User:Jnestorius/March 1938 Seanad election

< Members of the 2nd Seanad

The vote was an indirect election in which the 354 voters were an electoral college comprising all 137 TDs[fn 1] and seven members of each of the 31 local authorities.[1][fn 2] Each county or city council held a nomination meeting at which seven were either nominated unopposed by prior agreement or else elected by single transferable vote.


19 May 1936 Final meeting of the Free State Seanad
29 May 1936 Constitution (Amendment No. 24) Act 1936 abolishes the Free State Seanad, leaving the Free State Dáil as sole house of the Free State Oireachtas.
1 Jul 1937 A plebiscite approves a new Constitution of Ireland, and a general election returns the 138 TDs of the 9th Dáil, the final Free State Dáil
21 Dec 1937 Seanad Éireann (Panel members) Electoral Act 1937 is enacted by the Free State Oireachtas.
29 Dec 1937 Constitution comes into force. The 9th Dáil continues as the new Dáil Éireann under the new Constitution. Initially the new Oireachtas is unicameral, comprising the Dáil and the new Presidential Commission. The Seanad Éireann (Panel members) Electoral Act 1937 comes into force with the Constitution.[2]
30 Dec 1937 Seanad election order, signed by Gerald Boland on behalf of Seán T. O'Kelly, the Minister for Local Government, is made specifying the cutoff dates for various stages of the panel election process.[3] O'Kelly appoints Wilfred Brown as panel election returning officer and registrar of the register of nominating bodies.[4]
24 Jan 1938 Closing date for application to register as a nominating body.[5]
Jan–Feb 1938 County councils hold meetings to nominate seven councillors as Seanad electors
5 Feb 1938 Provisional list of nominating bodies published in Iris Oifigiúil.[6]
15–18 Feb 1938 Appeals of registration of nominating bodies are held.[7]
Feb 1938 Nominating bodies make nominations
18 Feb 1938 The names of councils' nominated Seanad electors are published in Iris Oifigiúil[8]
22 Feb 1938 Final list of nominating bodies published in Iris Oifigiúil[6]
26 Feb 1938 Close of nominations (midday[3]) on the nominating bodies subpanels; IT says 87 people were provisionally listed,[9] but list excludes George C. Cullinan and P H McCarthy.
3 Mar 1938 Closing (11am) of TDs' nominations on the Dáil subpanels. Parties waited to see the outside nominees before deciding who their TDs would nominate.[10] Fianna Fail's national executive agreed its candidates on 28 February for subsequent approval by its TDs; its nominations are mostly submitted on the final morning.[11][12] On 2 March Fine Gael nominated only ?zzz approx 12 candidates; its Dáil numbers entitled it to 24 but felt this would spread the vote too thin.[13]
4 Mar 1936 Close (4pm[3]) of ex-officio nominations to the Administrative Panel's Dáil subpanel. This power was held by current and former heads of government, namely Taoiseach Éamon de Valera and his predecessor as President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State, William T. Cosgrave. Neither man exercised his right to nominate.[14]
7 Mar 1938[15] Completion of panels. Returning officer, with Conor Maguire as judicial referee,[16] excludes none of the 89 on the provisional list. Although IT 21 Feb reports ISBGA nominating three,[17] only two are on its 5 Mar list of 87 names.[9] ( "J. Seymour" is omitted.[17][9]) Taoiseach nominates three to the Labour outside subpanel and one to the Cultural inside subpanel.[18]
15 Mar 1938 Ballots are posted to electors. They measure 40 inches by 30 (1 m by 75 cm) with 132 names listed in six columns of 22.[19]
28 Mar 1938 Closing date for receipt of completed ballots (11 am).[19]
28–29 Mar 1938 Counting of ballots
31 Mar 1938 Éamon de Valera names the eleven Taoiseach's appointees to the Seanad, including three defeated in the panel election.[20]
27 Apr 1938 Inaugural meeting of 2nd Seanad

Nominating bodies

Dáil and nominating-bodies subpanels of Seanad panels, March 1938
Panel Senators elected Panel nominees Nominating bodies
Tot Dáil Bodies Tot Dáil Bodies Num Max[21] List
Administrative 7 4 3 18 8 10 5 2

Associated Easter Week Men (Cumann Óglaigh na Cásga); Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland; General Council of County Councils; Mount Street Club; Women's National Health Association of Ireland

