User:KConWiki/List of Washington Journal programs aired in 1995

List of Washington Journal programs aired in... : 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

The C-SPAN news and interview program Washington Journal has been presented live every day of the year from January 4, 1995 through the present, with very few exceptions. Programs are typically a mix of politically themed interviews, viewer calls and emails, discussion of current events, and reviews of that morning's newspapers.

In the tables below, guests are listed in alphabetical order, rather than the order in which they appeared on the program. They are also listed with the position or affiliation they held at the time of their appearance.


(w/link to video)
Approx. run time Host(s) Guests Comments
Thursday, June 01, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Susan Swain Benjamin Chavis Jr. (Minister, United Church of Christ); Carol Giacomo (State Department Correspondent, Reuters); Paul Huard (Senior Vice President. National Association of Manufacturers); Victor Kamber (Political Consultant, Democratic Party); Donald Lambro (Political Affairs Correspondent, Washington Times); Richard Larson (Mayor, Billings, Montana); Eddie Mahe Jr. (Republican Party Political Consultant, Eddie Mahe and Associates); Janice Shields (Representative, Center for the Study of Responsive Law) "Ms. Giacomo discussed the U.N.'s decision to deploy ground troops in Bosnia and the effect this decision will have on U.S. troops and U.S. policy toward Bosnia. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Kamber and Mr. Mahe discussed headlines from papers across the country. In the point-counterpoint discussion, Mr. Huard and Ms. Shields discussed whether federal spending and tax subsidies for corporations constitute form of welfare. Via remote link, Mr. Lambro discussed some of his recent work. Via telephone, Mayor Larson discussed the president's agenda while he is in Billings, Montana. Mr. Chavis discussed the newly formed African-American Leadership Summit."[1]
Friday, June 02, 1995 2 hr. 6 min. Connie Doebele Mike Jendrezejczyk (Director, Asia Watch); Robert Kapp (President, U.S.-China Business Council); Jonathan S. Landay (National Security Correspondent, Christian Science Monitor); Askia Muhammad (Correspondent, Public Radio International); Gwen Daye Richardson (Editor, National Minority Politics) "In the first segment, Mr. Landay talked about the Bosnian situation and U.S. policy in the region. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Muhammad and Ms. Richardson examined current events, including Senator Dole’s criticisms of Hollywood culture. In the point-counterpoint, Mr. Kapp and Mr. Jendrzejczyk debated whether China should continue to enjoy most favored nation status in its trade relations with the U.S. "[2]
Saturday, June 03, 1995 1 hr. 27 min. Steve Scully Paul Bledsoe (Public Affairs Director, Department of the Interior); Emily Brodsky (Board Member, Earth Force); Mark Epley (Director, Legislative Affairs); John Hegstrand (Board Member, Earth Force); S. "Bob" Robert Lichter (Co-Director, Center for Media and Public Affairs); Dana Priest (Correspondent, Washington Post); Steven Rendall (Senior Analyst, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) "In the first segment, Ms. Priest talked about Secretary Perry’s trip to Europe to discuss the Bosnian situation with several allies. In the next segment, Mr. Hegstrand and Ms. Brodsky talked about Earth Force, a youth organization dedicated to cleaning up the environment. In the point-counterpoint segment, Mr. Lichter and Mr. Rendall discussed whether media debases popular culture with graphic sex and violence. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Epley and Mr. Bledsoe discussed current news topics and political issues."[3]
Sunday, June 04, 1995 1 hr. 58 min. Steve Scully Ron Brown (Secretary, Department of Commerce); Adam Clymer (Chief Congressional Correspondent, New York Times); Ron Long (President, Committee of 1776); Dee Dee Myers (Former Press Secretary, White House); Franklyn "Lyn" C. Nofziger (Former Politics Director, White House) "In the first segment, Mr. Clymer talked about the legislative agenda after the holiday, including budget cuts. In a live interview, Mr. Long talked about the gun rights rally to be held later that day at the Lincoln memorial. In the newspaper roundtable, Ms. Myers and Ms. Nofziger talked about current events and poltical issues. In the last segment, Secretary Brown talked about the administration’s action against Japanese automobiles."[4]
Monday, June 05, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Bruce Collins
Connie Doebele
