Hubertine Auclert (1848-1914)

Hubertine Auclert was a leading French feminist. In 1876 she founded Société le suffrage des femmes, which was later changed to Women's Suffrage Society in 1883. She was born in Auvergne area of France. Her father died when she was only thirteen years old, leaving her in her mother's care. She was sent to a Roman Catholic Covenant. She left at 16 but eventually returned for a few years. However, she moved to Paris is 1869 and became outspoken against the church. Her works spoke out about women not having basic rights that men have. She is credited with coining the word feminist in France. Her style was considered militant in its delivery.

In 1878 a conference was held called “International Congress on Women’s Rights” where some resolutions were reached yet, the topic of women's suffrage was not addressed formally. She prepared a speech that demand that French women be given the right to vote and she was aiming to present the speech at the conference. She was not able to deliver her speech but it was later published.

“International Congress on Women’s Rights”