Agricultural 11 6 5 27 11 16 8 2

Irish Agricultural Organisation Society Irish Bloodstock Breeders' Association; Irish Creamery Managers' Association; Irish Sugar Beet Growers' Association; Munster Agricultural Society; National Executive of the Irish Live Stock Trade; Royal Dublin Society; Sea Fisheries Association;

Cultural and Educational 5 1 4 32
30 15 2
Industrial and Commercial 9 5 4 38 9 29 15 2

Chambers of Commerce of Ireland; Drapers' Chamber of Trade; Dublin Stock Exchange; Federated Employers; Federation of Saorstát Industries; Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland; Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland; Insurance Institute of Ireland; Irish Auctioneers & Valuers Institute; Irish Banks Standing Committee; Irish Tourist Association; Licensed Grocers' and Vintners' Protection Association; National Agricultural and Industrial Development Association; Society of Irish Motor Traders; Women's Industrial Development Association

Labour 11 6 5 13
9 4
2 4

Cottage Tenants' and Rural Workers' Association; Irish Congress of Trade Unions

Total 43 22 21 128

Under the 1937 act, a maximum of 15 bodies were permitted on each panel. Five organisations unsuccessfully appealed against the rejection of their registration as nominating bodies, namely: (on the Cultural and Educational Panel) the Irish Medical Union, General Nursing Council, Irish Nurses' Union, and National Union of Journalists; and (on the Agricultural Panel) the Dublin Cowkeepers' and Dairymen's Association.[7] The appeals committee comprised TDs William Norton, Patrick Beegan, Michael Colbert, John A. Costello, Michael Kennedy, Patrick Little, Bernard Maguire, Séamus Moore, John M. O'Sullivan, and Patrick Smith.[7]

There were only two nominating bodies on the Labour Panel: the large Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU, affiliated to the Labour Party) and the small "Cottage Tenants and Rural Workers Association" based in Ballingarry, County Limerick. The ICTU and Labour felt the Ballingarry group was small, had been defunct, and was revived solely for the purpose of securing Fianna Fáil nominations.[9][22] In protest, the ICTU refused to nominate election candidates, so the Taoiseach, Éamon de Valera had to add nominees to complete the nominating bodies subpanel of the Labour Panel. The Labour Party's 13 TDs boycotted the poll altogether in protest, neither nominating nor voting on any panel. Its local councillors participated in the councils' nomination meetings before the boycott decision was taken, and 11 were nominated to the electoral college, in which they refused to vote.



The rules used differed from those used in Seanad panel elections since 1947. All 132 candidates from the five panels were listed together, in alphabetical order of surname, on a single ballot paper "nearly a yard [90 cm] long". There were a fixed number of candidates to be elected from each of the ten subpanels, so that when that number was reached all remaining candidates from that subpanel were eliminated, even if candidates on other subpanels had fewer votes. The returning officer was not the clerk of the Seanad but rather Wilfred Brown, a civil servant in the Department of Local Government.[fn 3]

Counting took place on 28–29 March by 12 assistants under Wilfred Brown's supervision. Checking and sorting the ballots and tallying the first-preferences took six hours, with 15 candidates elected on the first count, 12 of whom were former Oireachtas members. Eight more were elected that evening before counting adjourned for the night. After 33 counts, 35 remaining candidates with zero votes were eliminated in one stroke. Subsequent distributions of fractional votes generally proceeded subpanel by subpanel.

