

Government hacking

Government hacking allows exploiting vulnerabilities in electronic products, such as software products, to gain remote access to information. This information allows government investigators to monitor user activity as well as interfere with the operation of these devices.

Revised Lead Section:


Government hacking is the use of government technology to obtain data from a citizen's device. There are four different types of hacking: Malware, stockpiling/exploiting vulnerabilites, encryption backdoors, and malicious hacking. As a result of hacking, negative outcomes often occur, but are not the primary reason for the hack. The role of government hacking is currently expanding from its initial position. Before, single computers were targeted by searches in order to determine if criminal activity was being done. Now however, the FBI can sweep through millions of computers with just one attack. Success is a common result from these attacks, which proves the effectiveness, and provides a reason for continuation of government hacking.

Instructions for writing a good Wikipedia article

  1. Well-Written: The article should utilize a professional style of language. Word count varies based on the topic. If it's a topic with a lot of information, for example, parallel computing. A safe estimate would be about 5,000 to 6,000 words. However, most articles are very short and contain a lot less words. For example, the Caesar Cipher article is a brief article, but is a featured article. So, as long as the article is roughly 1,000 words or more, there is no need to fret. Words or phrases specific to people in the realm of computer science should be surrounded by quotes and briefly explained. It's okay to write as if the reader already has some base knowledge of programming or whatever the topic is. In fact, when mentioning the language used like in the Cortana article, it's okay to simply address it and continue.
  2. Comprehensiveness: The article should address all notable perspectives. History and development of the program should be emphasized in the first few sections after the lead section. As seen in the iPad 2 article, keeping a section after the lead to address the history is expected for topics like this. In addition to this section, it may be necessary to discuss the updates that also developed the device or program, and allowed growth to be made after release. When addressing all perspectives, sometimes it is expected to discuss solutions to problems. For example, the Caesar Cipher did this by showing how to break the cipher and crack the code.
  3. Well-researched: The article should cite its sources frequently. Inline citations should occur nearly every line (not in lead section). This is the norm for all computer science articles. Just to list a few: Caesar Cipher, iPhone 6, iPad 2 Statistics about viewership numbers or downloads should be cited from the source, but others can be from various locations. At least a few of the sources used should be from high profile places.
  4. Neutrality: The article should address all sides proportionally. The iPhone 6 article did this exceptionally well. It has an entire section for strictly hardware issues, and in each section, there is a discussion of alternate perspectives. For example, the general reception of the iPhone was positive, however, they stated that there were no major advancements coming from the iPhone 5 to the 6. Bias should be kept at a minimum, but as long as there is proper backing, the idea can be included (if it's relevant). All points of view should be backed by sources.
  5. Style:
    • Lead: The lead section should directly summarize the articles main points and maintain the appropriate length based on the rest of the article. For about 1,000 word articles, the lead is typically 2 paragraphs, see Doge article for example.
    • appropriate structure: Each major topic should have a section heading. There should be around 4 for topics with less information, and can reach about 8 for large topics.
    • consistent citations: Like stated earlier, inline citations appear nearly every line. Footnotes are used the majority of the time.
  1. Media (number should be 6). Pictures should be used in all topics. But, it does not always have to be in the info box. For example, Norton Internet Security did not use images in the beginning, but added them in further down the article. Info boxes should include information on the developer, date of release, and OS to start. Usually, they include a picture, but not all the time.
  2. Length (number should be 7). Rather than explaining, the article should summarize the content discussed. It does not need to be major detail, but it should address the important points.

Format based off: Wikipedia:Featured article criteria

Miscellaneous Article Notes


This section will contain work for the foxhound group Wikipedia article. (now Holland lop)



Annotated Bibliography


Here's the bibliographic citation: Holland Lop Rabbit Breed. (2019, February 03). Retrieved from

And here's what the source is about and where/how you'll use it in your Wikipedia article: This article provides general information on the rabbit, but specifically, the history. We can use this to develop the history section of our Wikipedia article.

Here's the bibliographic citation: What is a Holland Lop? | How to Care, Lifespan, FAQ (With pictures). (n.d.). Retrieved from

And here's what the source is about and where/how you'll use it in your Wikipedia article: This article provides a wide range of information such as the standard (classification) of the breed, differences between similar breeds, and other topics. We will be using this source for the appearance section of our Wikipedia article.

Here's the bibliographic citation: Holland Lop Rabbit Health, Temperament, Coat, Health and Care. (2019, January 31). Retrieved from

And here's what the source is about and where/how you'll use it in your Wikipedia article: This article provides an overview on the rabbit, but we will be using it specifically for the information on temperament/behavior.

