User:Jpattison27/Food Preferences in Older Adults/Seniors



Throughout our lives we go through many changes including our tastes in food (as in what we like or dislike). There are many things behind this theory including scientific studies explaining our what we like or dislike. Around the age of 65 of older, which most consider to be an older adult, our taste in food preferences change. Some variables to consider would be the elderly male vs female preference, young vs elderly preference, and the influences behind these preferences. With these variables taken in to consideration we can see the numerous parts of life that can effect the preferences we have as human beings with the food we choose as we age.

Science Behind Food Preferences


There is a lot of work and scientific research that goes into examining the variables that cause the elderly to change food preferences. An example of these studies would be an experiment that the The Elderly Nutrition Program (ENP) was executing. To improve the quality of meal programs, the ENP explored how food preferences varied depending on gender and ethnic groups. A total of 2,024 participants in the ENP aged 60 years or older were interviewed. A majority of the participants were female, served by congregate meal programs, or meals served in community settings such as senior centers, churches or senior housing communities. A general impression of the meals and preferences for 13 food groups (fresh fruit, chicken, soup, salad, vegetables, potatoes, meat, sandwiches, pasta, canned fruit, legumes, deli meats, and ethnic foods) were assessed. After adjusting other variables, older males were significantly more likely to prefer deli meats, meat, legumes, canned fruit, and ethnic foods compared to females. In addition, compared with African Americans, “Caucasians demonstrated higher percentages of preference for 9 of 13 food groups including pasta, meat, and fresh fruit. To improve the quality of the ENP, and to increase dietary compliance of the older adults to the programs, the nutritional services require a strategic meal plan that solicits and incorporates older adults’ food preferences” [1]

Young vs Elderly Food Preferences


As people get older, their bodies change. This includes their taste buds, their needs of certain vitamins and nutrients, and their desire for different types of food. In a study by the Monell Chemical Senses Center, fifty young-adults and forty-eight elderly subjects participated in the study. Young subjects ranged from eighteen to thirty-five years of age and elderly subjects were sixty-five years of age or older. There were more females than males in the study, but there were approximately equal proportions of males and females in the two age groups. Through this study it was observed that younger females had stronger cravings for sweets than elderly females. They related this difference in preference with the younger female test subject’s menstrual cycles and the fact that elderly women no longer go through menopause. And also that “ninety-one percent of the cycle-associated cravings were said to occur in the second half of the cycle (between ovulation and the start of menstruation)”[2]

Elderly Male vs Female Food Preference

Elderly couple eating lunch together

Not only are there differences in food preferences between ages, but in genders as well. In a study conducted by the Elderly Nutrition Program (ENP), they discovered preferences of male and female subjects throughout 13 individual food groups (fresh fruit, chicken, soup, salad, vegetables, potatoes, meat, sandwiches, pasta, canned fruit, legumes, deli meats, and ethnic groups). Through this study, it was apparent that older males “were significantly more likely to prefer deli meats, mean, legumes, canned fruit, and ethnic foods compared to females” [1]. In another study by the Monell Chemical Senses Center, it was concluded that females had significantly more cravings for sweets and for chocolate than males. They also confirmed that males had more cravings or preferences for entrees than sweets [2].



There are multiple parts of an elderly person’s life that can effect their preferences in foods. Aspects like the environment, mental & physical health, and lifestyle choices are all a large part of the way a person decides on what foods they happen to like or dislike. It is said that “the nutritional status of older adults relates to their quality of life, ability to live independently, and their risk for developing costly chronic illnesses. An aging adult’s nutritional well-being can be affected by multiple socio-environmental factors, including access to healthy and affordable foods, congregate meal sites, and nutritious selections at restaurants. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Society for Nutrition, and the Society for Nutrition Education have identified an older adult’s access to a balanced diet to be critical for the prevention of disease and promotion of nutritional wellness so that quality of life and independence can be maintained throughout the aging process and excessive health care costs can be reduced” [3] which proves just how important someone’s surroundings or health can effect what they chose/ prefer to eat.



