Hi, and welcome to my Amateur Radio biography. I have been an Electrical Engineer most of my adult life, and have been a licensed ham for 44 years. I was familiar with impedance, resistance, inductance and radio communications before I even got into high school. That is why I credit amateur radio for steering me to electrial engineering as a life long profession. The antenna here is an inverted "U" dipole fed with ladder line and a tuner. This antenna is a typical flat top for about 75'. The remaining length about 30 feet on each side, hangs straight down on both ends to form an inverted "U" between (2) trees. With this antenna, I work all bands. The tuner is an MFJ 989C. The inverted "U" antenna is up about 70 feet at the feed point and up to 80 feet on one end due to the land slope.

My HF station setup consists of a Hallicrafters HT-37, a matching SX-111 receiver, R-48 speaker, Swan 700cx and Kenwood SM-220 monitor scope. The monitor scope is used to visually display SSB modulation percentage since these old radios do not have ALC.

I have numerous other rigs both tube and solid state but too many to fit into one station. My newest acquistion is the Swan 700cx. It puts out about 400 watts from a pair of 8950 vacuum tubes and is a dream to operate.

I am also using the Yeasu FT-847 (moded by others) for the new 60 meter band and some fun with the satellites. I use the 756pro for the digital modes almost exclusively. PSK, MFSK, Hellschreiber, SSTV, RTTY etc. In addition to this, I operate HF from the mobile using an ICOM 706mkiig, autotuner ICOM AH-4 and hamstick antennas. Being on the road alot having HF in the car makes the trip much less boring.

With lots of rigs to play with, the HF station of choice is the Hallicrafters and Swan gear. Even though I have an ICOM 756pro, a top of the line rig, I like the vintage tube based rigs better. They work and look like real ham gear and they hear the same thing the 756pro hears.

I also use local 2 meter, 70 centimeter and 33 centimeter repeater systems. This is the website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The19Group/ VHF and UHF antennas are homebrew ground plane antennas mounted one above the other. For 900mhz, I use a commercial 9.8db vertical. I am a long time member of the S.W.O.T. organization, (Sidwinders on Two), # 579 and long time member of the S.M.I.R.K. organization, (Six Meter international Radio Klub), # 1660.

My current complement of awards include DXCC(mixed), WAC (80 meters) and WAS (80 meters). As you can see, I am an avid 80 meter ham. I am working towards DXCC (80 meters)and WAZ mixed.

CU on the bands.