I am joseph teron machado k jtmk. I am living in India I am living in India for so many years etc. I am a Indian citizen I am proud be a Indian my religion is Christianity Roman Catholic person I love my religion also. I had completed my graduation and postgraduate in airlines and associate diploma in IT also etc. I am working in airport India. I love to be an airlines professional and I had became a airline professional I love my professional airlines airport and other etc. I love all airports around the universe. I love airports planes jets helicopters etc in my small age. In upto my small age I love planes with planes others etc I love airline professional I love my India my country. I love my country that's why it means I am joseph teron machado Kuttu jtmk. I am 26 yrs old in 2020 now I am going to be 27 age in coming 27th July my date of birth is 27/7/1994 so I am 26 yrs old age time years decades.