

Hi my name is Joshua, but I would like to go by my handle of "Arkhampsyco" on here (more on that later). I became a Wikipedian because I want this to become the go-to place for information on almost any subject. I also want to make sure that all the information is correct, and will do my utmost to help Wikipedia achieve the status of "The most reliable encyclopedia on the web".

On this page you can get to know me a little better. I hope I will make new contacts here as well. I would love to meet more people with the same interests as me. I hope you like this page, if you want to contact me, you can find me on my Google+page.

Birth and Youth


I was born in the city of Deventer, Netherlands, on the 20th of December, 1992. I was born on the Waldeck Pyrmontstreet. I do not remember much of my first years here, as they were brief. The first thing bout my life I can really recollect is that I lived with my grandparents for a while. This was because my eldest sister was stricken with Leukemia, she was young wen it started. My mother just could not handle all the stress at once, seeing as she had 6 children to take care of and now one of them got incurably sick. So she sent me and my younger sister[1]to live with our grandparents[2]. I remembered having some great times there, for example, every morning we would eat 2 sandwiches and then watch ""

in Tiel, Gelderland. I spent the first half of my youth there. I lived there with my mother and my 2 older sisters, 2 younger sisters, and my older and only brother (Yes, I have got a pretty big family). I went to kindergarten in Tiel, after that I went to elementary school. The grade-system as is used in America is not used here in The Netherlands. We first go to kindergarten (There are groups here), once done here we go to elementary where we start in "Group 1"[3] , and finish in "Group 8". I was in group 6 when my mother decided to move to Groningen with us. it was just me, my 2 younger sisters and my slightly older sister that moved there. My brother had gone to live with his father (In my hometown, Deventer).

  1. ^ And also my only full blood sibling, though I consider everyone of them as full brother/sister.
  2. ^ On her side of the family.
  3. ^ use this link to learn more about our educational system here in The Netherlands.