I am here on WP as I am a Go player... it's a hobby I am passionate with since more than two years now, having started in 01/2014.

Charles Matthews (here on WP) guided me to here who was active last decade to write Go articles and having published the book "Teach yourself GO" in 02/2004 first, with 3rd edition in 2010. (Rec.: Charles had started the "WikiProject Go" on Wikipedia.)

In 2014 I started on my own a small Go blog from beginner's perspective, I named it "MySanRenSei Blog" being inspired by the fuseki (opening) of Takemia Masaki, Japanese 9 Pro Dan. Takemiya invented the "cosmic style" based on playing for influence (as style) and big moyo. It feels very natural for mes compared to the territory oriented style which is more common in modern Go of 21st century.

Astonishingly the MySRS blog received some positive feedback. As it seems many beginners who like to learn this fascinating board game need orientation to have a more systematically way in their personal go studies.

Mostly you can find me on different Go servers playing with the user name LinuxGooo, e.g. KGS (3kyu), Wbaduk (3kyu) and Tygem (10k). I have accounts on Pandanet-IGS, Dragon Go Server (DGS). By lack of time I dont play there. Mainly 50% of my games I play on KGS and 50% on Wbaduk.

In spring 2016 I started in the ASR - Advanced Study Room, which has its domain on KGS. It seems to get a revival as one of the most active study groups (of Western world) on the Internet. If you are interested, feel free to address your questions in the ASR Forum.

Most important, have fun with Go ! Thanks for your interests and coming by :-)

Warm greetings/JR ---

P.S.: In real life I am cultural journalist, radio presenter/moderator and media producer, mainly focussing onto topics about South Asian culture. But that doesnt matter. You can contact me easily via direct email ( mysanrensei [at] gmail dot com ) or social medias. :-)

This user is a participant in WikiProject Go.
This user is a Go player.