Elizabeth Arnold (Correspondent, National Public Radio); George E. Condon Jr. (Washington Bureau Chief, Copley News Service); Eric Felten (Editorial Writer, Washington Times); Bob Fuss (Congressional Correspondent, NBC Radio); David Lereah (Chief Economist, Mortgage Bankers Association of America); Grover Norquist, (President, Americans for Tax Reform); Hedrick Smith (Author); Susan Woodward "Mr. Condon discussed the legislative agenda for Congress. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Felton and Mr. Smith discussed headlines from papers across the country. Mr. Fuss and Ms. Arnold talked about the House agenda. In the point-counterpoint discussion, Mr. Lereah and Mr. Norquist discussed whether Congress should restrict the mortgage-interest tax write-off for homeowners. Ms. Woodward discussed conflicts in Bosnia."[5]
Tuesday, June 06, 1995 3 hr. 3 min. Lew Ketcham
Steve Scully
Haley Barbour (Chair, Republican National Committee); Donald Fowler (Chairman, Democratic National Committee); Leslie Harris (Public Policy Director, People for the American Way); Richard D. Parker (Criminal Justice Professor, Harvard Law School); Maria Puente (Correspondent, USA Today); Basil Talbott (Congressional Correspondent, Chicago Sun-Times) Former Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. (I-CT) "Mr. Talbott discussed this week in Congress, including anti-terrorism legislation debate in the Senate and scheduled hearings on the U.S. role in Bosnia. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Barbour and Mr. Fowler discussed headlines from papers across the country. In the point-counterpoint discussion, Ms. Harris and Mr. Parker discussed the flag protection amendment. Via telephone, Ms Puente discussed her story on immigration. Mr. Weicker discussed why he wrote his book \f2Maverick\fR, why he switched from the Republican party to being an independent, and why he supports the creation of a third political party."[6]
Wednesday, June 07, 1995 3 hr. 3 min. Bruce Collins Rep. Helen Chenoweth (R-ID); Alexander Cockburn (Correspondent, The Nation); Rep. Peter A. DeFazio (D-OR); Lance Gay (Correspondent, Scripps Howard News Service); Gov. Michael O. Leavitt (R-UT); Louise Schiavone (Correspondent, Associated Press) "Ms. Schiavone discussed the week in Congress, including Senate counter-terrorism legislation and the Senate Armed Services hearing on Bosnia. In the newspaper roundtable, Reps. DeFazio and Chenoweth discussed headlines from papers across the country. Mr. Cockburn discussed his new book \f2The Golden Life Is In Us\fR. Via remote link, Mr. Gay discussed the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Bosnia. Governor Leavitt discussed welfare reform. "[7]
Thursday, June 08, 1995 2 hr. 47 min. Lew Ketcham Jamie Dupree (Correspondent, Cox Communications); Rowland Evans (Host, CNN); Curtis B. Gans (Director, Committee for the Study of the American Electorate); G. "Bill" William Hoagland (Staff Director, Senate Budget Committee); Barry W. Lynn (Executive Director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State); Steven McFarland (Director, Center for Law and Religious Freedom, Christian Legal Society); Calvin Trillin (Former Essayist, New Yorker Magazine) "Mr. Dupree discussed the congressional legislative agenda. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Evans and Mr. Trillin discussed headlines from papers across the country. In the point-counterpoint discussion, Mr. Lynn and Mr. McFarland discussed whether the U.S. needs a constitutional amendment to guarantee freedom of religious expression, including prayer in public schools. Mr. Hoagland discussed the Budget Committee hearings that are about to take place. Mr. Gans discussed a recent Census Bureau study on the disparities in voting habits between high and low income citizens."[8]
Friday, June 09, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Connie Doebele John Carlin (Archivist of the U.S.); Craig Crawford (Washington Bureau Chief, Orlando Sentinel); Steven R. Effros (President, Cable Telecommunications Association); Nicholas Lemann (Editor, New York Times); James "Jim" P. Pinkerton (Syndicated Columnist, Los Angeles Times); Robert Stein (Correspondent, Investor's Business Daily); Tim Stephany (Circulation Manager, Mid-America Publishing); Bradley Stillman (Telecommunications Director, Consumer Federation of America); Roger Wilkins (History Professor, George Mason University) "Mr. Crawford discussed the congressional legislative agenda. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Pinkerton and Mr. Wilkins discussed headlines from various papers across the country. Via telephone, Mr. Lemann discussed the cover story in \f2New York Times\fR on affirmative action. Via telephone, Mr. Stephany discussed the Conservative Chronicle and Liberal Opinion publisher. In the point-counterpoint discussion, Mr. Effros and Mr. Stillman discussed the merits and impact of the Telecommunications Bill on the cable industry and on consumers. Mr. Carlin discussed his office and the functions of the Archives. Mr. Stein discussed the various tax reform proposals currently being discussed in Congress."[9]
