San Alipio". Belchite (in European Spanish). Retrieved 1 September 2020. Ignoramos el motivo por el que figura San Patricio en lugar de San Posidio, obispo norteafricano, discípulo y amigo de San Agustín. Algunos autores afirman que éste tuvo un hermano llamado Patricio, pero no está confirmado este dato. San Patricio no es considerado como santo agustino.
  19. ^ "Stus. Patritius catervas Demonum visibiliter ex Hybernia propulsavit. ex eius vit". Holdings. National Library of Ireland. Retrieved 31 January 2017.
  20. ^ Varriano, John (2003). "Bizzacheri, Carlo Francesco". Oxford Art Online. doi:10.1093/gao/9781884446054.article.T009072.
  21. ^ the-excolegiata-de-san-patricio-in-lorca murciatoday; la-antigua-colegiata-de-san-patricio cosasdelorca; Camacho Felizes; Obra; Obras conservadas regmurcia
  22. ^ Whistler, Catherine (Spring 1985). "Tiepolo's St. Patrick Altarpiece". Irish Arts Review. 2 (1): 32–35. JSTOR 2049171.
  23. ^ "Saint Patrick healing an invalid, by Tiepolo, housed in the Museo Civico,". Getty Images. Retrieved 30 January 2017.
  24. ^ NÍ MHEARA, RÓISÍN (2004). "Maulbertsch's Portrait of St Patrick". Seanchas Ardmhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society. 20 (1): 24–26. ISSN 0488-0196. JSTOR 25746972.
  25. ^ Un irlandese in Val Seriana: il santuario di San Patrizio e la “fonte miracolosa”
  26. ^ "Figure 28: V. Waldré, 'St Patrick Lighting the Pascal Fire on the Hill of Slane'". St. Patrick’s Confessio. Retrieved 12 February 2017.
  27. ^ a b Pihan, Bonaventura (1996). Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schutz am Semmering. Maria Schutz: Passionistenkloster.
  28. ^ a b "The Baptism of the King of Cashel by Saint Patrick". Online collection. National Gallery of Ireland. Retrieved 30 January 2017.
  29. ^ Pressly, Jr, William L. (September 1976). "James Barry's 'The Baptism of the King of Cashel by St Patrick'". Burlington Magazine. 118 (882): 642–647. JSTOR 878531.
  30. ^ a b Blanchet, Frédéric. "Etcheverry (Hubert Denis)". Maison Blanchet (1834-1963).
  31. ^
  32. ^ Michael Healy objects
  33. ^ "Sauter, Georg". Benezit Dictionary of Artists. Oxford Art Online. 31 October 2011. ISBN 9780199773787.
  34. ^ Rooney 2016, pp.176–7
  35. ^ "Image of St Patrick Climbs Croagh Patrick, 1932 (oil on canvas) by Clarke, Margaret (1888-1961)". Bridgeman Art Library. Retrieved 19 March 2024.

Further reading

  • Harbison, Peter (2004). "Representations of St Patrick: Patrician imagery from medieval times to the present". In MacShamhráin, Ailbhe (ed.). Island of St Patrick. Church and Ruling Dynasties in Fingal and Meath, 400–1148. Dublin: Four Courts. pp. 89–105. ISBN 9781851828678.

Patrice (saint) index of 8th-18th century manuscripts and printed works