Jouna Pyysalo (PhD) is an Indo-European linguist.

His doctoral thesis, System PIEĀ : The Primary Phoneme Inventory and Sound Law System for Proto-Indo-European ( critically revised the classical Indo-European sound laws and the PIE phoneme inventory.

The revised rules of Pyysalo 2013 have been digitalised from 2014 on in Proto-Indo-European Lexicon: the generative etymological dictionary of Indo-European languages with finite-state compiler foma. In effect the very process of reconstruction itself has now been automatised, i.e. the operating system of PIE Lexicon is capable of mechanically generating the main bulk of data of the some 120 most archaic Indo-European languages.

He is especially interested in Indo-European lexicography, etymology and morphology, the activities manifesting in his current main activity being the compilation of a new etymological dictionary of Indo-European languages, PIE Lexicon.

Dr Pyysalo is proponent of the Comparative Method of reconstruction in Indo-European linguistics, the gold standard.