Hello People and Welcome To My Page. As of course, I'm Joseph Michael Bargas and I'm born into a large family that consists of 9 siblings. John (Jay), Julian, Roberto Steven (Pee-Wee), Linda Christine, Cathy Ann, Anthony, Darlene & Richard David. I'm the 7th child born to Petra Marian Ojeda and John Esparza Bargas.

My mother is a mixed race woman (Spaniard, French, German & American Apache Indian). My father is Mexican American, My grandfather is Julian Almanderas Ojeda and my grandmother is Jacoba Facunda Ortiz. She is from the North America Apache Tribal Division (Chiricahua / Jicarilla) and Julian is of Spaniard, French and German descent. There are photos of him when he's young and has the German look and there is a painting of Jacoba Facunda showing that she looks like a Native American Indian. Which brings me to my heritage.

I know that I'm a mixed race and it shows in the photos, but will stay accustomed to my grandmothers' race which has nearly been wiped out of existence. I will continue to claim that I'm a Native American Indian because my brothers and sisters found out long before my mother passed away in 1992. Us kids have known this for quite some time and we have stayed in touch throughout the years and spoke of our grandmother Jacoba Facunda. Some photos of us growing up showed us proof that we have the blood of the Apache Tribe and only a few of us got tested for DNA samples to provide proof that says, we are American Native Indian.

My mother has many siblings as well. She has relatives within other states here in the USA. Some are in Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona and Illinois. It's also the same with my fathers' relatives. They too are within the same states as well.