Saturday, June 10, 1995 1 hr. 28 min. Lew Ketcham Richard "Rich" A. Lowry (Correspondent, National Review); Brian Naylor (Correspondent, National Public Radio); Ruth Shalit (Correspondent, New Republic) "Mr. Naylor talked about the congressional agenda in the upcoming weeks, including conference negotiations on a budget resolution. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Lowry and Ms. Shalit discussed headlines from papers across the country."[10]
Sunday, June 11, 1995 2 hr. 5 min. Connie Doebele Nina Burleigh (Congressional Correspondent, Time Magazine); Richard "Dick" B. Cheney (Former Secretary, Department of Defense); Henry Cisneros (Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development); Bob Franken (Correspondent, CNN); Former Rep. Dave McCurdy (D-OK) "Mr. Franken talked about congressional activities during the past week, including legislation concerning international policy, especially in Bosnia. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Cheney and Mr. McCurdy discussed headlines from papers across the country. Secretary Cisneros talked about HUD’s attempts to deal with housing problems in urban areas."[11]
Monday, June 12, 1995 2 hr. 1 min. Bruce Collins Ellis Cose (Contributing Editor, Newsweek); Kwame Holman (Correspondent, MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour); Nackey Loeb (Publisher, Manchester Union Leader); Sen. Connie Mack III (R-FL); Paul Rodriguez (Editor, Insight Magazine) "In the first segment, Mr. Holman talked about the congressional schedule for the week, including fulfilling the budget resolution and hearings on the American Association of Retired Persons. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Cose talked about current events and political issues. In the next segment, Ms. Loeb talked about President Clinton’s and Speaker Gingrich’s joint appearance yesterday and other aspects of New Hampshire’s presidential politics. In the last segment, Senator Mack talked about today’s hearing on the future of the economy and technology."[12]
Tuesday, June 13, 1995 3 hr. 3 min. Susan Swain Adriel Bettelheim (Washington Bureau Correspondent, Denver Post); Richard Eisenberg (Assistant Managing Editor, Money Magazine); Ronald Elving (Deputy Editor, Congressional Quarterly); Rep. James "Jim" Leach (R-IA); Jack Valenti (President and CEO, Motion Picture Association of America); Linda Wertheimer (Correspondent, National Public Radio) "In the first segment, Mr. Bettelheim talked about the Supreme Court decisions on two cases dealing with affirmative action programs which were issued yesterday. In the newspaper roundtable, Rep. Leach and Mr. Valenti discussed current events and political issues. In the next segment, Ms. Wertheimer talked about her new book, \f2Listening to America\fR, which chronicles 25 years of National Public Radio. In the next segment, Mr. Eisenberg talked about the Senate hearings examining the American Association of Retired Persons. In the final segment, Mr. Elving talked about his new book, \f2Conflict and Compromise: How Congress Makes the Law\fR. "[13]
Wednesday, June 14, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Lew Ketcham Trevor Armbrister (Senior Editor, Reader's Digest); Jeffrey H. Birnbaum (Correspondent, Time Magazine); Becky Cain (President, League of Women Voters); Max Cleland (Secretary of State of Georgia); Sen. Paul Coverdell (R-GA); Rep. Robert "Bob" K. Dornan (R-CA); Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-IN); Stephane Marchand (Correspondent, Le Figaro); Candice Miller (Secretary of State of Michigan); Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. (D-OH); Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-MN) "Mr. Birnbaum discussed the federal budget and other legislation before Congress. Via remote connection, Mr. Marchand discussed French President Chirac’s upcoming visit to the U.S. and to the G-7 meeting in Canada. Via remote connection, Republican presidential candidate Senator Lugar discussed the federal food stamp program. In the newspaper roundtable, Reps. Dornan and Traficant discussed the morning headline stories and other topics. Via remote connection, Senator Wellstone talked about campaign finance reform. Ms. Cain and Mr. Armbrister debated the merits of the Motor Voter Bill and were joined in their discussion by Senator Coverdell, Ms. Saranita, and officials from Georgia, Michigan, Florida and California. "[14]
