User:Joeystanley/Jemez deletion



The language features a singular, dual, and plural nominal system, with a curious morpheme -sh, as shown in the following data[1] :

Jemez English Jemez with -sh English
tyó 'a girl' tyósh 'girls'
séé 'an eagle' séésh 'eagles'
wéhų́ 'a skeleton' wéhų́sh 'skeletons'
hhú 'at least three cedars' hhúsh 'one or two cedars'
hwúúy'a 'at least three weeds' hwúúy'ash 'one or two weeds'
káápœ 'at least three tents' káápœsh 'one or two tents'
'one, or at least three flowers' sh 'two flowers'
dééde 'one, or at least three shirts' déédesh 'two shirts'
géésu 'one, or at least three cheeses' géésush 'two cheeses'
  1. ^ Mithun, M. (1999). The Languages of Native North America. Cambridge University Press. p. 81, 443. Cited in Deutscher, Guy (2005). The Unfolding of Language: An Evolutionary Tour of Mankind's Greatest Invention. New York: Henry Holt and Company. p. 43.