Candidates 132
Seats 43
Electorate 354
Turnout 330
Spoilt votes 2
Valid votes 328
Quota 7.455
Counts 95
Results of the March 1938 Seanad panel election[15][13][12][26]
Name Panel Subpanel Nominator Party FPv Outcome Final
count[t 1]
count[t 2]
Michael Hayes Adm In TDs FG 12 Elected 1 zzzxfr
Richard Mulcahy Adm In TDs FG 11 Elected 1 13
Thomas Ruane Adm In TDs FF 10 Elected 1 14-18
Margaret Mary Pearse Adm In TDs FF 7 Elected 2-11 zzzxfr
Seán Goulding Adm In TDs FF 6 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Desmond FitzGerald Adm In TDs FG 5 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
John Scott Adm In TDs Ind 4 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Eamon Donnelly Adm In TDs FF 3 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Thomas Condon Adm Out General Council of County Councils Ind 4 Elected 48 zzzxfr [27]
Christopher Byrne Adm Out General Council of County Councils FF 3 Elected 48 zzzxfr [27]
John Newcome Adm Out Mount Street Club Ind 0 Elected 48 zzzxfr The nominating body's honorary secretary.[8]
Francis Joseph Carney Adm Out Associated Easter Week Men zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Mary Cosgrave Adm Out Women's National Health Association of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [28]
John Donnelly Adm Out Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr From Carrickmacross[29] ?zzz John Donnelly Sheridan?
Clare Kennedy Adm Out Women's National Health Association of Ireland[28] zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Widow of Hugh Kennedy, Chief Justice 1924–1936
Peadar S. O'Carroll Adm Out Associated Easter Week Men zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr ?zzz possibly the Peadar O'Carroll who was a 1916 veteran and uncle of Brendan O'Carroll
Philip Townsend "Paddy" Somerville-Large Adm Out Mount Street Club zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's chairman[8]
Maud Walsh Adm Out Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [29]
William Quirke Agr In TDs FF 12 Elected 1 zzzxfr
Patrick Kehoe Agr In TDs FF 9 Elected 1 19
William Caffrey Agr In TDs FG 7 Elected 13 30
Seán Gibbons Agr In TDs FF 7 Elected 2-11 zzzxfr
Ross McGillycuddy Agr In TDs Ind 6 Elected zzzfinal 32
Pádraic Ó Máille Agr In TDs FF 4 Elected 18 31
Michael Behan Agr In TDs FF 4 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Martin Quinn Agr In TDs FF 4 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Thomas Westropp Bennett Agr In TDs FG 3 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Kathleen Browne Agr In TDs FG 3 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Edward Richards-Orpen Agr In TDs FG 3 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Patrick Baxter Agr Out Irish Co-operative Organisation Society FG 8 Elected 1 20
Martin O'Dwyer Agr Out Irish Co-operative Organisation Society Ind 3 Elected 12 zzzxfr
John Nassau Greene Agr Out Irish Sugar Beet Growers' Association Ind 1 Elected 95 The nominating body's chairman[17]
Michael Twomey Agr Out Munster Agricultural Society Ind 1 Elected 81 zzzxfr [17]
William O'Callaghan Agr Out Irish Sugar Beet Growers' Association FG 0 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's vice-chairman[17]
Dominick MacCabe Agr Out Dairy Executives' Association zzzparty 4 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Dairy farmer and creamery manager.[30]
Michael Bermingham Agr Out National Executive of the Irish Live Stock Trade zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's chairman[29]
Patrick D. Casey Agr Out Dairy Executives' Association zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Dairy farmer and creamery manager.[30]
Cornelius D. Crowley Agr Out National Executive of the Irish Live Stock Trade zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [29]
William Desmond Agr Out Munster Agricultural Society zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [17]
George de Stacpoole Agr Out Irish Bloodstock Breeders' Association[17] zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr 5th Duke de Stacpoole in the papal nobility.
John Leonard Agr Out Royal Dublin Society zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
D. E. O'Boyle Agr Out Sea Fisheries Association zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Fish merchant[30]
Sidney John "Jack" Parr Agr Out Irish Bloodstock Breeders' Association[17] zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr From a landed family in Athboy, he played for Ireland in the 1914 Five Nations Championship.[31]
Eamonn Reid Agr Out Sea Fisheries Association zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Fish and coal merchant[30]
William Evelyn Wylie Agr Out Royal Dublin Society zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's council member and Dublin Horse Show organiser. As QC prosecuted Easter Rising insurgents. Judge of the High Court of Justice in Ireland (1920–24) and the successor High Court (1924–36).
Patrick Doyle Cul & Edu In TDs FG 6 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
Peadar Toner Mac Fhionnlaoich Cul & Edu In Taoiseach FF 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
William Magennis Cul & Edu In TDs FF 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
James Parkinson Cul & Edu Out Veterinary Council of Ireland FG 18 Elected 1 zzzxfr Veterinarian[29]
Seán O'Donovan Cul & Edu Out Veterinary Council of Ireland FF 6 Elected 2-11 zzzxfr Veterinarian and Dublin City Councillor[29]
Gearóid O'Sullivan Cul & Edu Out Bar Council of Ireland FG 2 Elected 28 33 Barrister
Séamus Ó hEocha Cul & Edu Out Irish Technical Education Association Ind 0 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr Principal of Coláiste na Rinne[29]
Thomas Delany Cul & Edu Out Law Society of Ireland zzzparty 2 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's president[29]
John J. Horgan Cul & Edu Out Law Society of Ireland zzzparty 2 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Solicitor[29]
Liam Ó Buachalla Cul & Edu Out Irish Technical Education Association zzzparty 2 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Lecturer, UCG.[29]
Patrick C. Cahill Cul & Edu Out Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland zzzparty 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's vice-president
George C. Cullinan Cul & Edu Out Bar Council of Ireland zzzparty 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Senior Counsel
James Joseph Kerr Cul & Edu Out Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland zzzparty 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's registrar
Nora Stuart Cul & Edu Out Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland zzzparty 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Secondary teacher
Arthur W. Conway Cul & Edu Out Royal Irish Academy zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's president; university professor[32]
Cornelius Michael Drum Cul & Edu Out Catholic Young Men's Society of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Businessman
William J. Flynn Cul & Edu Out Institute of Journalists[33] zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Journalist
Thomas P. French Cul & Edu Out Catholic Young Men's Society of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Insurance Official
Felix E. Hackett Cul & Edu Out Library Association of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Professor of phyics and electrical engineering, UCD[27]
James Edmond Hogan Cul & Edu Out Dental Board[28] zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Dentist