Here's the bibliographic citation: Holland Lop - breed information and advice. (n.d.). Retrieved from

And here's what the source is about and where/how you'll use it in your Wikipedia article: The article shown gives a description of the rabbit while providing detailed information on the health related issues of the rabbit.

Group member assignments


How long is the article, currently? (word count, not including citations)

The article is currently 84 words long.

What's included in the current table of contents?

There is no table of contents currently. There is a sentence explaining the breed's recognition, and a gallery section which includes pictures of the breed.

How many sources are there now?

There are 2 sources now but one of them does not seem to be in use.

Table of Contents:

-Lead section





By Friday (3/22):

Josh: complete half of appearance

Alex: complete half of appearance

Joel: start writing health section, complete info box in class

Lead section


Holland Lop
A pair of two-month-old Holland Lops
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Oryctolagus cuniculus

O. c. domesticus

Holland Lops have short and muscular bodies with small and furry tails and weigh from three to four pounds. They come in five different colors, light orange, purple and grey, grey, dark brown, luminous brown, and white. Additionally, the holland lop's most defining feature would be their large floppy ears approximately 4.7 inches long that hang down to their sides. Holland lops Are also a very easy breed to care for compared to other rabbits and animals. They have no hereditary diseases unique to them specifically although they still can suffer from other common diseases among rabbits. To maintain good health they should be feed a balanced diet of quality pellets, fruits, vegetables, and timothy hay to keep their teeth from overgrowing. Holland lops are an active breed that require plenty of physical stimulation and playtime so they make good family pets.



The history of Holland Lops began with Dutch breeder Adrian De Cock from Tilburg, Holland (Netherlands). Holland Lops, or the "Nederlandse Hangoor Dwerg"   , are acknowledged by ARBA (American Rare Breed Association) in 1979 and made known to the public in 1980.

When Adrian De Cock realized that French Lops were over-sized and Netherland Dwarfs were under-sized in 1949, he decided to make the two breed with each other in hopes that their off-springs will inherit the best of both worlds. French Lops weigh anywhere from 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) to 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) while Netherland Dwarfs only weigh around 1.1 pound (0.5 kilogram) to 2.5 pounds (1.13 kilogram). Unfortunately, the results were nothing like what Adrian expected. Their off-springs were way too big and died as a result. The mother (female Netherland Dwarf) also died from the breeding process. In 1951, Adrian decided to try the breeding process again. Instead of using a Netherlands Dwarf doe, he used a male Netherland Dwarf buck. He did not think that this was possible at first, because the French Lop was much bigger than the Netherland Dwarf buck. Fortunately, the results exceeded Adrian's expectations this time. All of the off-springs were normal-sized and had standard ear positions. In 1952, Adrian wanted the rabbits' ears to be lopped (hanging limply), so he let a French Lop's and a Netherland Dwarf Buck's off-springs breed with the Sooty Fawn, an English Lop with visibly lopped ears. The results were one with lopped ears, 2 with normal ears, and one with semi-lopped ears. At the end of the breeding process in 1955, a Holland Lop weighing less than 6.6 pounds (2.7 kilograms) was born. 11 years after this significant event, Adrian announced Holland Lops weighing less than 4.4 pounds (2 kilograms)  . Another one of Adrian's primary goal at the time was to publicize Holland Lops. In 1964, these rabbits were finally recognized by Dutch breeders and authorities . The event was followed by the presence of Holland Lops across many countries in Europe.

In 1970, these rabbits made their first appearance in the United Kingdom thanks to George Scott, an English rabbits breeder from Yorkshire county who found these Holland Lops. At this time, the average weight of this breed was only about 3.3 pounds (1.5 kilogram)  . The history of the well-known Mini Lop is also related to the history of the Holland Lop. When George Scott found these Holland Lops, he had the desire to make them even smaller, so be let the lightest Holland Lop off-springs breed with each other. The result of this breeding process was the Mini Lop, which was acknowledged by the British Rabbit Council in 1994. In 1976, Holland Lops made their way to the United States, where they were acknowledged by the American Rabbit Breeders Association 3 years later . Over the years, Holland Lops have traveled across the globe and their breeders' accepted maximum weight has changed insignificantly with the actual weight of these rabbits. Holland Lops are now one of the most well-known rabbitbreeds in the United States and the United Kingdom.



Holland Lops as a breed are considered to be very active rabbits. As a result of this, owners should expect to spend time exercising their Lops to "unlock their full potential."[1] In addition to exercise, Holland Lops also require toys to chew on. This is not only important for keeping them occupied, but also for avoiding potential negatives. If neglected, this could ensue in the destruction of personal items, or even walls, as reported by some owners.[2]

As a whole, the Holland Lops is considered to be a friendly breed.[3] Although there is individual variation for each rabbit, this is what is reported. Also, Male rabbits, or bucks have been reported to be less nippy than female rabbits, or does, As does tend to experience a stage where they are shyer and nippy. This typically occurs when they would like to be bred.[4] However, the resulting consequence is that females are not as animated.

