My name is Kaitlin Bates. I am from Eastern Kentucky. I graduated from South Floyd High School and I am currently a freshman at the University of Pikeville. As of now, I'm undecided on my major. I'm very easygoing and can get along with or talk to anyone. I'm a very loving and caring person, sometimes I care a little too much. I love working with the public, helping others and I also enjoy meeting new people. I have a huge family that means the absolute world to me and two dogs that I love dearly. I'm definitely not one of those people who can constantly stay inside the house. If the sun is shining, I'm outside. I love spending time outdoors, whether it be to just go for a walk or camping and fishing.

I like anything to do with sports, especially basketball. I could play or watch basketball all day long. I played basketball all throughout my school years, from second grade all the way to my senior year of high school, and never got tired of it. Basketball is just something that I love. I've been a Kentucky Wildcats and Los Angeles Lakers fan for as long as I can remember. I listen to many different types of music, but my overall favorite would have to be country. There is nothing I love better than going to concerts!

My Thoughts on technology


In today's society, I feel like technology has become such an important tool. It has been such a helpful thing in our lives. Technology was made to make things easier and people have really taken advantage of that. Most people have become too reliant on technology to help them in their daily lives. With the growing rate of technology dependents, devices have even become more affordable now than they have ever been. Many people use the internet for work, school work, online gaming and even social networks. I would like to say that I too am one of those overly dependent people. I go nowhere without my cell phone, and I'm on a computer or iPad at least five times a day, if not all day long. I do everything from homework to just browing the web, and I never really realized how reliant I was on it. I've never had the desire to own a mac, I'm more of a PC person. I've just never really been comfortable to using a mac and I don't think I could ever adjust to it. I also prefer Google Chrome over any other browser! Have never really been a fan of Firefox and Explorer.

How I feel about Wikipedia


Wikipedia does a great job at pointing out facts about a certain topic and providing information about it. They also usually provide many sources to back their information up, unlike most other websites. I have always been aware of Wikipedia as a research guide, but have always been taught to stray away from it. Most teachers in my past always claimed that it was one of the worst websites you could get information from. They always said the facts weren't right and Wikipedia was just not a good source to follow. Throughout the years I have always heard "Never pay attention to anything on Wikipedia, It's all wrong!! Anyone can edit that and post information that is false!" However, when I got into college, everything changed. Most of my professors recommend Wikipedia and they actually show you why it is one of your best sources. So, I have now realized that all of these years when I could never use Wikipedia as a source I have actually missed out a lot.

  This user drinks Coca-Cola often
 This user eats strawberries.
  This user loves their Yorkshire Terrier.
 This user may love dogs a little (ok, a lot) too much.
 This user's favourite animal is the chimpanzee.
 This user is a Cancer.
 This user plays basketball.
 This user is happy.