John F. W. Howley Cul & Edu Out Library Association of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Professor emeritus of philosophy, UCG[27]
Brian Mac Giolla Phadraig Cul & Edu Out Leinster College of Irish zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's principal
Jeremiah Mahony Cul & Edu Out Institute of Journalists zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's chairman;[33] Irish Press journalist
Thomas G. Moorehead Cul & Edu Out Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Physician[29]
John James Nolan Cul & Edu Out Royal Irish Academy zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's secretary; professor or Irish poetry, UCD[32]
Thomas J. Nunan Cul & Edu Out Irish National Teachers' Organisation zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's incoming president[34]
Thomas J. O'Connell Cul & Edu Out Irish National Teachers' Organisation zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's outgoing general secretary[34]
Séamus Ó Duilearga Cul & Edu Out Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Lecturer in folklore
Agnes O'Farrelly Cul & Edu Out Leinster College of Irish zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
John I. Potter Cul & Edu Out Dental Board[28] zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Dentist
Robert Lloyd Praeger Cul & Edu Out Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Richard Atkinson Stoney Cul & Edu Out Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Surgeon[29]
Thomas P. Waller Cul & Edu Out Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's president
Michael Hearne Ind & Comm In TDs FF 11 Elected 1 zzzxfr
Daniel Corkery Ind & Comm In TDs FF 10 Elected 1 14-18
John MacLoughlin Ind & Comm In TDs FG 10 Elected 1 14-18
James Crosbie Ind & Comm In TDs FG 8 Elected 1 zzzxfr
Brian O'Rourke Ind & Comm In TDs FG 8 Elected 1 zzzxfr
Tadhg Crowley Ind & Comm In TDs FF 6 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Peter Trainor Kelly Ind & Comm In TDs Ind 5 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Erskine H. Childers Ind & Comm In TDs FF 2 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Frank Henderson Ind & Comm In TDs FF 2 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
James G. Douglas Ind & Comm Out Federation of Saorstát Industries Ind 8 Elected 1 zzzxfr
David Madden Ind & Comm Out Irish Tourist Association FG 5 Elected 53 zzzxfr Limerick County Council member[8]
Cornelius Kennedy Ind & Comm Out Licensed Grocers' and Vintners' Protection Association FG 3 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
Linda Kearns MacWhinney Ind & Comm Out Women's Industrial Development Association FF 3 Elected 53 zzzxfr
John G. Duggan Ind & Comm Out Drapers' Chamber of Trade Ind 2 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Frank J. Hugh O'Donnell Ind & Comm Out Federation of Saorstát Industries[35] Ind 2 Defeated 74 75
Hubert Briscoe Ind & Comm Out Dublin Stock Exchange Ind 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's president[8]
Barry Egan Ind & Comm Out Irish Tourist Association zzzparty 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's president[8]
John Good Ind & Comm Out Chambers of Commerce of Ireland Ind 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [36][37]
James J. Holloway Ind & Comm Out National Agricultural and Industrial Development Association Ind 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's president[38]
Alexander Joseph Magennis Ind & Comm Out Chambers of Commerce of Ireland Ind 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [36]
Dennis O'Dwyer Ind & Comm Out Federated Employers Ind 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [33]
Patrick F. Quinlan Ind & Comm Out Society of Irish Motor Traders Ind 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Mayor of Limerick 1933–4 for the Progressive Party, a local ally of Fine Gael. ?zzz related to Patrick Quinlan, senator
Frederick Summerfield Ind & Comm Out Society of Irish Motor Traders Ind 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
John Harold Aylward Ind & Comm Out Insurance Institute of Ireland Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Manager at Royal Insurance[30]
Liam Clancy Ind & Comm Out Licensed Grocers' and Vintners' Protection Association Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Henry Connolly Ind & Comm Out Irish Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' Association Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's president[8]
Michael H. Grey Ind & Comm Out Irish Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' Association Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's secretary[8]
Henry E. Hall Ind & Comm Out National Agricultural and Industrial Development Association Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [38]
Gordon Francis Joyce Ind & Comm Out Insurance Institute of Ireland Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Manager at Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation[30]
John Keane Ind & Comm Out Irish Banks Standing Committee Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
David Kellett Ind & Comm Out Federated Employers Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [33]
Geoffrey L. Kennedy Ind & Comm Out Dublin Stock Exchange Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr The nominating body's ex-president [8]
Patrick Harnett McCarthy Ind & Comm Out Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [27]
Walter Nugent Ind & Comm Out Irish Banks Standing Committee Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Christine Mary O'Neill Ind & Comm Out Women's Industrial Development Association Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
T. J. Purtill Ind & Comm Out Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [27]
John Joseph Robinson Ind & Comm Out Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [27]
George Hill Tulloch Ind & Comm Out Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland Ind 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr [27]
Seán Hayes Lab In TDs FF 10 Elected 1 14-18
James Johnston Lab In TDs FF 8 Elected 1 21
John Butler Lab In TDs Lab 6 Elected zzzfinal 29
John Gaffney Lab In TDs Ind 4 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
Seán Milroy Lab In TDs FG 1 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
Frederick Hawkins Lab In TDs Ind 0 Elected 73 zzzxfr
Henry O'Toole Lab In TDs FG 3 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Michael Staines Lab In TDs FF 1 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr Dublin City Council alderman
Tobias Breslin Lab In TDs FF 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Thomas McShea Lab Out Taoiseach Ind 7 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
David Walsh Lab Out Taoiseach Ind 5 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
Michael Conway Lab Out Cottage Tenants and Rural Workers Association Ind 2 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
James Tunney Lab Out Cottage Tenants and Rural Workers Association Lab 2 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
Gilbert Hughes Lab Out Taoiseach Ind 0 Elected zzzfinal zzzxfr
Patrick J. Bradley Lab Out Cottage Tenants and Rural Workers Association zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
Michael Kerins Lab Out Cottage Tenants and Rural Workers Association zzzparty 0 Defeated zzzfinal zzzxfr
  1. ^ Count after which candidate was elected/eliminated
  2. ^ Count during which candidate's votes (total or surplus) were transferred to remaining candidates