Behavior Myths


According to adoption counselor Amy Shapiro, judging a rabbit by the breed alone can provide potential drawbacks. Lop breeds are considered to be mellow breeds, relative to other rabbit breeds, however there is a large risk that comes with taking this point at face value. Instead of jumping to conclusions based off of the color of a rabbit's fur, future owners should be expected to read the rabbit's body position and facial expressions to determine its temperament. Rather than associating negative stereotypes with a breed, owners should seek to work towards behavioral improvements with their rabbit.[5]

Appearance (formats are subject to change)


Similar to most rabbits, Holland Lops' fur is very diverse with a wide variety of colors and combinations. The first type of fur color is light orange, which can also be referred to as "fawn". The second type of fur color is a mix between purple and grey. Although there are many shades of grey, Holland Lops' grey is usually luminous. The third type of fur color is dark brown, which is distributed evenly across the Holland Lop's fur. The fourth type of fur color is luminous brown, which makes Holland Lops resemble squirrels. The fifth type of fur color is white. Interestingly, Holland Lops with white skin and red eyes look a lot like white rats, because they are also very small animals with single-colored eyes (For example: Humans have very large sclera, the white part of our eyes, while rabbits and rats don't). The sixth type of fur color is dark orange, which is very rare among Holland Lops.

The ears are one of Holland Lops' most distinct features. As mentioned in the history of Holland Lops above, they inherit their lopped ears from French Lop and Sooty Fawns. These almond-shaped ears are about 4.7 inches (12 centimeters) long. Since Holland Lops are very small, their legs are also short and stubby. They also have claws that are not used very often.

Holland Lop's tails are small but straight, sturdy, and fluffy.

As mentioned above, Holland Lops, unlike humans, have very small sclera. Their eye color is usually black.

According to the Holland Lop show standards, they are expected to be muscular for their short size. "Broad shoulders and deep hindquarters" are expected traits from a high quality Holland Lop, according to a judge from the Holland Lop Specialty Club. They also added that the legs should be thick, short, and heavily boned. In shows, the body is worth a total of 42 points.[6]

The Holland Lop is typically 60 cm wide when fully stretched, as well as 60 cm tall.[7] The Holland Lop's flesh is known to be muscular and well-toned. This is especially true when applied to high ranking show Holland Lops.[8] Rabbits' teeth never stop growing, since they are hypsodonts. In order to prevent your Holland Lop's teeth from growing extremely long, their diet should consist of mainly hay or fresh grasses, as well as leafy greens, to allow the teeth to wear down.[9] Holland Lops have flat noses, which differentiates them from Mini Lops, who have pointed noses.[10][11] Holland Lops usually weigh between 2-4 pounds. However, according to ARBA, the Holland Lop at maximum weight, is 4 pounds.

The feet of the Holland Lop can be categorized into 6 types. These are: ideal, Narrow HQ, Pinched HQ, Thin bone, Thin long bone, Pinched and Narrow HQ.


The feet are parallel and symmetrical. Foot type indicates that the rabbit will have heavy bone, compact type, and mass.[12]

Narrow HQ

Feet are closer, but still parallel. Indicates less width, but heavy bone and compact type.[13]

Pinched HQ

Heels point towards each other, causing the feet to create a V-shape. This may cause the feet to appear at the bottom when posing for a show.[14]

Thin bone

Feet are shorter and thinner than other structures. This indicates that the rabbit will have medium bone and will remain compact, however will have less mass. [15]

Thin, long bone

This foot structure can cause a change, making the head pointier, and the ears longer and thinner. In addition, the feet are longer than thin boned feet, and increase the overall size of the rabbit. [16]

Pinched and Narrow HQ

This is a combination of the Pinched HQ and Narrow HQ foot structures. The heels point towards each other and are closer together, causing the hindquarters to be more hollow. [17])




The Holland lop is a relatively simple breed of rabbit to care for and keep healthy and live an average of five to seven years. This breed only requires basic grooming and care for them to remain healthy to go along with limited disease related problems. As far as grooming goes, Holland lops should be brushed weekly in order to prevent intestinal blockage that can be caused when the rabbits groom themselves too much and ingest an excessive amount of fur.[18] During the two weeks a year that the Holland Lop is molting, the frequency of brushing should increase. In addition to weekly brushing, nails should be trimmed monthly.

