User:Elysia (Wiki Ed)/resources - Great resources and tips

(if each goal has its own page, then this is a draft of the beginning of a possible SDG 14 page which I modeled from the SDG 16 page somewhat).

tried to move this to new sandbox page but it won't let me. Got this error: Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 400)

It finally worked, there was something wrong with the URL I was using...

new page is: User:KarenCang/sdg14sandbox

Sustainable Development Goal 14


Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Goal 14, SDG14 ) – Life below water – is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The United Nations describes SDG 14 to: "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development." The Goal has 10 targets[1], with 10 accompanying indicators towards progress, to be achieved between 2020 - 2030.

I am just doing some practice by playing in my sandbox. :-)

The Longnose batfish is one of many fascinating creatures you might find living in or near a coral reef!

question: why doesn't the CC license appear in the photo caption?

Paragraph: Set the style of your text. For example, make a header or plain paragraph text. You can also use it to offset block quotes.


A : Highlight your text, then click here to format it with bold, italics, etc. The “More” options allows you to underline (U), cross-out text (S), add code snippets ({}), change language keyboards (Aあ), and clear all formatting (  ⃠ ).

Links: Highlight text and push this button to make it a link. The Visual Editor will automatically suggest related Wikipedia articles for that word or phrase. This is a great way to connect your article to more Wikipedia content. You only have to link important words once, usually during the first time they appear. If you want to link to pages outside of Wikipedia (for an “external links” section, for example) click on the “External link” tab.

Cite: The citation tool in the Visual Editor helps format your citations. You can simply paste a DOI or URL, and the Visual Editor will try to sort out all of the fields you need. Be sure to review it, however, and apply missing fields manually (if you know them). You can also add books, journals, news, and websites manually. That opens up a quick guide for inputting your citations. Once you've added a source, you can click the “re-use” tab to cite it again.

Bullets: To add bullet points or a numbered list, click here.

Insert: This tab lets you add media, images, or tables.

playing in the sandbox

Ω: This tab allows you to add special characters, such as those found in non-English words, scientific notation, and a handful of language extensions. ĈĚĐĎā±ŸÐ

I read this article about coronavirus [2]yesterday.

This was practice for inserting a reference to a website article. Question is, when to just provide a link vs. insert a reference with a citation? I guess it depends on the type of reference or article.

The ongoing Wuhan coronavirus outbreak has been fascinating to follow.

Talk Pages


I am copying some stuff from the training here, because editing talk pages is different than editing regular pages which still seems mysterious to me. But see the slack conversation as to the history here.

The wiki code for bold text is like this:

'''bold''' = bold

Creating a wikilink (that is, a link to another article on Wikipedia) looks like this:

[[bold]] = bold

On the English Wikipedia, that link to the article bold will redirect you to Emphasis (typography). To link to an article with a different name than the text, put a | (a “pipe”, inserted with ''shift + '' on most keyboards) in between the code and the word you want to appear on the page. Like this:

[[boldness|bold]] = bold (with the link to Boldness)

To get a specific user's attention, you can “ping” them by writing {{ping|Username}} on a Talk page, which will send them a notification.

Why is Bryan Alexander's name messed up here? OK- I was able to fix it!

  1. ^ "Sustainable Development Goal 14".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ Alexander, Bryan (2020-02-12). "A new virus appears in the world". Bryan Alexander. Retrieved 2020-02-14.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)