Thursday, June 15, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Susan Swain Rep. John Baldacci (D-ME); John DeCamp (Attorney); Rosemary Dempsey (Vice President National Organization for Women); John Diamond (Defense Correspondent, Associated Press); Bob Fuss (Congressional Correspondent, NBC Radio); Rep. Peter "Pete" King (R-NY); Eric Pianin (Correspondent, Washington Post); Tina Rosenberg (Correspondent); Andrea Sheldon (Government Affairs Director, Traditional Values Coalition) "In the first segment, Mr. Diamond talked about U.S. Bosnia policy. In the next segment, Mr. Fuss talked about this year’s G-7 summit by telephone and Mr. Pianin talked about reaction to the president’s budget proposal by telephone. In the newspaper roundtable, Ms Dempsey and Ms. Sheldon discussed current events and poltical issues. In the point-counterpoint, Mr. DeCamp and Rep. King debated the status of the militia movement. In the next segment, Rep. Baldacci talked about rules regarding free gifts and trips for members of Congress. In the final segment, Ms. Rosenberg talked about her new book, \f2Haunted Land\fR, which deals with Eastern European nation’s struggle to deal with the crimes committed in the name of Communism."[15]
Friday, June 16, 1995 2 hr. 59 min. Brian Lamb Jill Abramson (Deputy Washington Bureau Chief, Wall Street Journal); Richard E. Cohen (Congressional Correspondent, National Journal); Michael S. Cullen (Historian); Virginia Foote (President, U.S.-Vietnam Trade Council); Sam Fulwood (Correspondent, Los Angeles Times); Carolyn Lochhead (Correspondent, San Francisco Chronicle); Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) "In the first segment, Ms. Abramson talked about current events, including President Clinton’s new budget proposal. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Fulwodd and Ms. Lochhead discussed current events and political issues. In the point-counterpoint, Rep. Rohrabacher and Ms. Foote debated whether the U.S. should normalize relations with Vietnam. In a taped interview, Mr. Cullen discussed the restoration of the German Reichstag building. In the next segment, Mr. Cohen talked about his journal’s new report on the new, Republican congressional staffers. "[16]
Saturday, June 17, 1995 1 hr. 26 min. Lew Ketcham Rep. Wayne Allard (R-CO); George Frampton (Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior); Donald Tobin (Legislative Assistant, Office of Sen. Paul Sarbanes); Christopher Ullman (Press Secretary Budget) "In the first segment, Senator Robb’s daughters talked about the Race for the Cure to raise money for breast cancer research. In the point-counterpoint, Asst. Secretary Frampton and Rep. Allard debated the funding level for U.S. national parks. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Tobin, who assists Senator Sarbanes, and Mr. Ullman and discussed current events, including the discrepancy between the OMB’s and CBO’s views of the president’s latest budget proposal. "[17]
Sunday, June 18, 1995 1 hr. 59 min. People in this video
   James "Jay" Carney
   Correspondent Time Magazine->White House
   Victoria "Torie" C. Clarke
   Press Secretary Bush (G.W.) Presidential Campaign
   Mark D. Gearan
   Director U.S. Peace Corps
   David A. Maraniss
   Correspondent Washington Post->National
   Ralph E. Reed Jr.
   Executive Director Christian Coalition of America
   Cal Thomas
   Columnist Los Angeles Times
"In the first segment, Mr. Carney talked about his article about President Clinton’s new relationship with Dick Morris and other White House activities. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Gearan and Ms. Clarke discussed current news topics, including the recent G-7 summit. In the last segment, Mr. Reed talked about his personal interest in politics and the Christian Coalition’s role in the political system. "[18]
Monday, June 19, 1995 3 hr. People in this video
   Fred Barnes
   Executive Editor Weekly Standard, The
   John Burry
   Chairman Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Ohio
   Stephen Hedges
   Senior Editor U.S. News and World Report
   David Johnston
   Brian Lamb
   Host C-SPAN
   Lewis H. Lapham
   Editor-in-Chief Harper's Magazine
   Neil Lewis
   Correspondent New York Times
   Richard Newman
   Associate Editor U.S. News and World Report
   Matt Salmon
   U.S. Representative [R] Arizona
   Tim Weiner
   Correspondent New York Times->Washington Bureau