In this way, the environment can greatly impact food preferences of older adults who have limited mobility and rely on others for food shopping and preparation. Homebound seniors tend to receive one meal per day (several fresh and frozen meals may be included in a single delivery) by communities that offer congregate meals, or meals served in community settings such as senior centers, churches or senior housing communities [4]. These congregate meal programs are encouraged to offer these elderly people a meal at least five times per week. Specifically, there is a difference between rural areas compared to urban areas and the access that they have to certain food and the qualities of these foods.



Physical Health


With age, some people tend to avoid food and are unwilling to modify their diets due to oral health problems. These oral health problems, like dentures (false teeth) not fitting properly or gum disease, are associated with significant differences in dietary quality, which is the a measure of the quality of the diet using a total of eight recommendations regarding the consumption of foods and nutrients from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Approaches to minimize food avoidance and promote changes to the diets of people that have eating difficulties due to oral health conditions are needed desperately because without being able to chew or take in food properly, their health is effected drastically and their food preferences are limited greatly (to soft or liquids only) [5].

Mental Health


The mental state or diseases, like Alzheimer’s, a person might have effects the preferences that people have in food as well. With certain diseases, people tend to develop specific preferences or distaste for different types of food. For example, people with Alzheimer’s, which is the most common form of dementia [6], experience many big and small changes as a result of their symptoms [7]. One change identified by Suszynski in “How Dementia Tampers With Taste Buds” is a dementia patient’s taste buds. Since they don’t experience flavor the way they once did, people with dementia often change their eating habits and take on entirely new food preferences. In this study, the researchers found that these dementia patients had trouble identifying flavors and appeared to have lost the ability to remember tastes, leading to the theory that the dementia caused the patients to lose their knowledge of flavors, which in turn can lead to changes in eating behaviors [7].

Lifestyle Choices


This final topic is based on whether elderly people have chosen to eat healthy due to their increasing age or let go of their healthy lifestyles due to their lifespan, causing them to let go of their concerns or cares about their health. This topic is based less on scientific tendencies of human beings but more about the choice that an elderly person has. They can choose whether or not they want to make a change. A study showed this choice in restaurants that effect elderly people positively. The study showed that the impact of lifestyle of health and sustainability on healthy food choices is much stronger for senior diners than for non-senior diners in restaurants [8]. Whether or not all of these variables apply to a single person or not, it is clear that there are many cases identifying that there are changes in the preferences (likes and dislikes) that we, as people have in food choices with the progression of age.


  1. ^ a b Song, Hee-Jung; Simon, Judy R.; Patel, Dhruti U (March 21, 2014). "Food Preferences of Older Adults in Senior Nutrition Programs". Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology & Geriatrics: 55. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  2. ^ a b Pelchat, Marcia Levin (1997). "Food Cravings In Young and Elderly Adults". Appetite. 28 (2): 103–113. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  3. ^ Brewster, Paul W.H.; Melrose, Rebecca J.; Marquine, Maria J.; Johnson, Julene K.; Napoles, Anna; Mac-Kay-Brant, Anna; Farias, Sarah; Reed, Bruce; Mungas, Dan (2014). "Life Experience And Demographic Influences On Cognitive Function In Older Adults". Neuropsychology. 28 (6): 846–858. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  4. ^ "Congregate Meals". Maryland Heath Care Commission. Retrieved November 6, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  5. ^ Savoca, MR; Arcury, TA; Leng, X; Chen, H; Bell, RA; Anderson, AM; Kohrman, T; Gilbert, GH; Quandt, SA (2010). "Association Between Dietary Quality of Rural Older Adults and Self- Reported Food Avoidance and Food Modification Due to Oral Health Problems". Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: 1225–1232. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); horizontal tab character in |title= at position 68 (help)
  6. ^ "Alzheimer's Disease". Wikipedia. Retrieved November 5, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  7. ^ a b Suszynski, Marie. "How Dementia Tampers With Taste Buds". Retrieved November 4, 2014.
  8. ^ Kim, Myung-Ja; Lee, Choong-Ki; Kim, Woo Gon; Kim, Jong-Man (2013). "Relationships Between Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability And Healthy Food Choices For Seniors". International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management: 558–576. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); horizontal tab character in |title= at position 66 (help)