I literally made this account to donate and to correct the unsubstantiated/misunderstood claim on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Pavlov that Pavlov himself performed experiments on children. The current source[18] says "In 1933, he [Walter Bradford Cannon] publicly endorsed a film depicting Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov’s experiments on the nervous system, a film that included experiments on children. Exhibited at the Fine Arts Theatre in Boston the week of March 12, 1933, the film “Mechanics of the Brain” contained images of dogs and apes that had undergone the removal of portions of their brains. The film also included footage of a twelve-year-old boy with a tube passed through his cheek into the salivary gland “through which saliva was collected and the amount of secretion determined when food was given.”" The film referenced can be watched on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh4oeJDW8fo and shows Pavlov's dog experiments alongside Professor N.I. Krasnogorskys' experiments on children (timestamps: 30min, 36:50). The book can be found on Library Genesis for free.