  1. ^ Among the 138 seats was one vacancy, caused by the death of Eamon Rice
  2. ^ Differences from the 2020 local authorities were:
  3. ^ Brown was returning officer at elections to the Irish Free State Seanad (including the 1925 popular election and subsequent restricted-franchise general and by-elections[23]) as well as the 1937 plebiscite approving the Constitution of Ireland,[24] and the (uncontested) 1938 presidential election.[25] He had also supervised Dáil and local elections.[3]


Rules and Orders made in 1937–1938 by the Minister for Local Government using powers conferred by the Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act 1937
Ref Name Subject Date made Empowering section of act External links
1938/sro/32 1938/sro/905 1938/sro/906 DL056354
SEPMDTO Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) (Days and Times) Order 1937 Specifies
  • the expiration day and hour for nominating bodies, Dáil, and ex-officio nominations; [s.6(3) says from 2nd election NB + 7 < D; s.6(4) says D < Ex-o]
  • day and place for completion of the panels;
  • day of issue of ballot papers;
  • day and hour of close of the poll
  • address of the Seanad returning officer to which applications for registration, nomination papers
1937-12-30 s.6 - - - Alluded
SEC1 Seanad Electorate (Councils) No. 1 Regulations 1938 Procedure of Seanad Election Meeting for selecting electors
  • [I infer from allusions in SEC2]
  • [Possibly explicitly applies only to first Seanad election; SECoV explicitly applies to second and subsequent Seanad election, but neither SECoV nor SEVbC explicitly cancel or even refer to SEC1]
1938-01-19 at latest s.37 [I infer] Alluded in SEC2 - - -
SEC2 Seanad Electorate (Councils) No. 2 Regulations 1938
[S.R. & O. No. 32/1938]
Counting the votes from the Seanad Election Meeting 1938-01-19 s.37 Printed - Alluded in SECoV -
FN unnamed Forms for nominating candidates
1938-02-14 s.7 - Printed - -
FR unnamed Forms for ballot paper for electors:
1938-03-10 s.7 - Printed - -
FC unnamed Forms for election results:
1938-04-09 s.7 and Sch.1 rr.23, 24 - - Printed -
SEVbC Seanad Electorate (Voting by Councils) Regulations 1938 Procedure of Seanad Election Meeting for selecting electors 1938-06-04 s.37 - - Printed -
SECoV Seanad Electorate (Counting of Votes) Regulations 1938 Adapts SEC2 to work from SEVbC instead of SEC1 1938-06-24 s.37 - - Printed -


