User:Jondel/Waking the Tiger2

Waking the Tiger is a self-help book by Peter A. Levine which presents therapeutic advice for healing past traumas. The therapy presented in the book is based on the idea that the suffering we experience after trauma is primarily the overreactions of the nervous system. Levine's therapy uses classical mythology to illustrate how one deals with trauma without being overwhelmed by facing head-on, not the trauma, but its "reflection" in our nervous system.

Animals in the wild sure subject to threats yet are rarely traumatized. The natural biological system to heal is overriden in humans through the logical process of our brains. A discharge of this traumatic energy allows healing to occur.

About the Author


Dr. Peter Levine has conducted training in psychotherapic systems called Bodymind Integration and Psycocorporal Integration since 1973 in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and practises Reiki.

Peter Levine's method elucidates clearly the process of trauma offers methods allow complete and natural healing by experiencing out the trauma as if an outside observer.