"Mr. Hedges and Mr. Newman discussed their recent article on Federal Aviation Administration, which concludes that FAA is “falling down on the job” and not enforcing rules. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Barnes and Mr. Lapham discussed headlines from papers across the country. In the point-counterpoint discussion, Mr. Burry and Rep. Salmon discussed whether medical savings accounts (MSAs) are one of the solutions in developing a new health care policy. Mr. Weiner, Mr. Johnston and Mr. Lewis discussed their book Betrayal: The Story of Aldrich Ames, An American Spy. "[19]
Tuesday, June 20, 1995 2 hr. People in this video
   Elizabeth Furse
   U.S. Representative [D] Oregon
   Arianna Huffington
   Scholar Progress and Freedom Foundation
   David M. McIntosh
   U.S. Representative [R] Indiana
   Dan Morgan
   Correspondent Washington Post
   Joseph Perkins
   Vice President American Association of Retired Persons
   Susan Swain
   Executive Vice President C-SPAN
"Mr. Morgan talked about the ongoing congressional work on the budget and appropriations and the importance of President Clinton’s new proposal. In the newspaper roundtable, Rep. Furse and Ms. Huffington discussed headlines from papers across the country. Rep. McIntosh talked about debate on Corrections Day. Mr. Perkins talked about the Senate hearings on the AARP. "[20]
Wednesday, June 21, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. People in this video
   Bruce Collins
   Vice President C-SPAN
   Julian Carey Dixon
   U.S. Representative [D] California
   Toby Felker
   Member (Former) Women's Airforce Service Pilots
   Ralph Z. Hallow
   Correspondent Washington Times->Political Affairs
   Mildred Kelly
   Sergeant Major (Retired) U.S. Army
   Richard Salant
   Correspondent Congressional Quarterly
   Gerald F. Seib
   Correspondent Wall Street Journal->National Politics
   Connie Slewitzke
   General (Retired) U.S. Army
   Charles "Chuck" Taylor
   U.S. Representative [R] North Carolina
   Wilma L. Vaught
   Brigadier General (Retired) U.S. Air Force
"Mr. Salant discussed developments in Congress, with a focus on the many appropriations bills under consideration this week. Via telephone, Mr. Hallow discussed his article on Dr. Henry Foster’s nomination for surgeon general. In the newspaper roundtable, Reps. Dixon and Taylor discussed headlines from papers across the country. Via telephone, Mr. Seib discussed his article on the role of the government. Via remote link, Brig. Gen. Vaught discussed the Women in the Military Service Memorial. Ms. Felker, Sgt. Major Kelly, and General Slewitzke discussed their experiences and what the Women in the Military Service Memorial means to them."[21]
Thursday, June 22, 1995 1 hr. 30 min. People in this video
   Alan J. Dixon
   Chair Defense Base Closure and Realignment Cmsn.
   Phyllis Schlafly
   Founder and President Eagle Forum
   Brigid Schulte
   Correspondent Knight-Ridder Newspapers->National
   Susan Swain
   Executive Vice President C-SPAN
   Dan Walters
   Correspondent Sacramento Bee
   John "Pat" Patrick Williams
   U.S. Representative [D] Montana
   Jill Zuckman
   Correspondent Boston Globe->Congress
"Ms. Zuckman discussed the day ahead in both the Senate and the House. Via telephone, Mr. Walters discussed Pete Wilson’s presidential bid. In the newspaper roundtable, Ms. Schlafly and Rep. Williams discussed headlines from papers across the country. Via telephone, Ms. Schulte discussed her article about a Capitol flag tradition. Via remote link, Mr. Dixon discussed final deliberations on which military bases to close. "[22]
Friday, June 23, 1995 1 hr. 30 min. People in this video
   George E. Curry
   Publisher and Editor Emerge Magazine
   Brian Lamb
   Host C-SPAN
   Lynn Sweet
   Bureau Chief Chicago Sun-Times->Washington Bureau
   Cal Thomas
   Columnist Los Angeles Times
"Ms. Sweet talked about the Republican budget compromise and other issues. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Curry discussed current events including the budget and the cloture vote on the Foster nomination."[23]
Saturday, June 24, 1995 1 hr. 30 min. People in this video
   Stephen Bates
   Representative Annenberg Washington Program
   Tim Burger
   Correspondent Roll Call
   Doug Obey
   Correspondent Hill, The
   Steve Scully
   Producer C-SPAN
   Sherry Steele
   Representative Electronic Frontier Foundation
"In the first segment, Mr. Bates and Ms. Steele discussed the possible impacts of the information superhighway on U.S. society. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Burger and Mr. Obey talked about current events, including U.S.-Japan trade talks and Medicare cuts."[24]
Sunday, June 25, 1995 2 hr. 2 min. People in this video
