User:Jnestorius/Irish pronunciation

Phonology of Irish and Irish English interact.


English lexical set English spellings Irish English phoneme Dublin Irish phoneme Irish spellings English–Gaelic homophones
KIT i ɪ i ɪ ship, rip, dim, spirit engspell gaspell eng–ir
DRESS e e e ɛ step, ebb, hem, terror engspell gaspell eng–ir
TRAP a æ a æ bad, cab, ham, arrow engspell gaspell eng–ir
LOT o ɒ a ɑ stop, rob, swan engspell gaspell eng–ir
STRUT u ʌ u ʌ cub, rub, hum engspell gaspell eng–ir
FOOT u ʊ u ʊ full, look, could engspell gaspell eng–ir
BATH a ɑː a æ staff, clasp, dance engspell gaspell eng–ir
CLOTH o ɒ o ɔ cough, long, laurel, origin engspell gaspell eng–ir
NURSE e ɜː e ɜr hurt, term, work engspell gaspell eng–ir
FLEECE i iː i i seed, key, seize engspell gaspell eng–ir
FACE e eɪ e eɪ weight, rein, steak engspell gaspell eng–ir
PALM a ɑː a ɑ * calm, bra, father engspell gaspell eng–ir
THOUGHT o ɔː o ɔ * taut, hawk, broad engspell gaspell eng–ir
GOAT o əʊ o o soap, soul, home engspell gaspell eng–ir
GOOSE u uː u u who, group, few engspell gaspell eng–ir
PRICE a aɪ a aɪ ripe, tribe, aisle, choir engspell gaspell eng–ir
CHOICE o ɔɪ o ɔɪ boy, void, coin engspell gaspell eng–ir
MOUTH a aʊ a aʊ pouch, noun, crowd, flower engspell gaspell eng–ir
NEAR i ɪə i ɪr beer, pier, fierce, serious engspell gaspell eng–ir
SQUARE e ɛə e ɛr care, air, wear, Mary engspell gaspell eng–ir
START a ɑː a ɑr far, sharp, farm, safari engspell gaspell eng–ir
NORTH o ɔː o ɔr war, storm, for, aural engspell gaspell eng–ir
FORCE o ɔː o or floor, coarse, ore, oral engspell gaspell eng–ir
CURE u ʊə u ʊr poor, tour, fury engspell gaspell eng–ir