Checking for overgrown teeth is a must too as these can be very painful for the rabbit, a diet consisting of plenty of timothy hay should be enough to prevent this from occurring though. In the case that the teeth do become overgrown this can cause their mouth to shift and in turn lead to possible infection and abscesses.[19] The Holland lop diet should consist of around 70 percent timothy hay along with high quality pellet feed and a variety of fruits and vegetables.[20] These rabbits need an unlimited supply of fresh water too. To maintain a healthy rabbit the correct housing is another essential element.

Cages should be no smaller than 18 inches by 25 inches although it is always better for the cage to be larger than this.[21] Wire bottoms must be avoided too as these are bad for their feet and will cause sore hocks.[22] While they can be kept in a cage, they are very active rabbits that require plenty of physical activity and it is highly recommended to let them have out of cage time to release their energy. The Holland Lop isn't at risk for any specific hereditary health issues, but they are still susceptible to the same common health issues as other rabbit breeds are. In younger baby rabbits under eight weeks old they should be watched for for enteritis along with gut stasis and bloat.[23] As a lop-eared breed of rabbit they can also suffer from ear infections such as otitis.[24]

Parasites are another common issue to all breeds of rabbit, specifically cheyletiella mites which cause itching and hair loss.[25] Although these can easily be treated by either a spot-on treatment or injection form of anti-mite preparations. Spaying and neutering also decreases the chance of reproductive system related diseases such as uterine cancer that can occur in does.

Josh: MLA Works Cited, get more sources for feet - appearance - also restructure this section,

Alex: MLA Works Cited, help w appearance

Joel: MLA Works Cited, undo edits by pepperbeast

Josh's Citations:

Parsons, Paige K. Lops Are Mellow and Other Dangerous Myths,

Dickson, David. “Holland Lop Rabbit Who Loves to Chew (and Chew Some More).” Best Friends Animal Society, 29 Nov. 2017,

“Holland Lop Rabbit Breed.” Lafeber Co. - Small Mammals, 14 Feb. 2019,

“Judging the Holland Lop.” Lots of Lops Rabbitry,

“Rabbit Hutch/Cage Size Guide.” The Rabbit House, 10 June 2014,

“What Is a Holland Lop? | How to Care, Lifespan, FAQ (With Pictures).”,

“Four Steps to Healthy Teeth.” Petplan,

“Holland Lop Type.” Holly's Hollands Rabbitry,

“Judging the Holland Lop.” Lots of Lops Rabbitry,


each do 7 sources, alex, joel, josh in that order

add in our work back into the main article


  1. ^ "Lops Are Mellow and Other Dangerous Myths". Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  2. ^ Dickson, David (2012-10-18). "Holland lop rabbit who loves to chew (and chew some more)". Best Friends Animal Society. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  3. ^ "Holland Lop Rabbit Breed". Lafeber Co. - Small Mammals. 2017-05-18. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  4. ^ "Holland Lop Rabbit Breed". Lafeber Co. - Small Mammals. 2017-05-18. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  5. ^ "Lops Are Mellow and Other Dangerous Myths". Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  6. ^ "Holland Lop Show Standards". Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  7. ^ "Rabbit Hutch/cage Size Guide - Minimum Requirements". Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  8. ^ "What is a Holland Lop? | How to Care, Lifespan, FAQ (With pictures)". Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  9. ^ "How to Keep a Rabbit's Teeth Short". Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  10. ^ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  11. ^ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  12. ^ "Holland Lop Type". Holly's Hollands Rabbitry. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  13. ^ "Holland Lop Type". Holly's Hollands Rabbitry. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  14. ^ "Holland Lop Type". Holly's Hollands Rabbitry. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  15. ^ "Holland Lop Type". Holly's Hollands Rabbitry. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  16. ^ "Holland Lop Type". Holly's Hollands Rabbitry. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  17. ^ "Holland Lop Type". Holly's Hollands Rabbitry. Retrieved 2019-03-25.
  18. ^ "What is a Holland Lop? | How to Care, Lifespan, FAQ (With pictures)". Retrieved 2019-04-01.
  19. ^ "Holland Lop - breed information and advice". Retrieved 2019-04-01.
  20. ^ "Holland Lop Rabbit Health, Temperament, Coat, Health and Care -". PetGuide. 2016-06-04. Retrieved 2019-04-01.
  21. ^ "Holland Lop Rabbit Health, Temperament, Coat, Health and Care -". PetGuide. 2016-06-04. Retrieved 2019-04-01.
  22. ^ "What is a Holland Lop? | How to Care, Lifespan, FAQ (With pictures)". Retrieved 2019-04-01.
  23. ^ "Holland Lop Rabbit Breed". Lafeber Co. - Small Mammals. 2017-05-18. Retrieved 2019-04-01.
  24. ^ "Holland Lop - breed information and advice". Retrieved 2019-04-01.
  25. ^ "Holland Lop - breed information and advice". Retrieved 2019-04-01.