   James A. Baker III
   Secretary (Former) Department of State
   Alex Castellanos
   Consultant Gramm Presidential Campaign->Media Relations
   Ann Lewis
   Director Clinton (William J.) Presidential Campaign->Communications
   Steven V. Roberts
   Senior Writer U.S. News and World Report
   Steve Scully
   Producer C-SPAN
"Mr. Roberts discussed a variety of issues, including recent events in the Democratic and Republican parties. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Castellanos and Ms. Lewis discussed headlines from papers across the country. Mr. Baker discussed Bosnia, his career in politics and the upcoming 1996 presidential primaries. "[25]
Monday, June 26, 1995 2 hr. 57 min. People in this video
   Michael Barone
   Senior Writer U.S. News and World Report
   Joan Biskupic
   Correspondent Washington Post->Supreme Court
   Eugene Carroll
   Deputy Director Center for Defense Information
   Bruce Collins
   Vice President C-SPAN
   Samuel "Sam" Gejdenson
   U.S. Representative [D] Connecticut
   John McCaslin
   Correspondent Washington Times
   Brian Naylor
   Correspondent National Public Radio
   Tom Oliphant
   Columnist Boston Globe
   Susan Page
   Correspondent Newsday->White House
   Louise Schiavone
   Correspondent Associated Press
   Margaret Thatcher
   Prime Minister (Former) United Kingdom->Conservative Party
"In the first segment Ms. Page talked about upcoming events in Congress and at the White House. Ms. Biskupic talked by telephone about her article on the recent death of former Chief Justice William Brennan. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Oliphant and Mr. McCaslin discussed possible U.S. sanctions against Japan. Mr. McCaslin writes the column “Inside the Beltway.” Schiavone and Naylor previewed the coming week in Congress. In the point-counterpoint segment, retired Admiral Carroll and Rep. Gejdenson debated the merits of the Seawolf submarine, the first of which was launched June 24. In an excerpt, former British Prime Minister Thatcher talked about the recently published second volume of her autobiography. Co-author Barone discussed the newest edition of the \f2Almanac of American Politics\fR, a state-by-state political analysis."[26]
Tuesday, June 27, 1995 2 hr. 32 min. People in this video
   William Canfield
   General Counsel National Republican Senatorial Committee
   Dick Chrysler
   U.S. Representative [R] Michigan
   Lyle Denniston
   Correspondent Baltimore Sun->Supreme Court
   Connie Doebele
   Host C-SPAN
   Gerald Early
   Professor Washington University in St. Louis->African-American Studies
   Eddie Bernice Johnson
   U.S. Representative [D] Texas
   Jim Kuhnhenn
   Bureau Chief Kansas City Star->Washington Bureau
   Ralph Lotkin
   Chief Counsel (Former) House Standards of Official Conduct Cmte
"In the first segment, Mr. Kuhnhenn talked about congressional politics, including issues such as the budget resolution. In a live telephone interview, Mr. Denniston talked about the Supreme Court’s decisions on prayer and drug testing in schools. In the newspaper roundtable, Reps. Chrysler and Johnson talked about current events, including the Haitian elections and defense cutbacks. In the next segment, Professor Early discussed his article about Afrocentrism in this month’s edition of Civilization. In the last segment, Mr. Canfield and Mr. Lotkin talked about the Ethics Committee hearing concerning Senator Packwood. "[27]
Wednesday, June 28, 1995 3 hr. People in this video
   Morris Berman
   Founder National Press Photographers Association
   Henry Bonilla
   U.S. Representative [R] Texas
   John Harwood
   Correspondent Wall Street Journal->White House
   Michael Heyman
   Secretary Smithsonian Institution
   Lew Ketcham
   Host C-SPAN
   Zoe Lofgren
   U.S. Representative [D] California
   Bruce Rosenblum
   Hal Weatherman
   Staff Member U.S. House of Representatives->Myrick, S. (R-NC)
   Michael Williamson
   Photographer Washington Post
"In the first segment, Mr. Harwood discussed Congress and other topics. In the newspaper roundtable, Reps. Lofgren and Bonilla discussed the headline stories. Mr. Williamson, newspaper photographer of the year winner, and Mr. Berman talked about the National Press Photographers Association and about photojournalism. In the last segment, former Burger clerk Rosenblum discussed the major decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Warren Burger who died recently. During this interview scenes were shown of the procession carrying Justice Burger’s casket into the U.S. Supreme Court past the current justices lined up on the steps. Justice Burger’s body will lie in repose for a time. "[28]
Friday, June 30, 1995 3 hr.
