Alexander Hamilton

alexander Hamilton was a writer and a soldier in the revolutionairy war and was born on an island on the carribian and at the age of 10 his father left him and his mother due to having many debts he wasn't able to pay and later him and his mother grew ill and he got better but his mother did not and died. He moved in with his cousin but then his cousin committed suicide. And after that he started writing. He was recognized for this and sent to New York for college by the people on his island that noticed his talents. There he met Aaron burr,John Laurence,Hercules Mullegan,sir laffayet,Peggy schuyler,The two loves of his life Elizabeth and Englica schuyler, Thomas Jefferson and many more! He fought with the other soilders in the revolutionary war against prince Henry in the year 1775 only a while after getting married to Elizabeth Schuyler and her getting pregnant with there first born son Philip Hamilton. Then in the year 1791-1792 he had an affair with Maria Reynolds the wife of James Reynolds. Then in the year 1797 Hamilton wrote the Reynolds pamphlet about his affair and admitting to it causing a divorce between him and his wife Elizabeth being one of the first divorces ever on the history of America. In the year 1801 Hamilton a son Philip Hamilton (the same year as Peggy or margarita schuyler died) duels against George Eacker and Hamilton said he wouldn't shoot at him and told Philip to shoot onto the air but George shot Philip while he just shot the sky causing Phillips death and Eliza (Elizabeth) to hate him some more (srslly Hamilton your stupid sometimes) then not many years late on the year 1804 Hamilton dueled Burr and assumed he wouldn't shoot him so he shot the air but burr had had enough with Hamilton and killed him causing the end to hamilton! He may have made some mistakes but fought in a war and helped gain our independence he also wrore a part of the constitution!