John A. Alaban Artist - Sculptor,Painting, Animation, Digital,Experimental/Alternative arts .Born on June 15, 1964 at La Granja, Negros Occidental, Philippines.

His parents are Roberto Alaban sr. and Perigrina Alaban. His greatest achievement as a sculptor is the 132 ft high giant statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus located at Pueblo de Panay, Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines [1] .It was completed last January 5, 2015 after a total of 2 years and 8 months of intermittent work together with his 7 man core team. John is also into Wildlife Photography together with his daughter Shekainah some of their photos can be found viewed by clicking [2] and <>

The sculptor on black shirt at work.
Sculptor John Alaban

Sacred Heart of Jesus giant statue