   Brian Lamb
   Host C-SPAN
   Linda Boileau
   Editorial Cartoonist
   John Cavanaugh
   Senior Fellow Institute for Policy Studies
   Kenneth Cooper
   Correspondent Washington Post
   Paul Fell
   Editorial Cartoonist (Former) Lincoln Journal and Star
   David T. Hirschmann
   Director U.S. Chamber of Commerce->Latin American Affairs
   Peter Hitchens
   Correspondent London Daily Express->Washington, DC
   George Rodrigue
   Martin Walker
   Bureau Chief Guardian, The->Washington Office
"In the first segment, Mr. Cooper talked about current news stories, including the Supreme Court’s decision on redistricting. In the newspaper roundtable, Mr. Hitchens and Mr. Walker discussed current news stories. In the point-counterpoint, Mr. Cavanaugh and Mr. Hirschman debated whether NAFTA should be expanded to include Chile. In the next segment, Mr. Rodrigue talked about his works, one of which has been hanging in the C-SPAN studio for the past several months. In the last segment, Ms. Boileau from Frankfort, Kentucky and Mr. Fell from Lincoln, Nebraska talked about editorial cartooning. "[29]

House in Session -


(w/link to video)
Approx. run time Host(s) Guests Comments
Saturday, July 01, 1995
Sunday, July 02, 1995
Monday, July 03, 1995
Tuesday, July 04, 1995
Wednesday, July 05, 1995
Thursday, July 06, 1995
Friday, July 07, 1995
Saturday, July 08, 1995
Sunday, July 09, 1995
Monday, July 10, 1995
Tuesday, July 11, 1995
Wednesday, July 12, 1995
Thursday, July 13, 1995
Friday, July 14, 1995
Saturday, July 15, 1995
Sunday, July 16, 1995
Monday, July 17, 1995
Tuesday, July 18, 1995
Wednesday, July 19, 1995
Thursday, July 20, 1995
Friday, July 21, 1995
Saturday, July 22, 1995
Sunday, July 23, 1995
Monday, July 24, 1995
Tuesday, July 25, 1995
Wednesday, July 26, 1995
Thursday, July 27, 1995
Friday, July 28, 1995
Saturday, July 29, 1995
Sunday, July 30, 1995
Monday, July 31, 1995


(w/link to video)
Approx. run time Host(s) Guests Comments
Tuesday, August 01, 1995
Wednesday, August 02, 1995
Thursday, August 03, 1995
Friday, August 04, 1995
Saturday, August 05, 1995
Sunday, August 06, 1995
Monday, August 07, 1995
Tuesday, August 08, 1995
Wednesday, August 09, 1995
Thursday, August 10, 1995
Friday, August 11, 1995
Saturday, August 12, 1995
Sunday, August 13, 1995
Monday, August 14, 1995
Tuesday, August 15, 1995
Wednesday, August 16, 1995
Thursday, August 17, 1995
Friday, August 18, 1995
Saturday, August 19, 1995
Sunday, August 20, 1995
Monday, August 21, 1995
Tuesday, August 22, 1995
Wednesday, August 23, 1995
Thursday, August 24, 1995
Friday, August 25, 1995
Saturday, August 26, 1995
Sunday, August 27, 1995
Monday, August 28, 1995
Tuesday, August 29, 1995
Wednesday, August 30, 1995
Thursday, August 31, 1995


(w/link to video)
Approx. run time Host(s) Guests Comments
Friday, September 01, 1995
Saturday, September 02, 1995
Sunday, September 03, 1995
Monday, September 04, 1995
Tuesday, September 05, 1995
Wednesday, September 06, 1995
Thursday, September 07, 1995
Friday, September 08, 1995
Saturday, September 09, 1995
Sunday, September 10, 1995
Monday, September 11, 1995
Tuesday, September 12, 1995
Wednesday, September 13, 1995
Thursday, September 14, 1995
Friday, September 15, 1995
Saturday, September 16, 1995
Sunday, September 17, 1995
Monday, September 18, 1995
Tuesday, September 19, 1995
Wednesday, September 20, 1995
Thursday, September 21, 1995
Friday, September 22, 1995
Saturday, September 23, 1995
Sunday, September 24, 1995
Monday, September 25, 1995
Tuesday, September 26, 1995
Wednesday, September 27, 1995
Thursday, September 28, 1995
Friday, September 29, 1995
Saturday, September 30, 1995


(w/link to video)
Approx. run time Host(s) Guests Comments
Sunday, October 01, 1995
Monday, October 02, 1995
Tuesday, October 03, 1995
Wednesday, October 04, 1995
Thursday, October 05, 1995
Friday, October 06, 1995
Saturday, October 07, 1995
Sunday, October 08, 1995
Monday, October 09, 1995
Tuesday, October 10, 1995
Wednesday, October 11, 1995
Thursday, October 12, 1995
Friday, October 13, 1995
