Ivanhoe (Novel)


Ivanhoe is a novel published by Walter Scott . It talks about a Norman knight who was injurd during King Richard disapearence . Talks about the tournament of Eshbi hostet by a nosel of the Sanksons by the name of Sidrick and his daughter Lady Rovena who was fairly beautiful and the lady that Ivanho loved. It continues with the revolution of sankson slaves and the kidnaping of Isak the trader from york who had a girl named Rebeka . The kidnappers of isak where two traitors of the normaans Brajan de Bua-Gil ber and Moris de Brassi who both lost their lives into the tournament of Eshbi . It also speaks about the kings brother John who after the tournament was expecting to claim the throne and become King John but a mysterious black knight cut his hopes short by revaling his true identity as King ritchard . The novel ends with Ivanhoe being married with lady Rovena King Ritchard geting his trone back and prince John being punished for all of the blood that he had coused.

About the book
Author Walter Scott
Year of publish 1819
Book type Historic
Original languge English ( Britain )