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About me

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Hello! My name is John Daniels and I am a junior at Illinois State University studying Political Science. I was born in Chicago and shortly after that my family moved to a suburb called Brookfield, Illinois. I have always been interested in how our society works and that is why I decided to become a Poly Sci Major. I am very excited for this project and I am happy Im going to learn how to do so much on Wikipedia. I would consider myself very liberal but I am always open to new perspectives that derive from all parts of the political spectrum.I am very excited to take this course, and I cannot wait to see the pros and cons of political parties and if they are nothing more than necessary evils. I feel as if I will learn a lot by doing the State Parties and Platform Project and I hope it will help me fully understand the dynamics of our local politics

Favorite Books


Plato's Republic, The Prince, The God Delusion, The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Harry Potter

Favorite Movies


Into the WIld, The Big Lebowski, The Departed, The Godfather, Ghost Dad, Leonard Part 6, What a Wonderful Life, Waking Life