Saturday, October 14, 1995
Sunday, October 15, 1995
Monday, October 16, 1995
Tuesday, October 17, 1995
Wednesday, October 18, 1995
Thursday, October 19, 1995
Friday, October 20, 1995
Saturday, October 21, 1995
Sunday, October 22, 1995
Monday, October 23, 1995
Tuesday, October 24, 1995
Wednesday, October 25, 1995
Thursday, October 26, 1995
Friday, October 27, 1995
Saturday, October 28, 1995
Sunday, October 29, 1995
Monday, October 30, 1995
Tuesday, October 31, 1995


(w/link to video)
Approx. run time Host(s) Guests Comments
Wednesday, November 01, 1995
Thursday, November 02, 1995
Friday, November 03, 1995
Saturday, November 04, 1995
Sunday, November 05, 1995
Monday, November 06, 1995
Tuesday, November 07, 1995
Wednesday, November 08, 1995
Thursday, November 09, 1995
[ Friday, November 10, 1995] Imus in the Morning simulcast
Saturday, November 11, 1995
Sunday, November 12, 1995
Monday, November 13, 1995
Tuesday, November 14, 1995
Wednesday, November 15, 1995
Thursday, November 16, 1995
Friday, November 17, 1995
Saturday, November 18, 1995
Sunday, November 19, 1995
Monday, November 20, 1995
Tuesday, November 21, 1995
Wednesday, November 22, 1995
Thursday, November 23, 1995
Friday, November 24, 1995
Saturday, November 25, 1995
Sunday, November 26, 1995
Monday, November 27, 1995
Tuesday, November 28, 1995
Wednesday, November 29, 1995
Thursday, November 30, 1995


(w/link to video)
Approx. run time Host(s) Guests Comments
Friday, December 01, 1995
Saturday, December 02, 1995
Sunday, December 03, 1995
Monday, December 04, 1995
Tuesday, December 05, 1995
Wednesday, December 06, 1995
Thursday, December 07, 1995
Friday, December 08, 1995
Saturday, December 09, 1995
Sunday, December 10, 1995
Monday, December 11, 1995
Tuesday, December 12, 1995
Wednesday, December 13, 1995
Thursday, December 14, 1995
Friday, December 15, 1995
Saturday, December 16, 1995 MORE THAN ONE LINK?
Sunday, December 17, 1995
Monday, December 18, 1995
Tuesday, December 19, 1995
Wednesday, December 20, 1995
Thursday, December 21, 1995
Friday, December 22, 1995
Saturday, December 23, 1995
Sunday, December 24, 1995
Monday, December 25, 1995
Tuesday, December 26, 1995
Wednesday, December 27, 1995
Thursday, December 28, 1995
Friday, December 29, 1995
Saturday, December 30, 1995
Sunday, December 31, 1995
  1. ^ "Washington Thursday Journal". C-SPAN. 1 June 1995.
  2. ^ "Washington Friday Journal". C-SPAN. 2 June 1995.
  3. ^ "Washington Saturday Journal". C-SPAN. 3 June 1995.
  4. ^ "Washington Sunday Journal". C-SPAN. 4 June 1995.
  5. ^ "Washington Monday Journal". C-SPAN. 5 June 1995.
  6. ^ "Washington Tuesday Journal". C-SPAN. 6 June 1995.
  7. ^ "Washington Wednesday Journal". C-SPAN. 7 June 1995.
  8. ^ "Washington Thursday Journal". C-SPAN. 8 June 1995.
  9. ^ "Washington Friday Journal". C-SPAN. 9 June 1995.
  10. ^ "Washington Saturday Journal". C-SPAN. 10 June 1995.
  11. ^ "Washington Sunday Journal". C-SPAN. 11 June 1995.
  12. ^ "Washington Monday Journal". C-SPAN. 12 June 1995.
  13. ^ "Washington Tuesday Journal". C-SPAN. 13 June 1995.
  14. ^ "Washington Wednesday Journal". C-SPAN. 14 June 1995.
  15. ^ "Washington Thursday Journal". C-SPAN. 15 June 1995.
  16. ^ "Washington Friday Journal". C-SPAN. 16 June 1995.
  17. ^ "Washington Saturday Journal". C-SPAN. 17 June 1995.
  18. ^ "Washington Sunday Journal". C-SPAN. 18 June 1995.
  19. ^ "Washington Monday Journal". C-SPAN. 19 June 1995.
  20. ^ "Washington Tuesday Journal". C-SPAN. 20 June 1995.
  21. ^ "Washington Wednesday Journal". C-SPAN. 21 June 1995.
  22. ^ "Washington Thursday Journal". C-SPAN. 22 June 1995.
  23. ^ "Washington Friday Journal". C-SPAN. 23 June 1995.
  24. ^ "Washington Saturday Journal". C-SPAN. 24 June 1995.
  25. ^ "Washington Sunday Journal". C-SPAN. 25 June 1995.
  26. ^ "Washington Monday Journal". C-SPAN. 26 June 1995.
  27. ^ "Washington Tuesday Journal". C-SPAN. 27 June 1995.
  28. ^ "Washington Wednesday Journal". C-SPAN. 28 June 1995.
  29. ^ "Washington Friday Journal". C-SPAN. 30 June 1995.