  • "Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act 1937 – Debates". Bills and Acts. Oireachtas. 21 July 1937. Retrieved 23 April 2020.
  • "Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act 1937". electronic Irish Statute Book. 21 December 1937. Retrieved 23 April 2020.
  • Hogan, Gerard W.; Kinsella, Eoin (2012). The Origins of the Irish Constitution, 1928–1941. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. ISBN 978-1-904890-75-1.


  1. ^ IT 1938/0224/Pg011
  2. ^ Seanad Éireann (Panel members) Electoral Act 1937 s.2
  3. ^ a b c d IT 1937/1231/Pg007
  4. ^ WIT 1938/0212/Pg004
  5. ^ 1937 Act s.10(c)
  6. ^ a b WIT 1938/0226/Pg010
  7. ^ a b c "The Senate Panels; Committee Hears Appeals". The Irish Times. 16 February 1938. p. 7. Retrieved 23 April 2020.;IT 1938/0217/Pg008 IT 1938/0219/Pg010
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i IT 0219/Pg005
  9. ^ a b c d WIT 1938/0305/Pg009
  10. ^ IT 1938/0226/Pg009
  11. ^ zzz IT 1938/0301/Pg007
  12. ^ a b IT 1938/0303/Pg007
  13. ^ a b IT 1938/0302/Pg007
  14. ^ IT 1938/0304/Pg007
  15. ^ a b "Nominations for Senate". The Irish Times. 28 February 1938. pp. 7, 8. Retrieved 23 April 2020.
  16. ^ WIT 1938/0312/Pg009
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h IT 1938/0221/Pg002
  18. ^ IT 1938/0308/Pg005
  19. ^ a b IT 1938/0315/Pg005
  20. ^ IT 1938/0401/Pg006
  21. ^ 1937 Act s.22
  22. ^ IT 1938/0224/Pg007
  23. ^ "27 Candidates for Senate". The Irish Times. 17 November 1928. p. 8.; "The Election of Senators". The Irish Times. 3 December 1928. p. 7.; "Free State Senate Elections; Surprising Results". Weekly Irish Times. 12 December 1931. p. 8.
  24. ^ Hogan 2012 No.224 p.601
  25. ^ Hogan 2012 No.256 p.627
  26. ^ "Elected to the Senate". The Irish Times. 29 March 1938. pp. 7, 8. Retrieved 20 April 2020.; "Senate election over". The Irish Times. 30 March 1938. p. 7. Retrieved 20 April 2020.
  27. ^ a b c d e f g h IT 1938/0226/Pg010 "Other Nominees"
  28. ^ a b c d IT 1938/0218/Pg008
  29. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l IT 1938/0225/Pg008
  30. ^ a b c d e f IT 1938/0226/Pg009
  31. ^ Walsh, Bernard (15 March 2016). "The History of the Parr Family". Athboy 100. Retrieved 24 April 2020.
  32. ^ a b zzz IT 1938/0224/Pg002
  33. ^ a b c d IT 1938/0216/Pg008
  34. ^ a b "Teachers, T.U.C. split on Senate boycott" (PDF). Dungarvan Observer. Vol. 26, no. 1285. 19 March 1938. p. 5 col 3. Retrieved 23 April 2020.
  35. ^ "[Caption] Mr. F. H. O'Donnell". The Irish Times. 23 March 1938. p. 4. Retrieved 21 April 2020.
  36. ^ a b IT 1938/0217/Pg011
  37. ^ IT 1938/0315/Pg005 col 3
  38. ^ a b IT 1938/0215/Pg008