About me


I was born early December, 1993; I am a Sagittarius ALL the way. I was raised by a single mother. My dad was in the military for 20 years; so he was gone for most of my "growing up". When I was a sophomore in high school I fell into a funk after my great grandfather committed suicide, and I dropped out of school. I home schooled myself as my mom was working to support myself and older sister. By early junior year I fell behind, I was now pregnant, and had no idea what direction I was heading in. I had to turn my life around completely and for lack of better words get my shit together; Fast. I got into an alternative program and kicked it in gear. I had my daughter my senior year of high school and made it to graduation in 2012, That was my biggest success at the time.

Fast forward- newly single mother at 18 who just graduated high school, I got into Cosmetology school and started doing hair, barbering, and getting into makeup artistry immediately after. Their was something missing in that industry for me, and I decided to move on from that about 5 years later. I got myself into Medical Assisting school, and worked at a local sports bar in the meantime. Once I got into healthcare I knew I found where I wanted to be. I am currently starting prerequisites for nursing and am very excited to move forward in that direction.

My daughter is in elementary school, my partner works from home, and I am working in Urgent Care. My schedule at work is only a couple days a week but very long working hours. It allows for the extra time to do whatever we feel like doing and I am very much a home body, so I thoroughly enjoy that.

We tend to do almost everything together, and with our families included about 90% of the time as we are very close with them. We enjoy going to my in-laws cabin at all times of the year, but especially when its fishing/crabbing season. We always take walks on the beach, harvest muscles off the rocks, and since the cabin is right on the water their is nothing better than fishing off the deck. We love watching the sunset everywhere we're at, and we love having drinks in hand; music playing in the background. Other things we like to do together is traveling, piling everything inside the truck for a road trips, go camping, taking our dog on walks, having fires in the backyard, cooking big dinners, barbecue, baking and just spending quality time as a family.

I personally, LOVE blankets. If I am with my partner or daughter and we pass any in the store we are in, they always remind me I have enough and watch as I make sure to feel them all; making sure to tell them how soft one or the other is. If I take a stroll out alone and theirs blankets at the store I am at, 99% of the time one of those babies are coming home with me. I feel like its an acceptable addiction, It certainly could be worse. I also love gardening, learning about different plants, and playing with the color schemes while making my own bouquets. I also love succulents; though I am finding the ones that tend to need watering every two weeks-to a month are the only ones that I can keep alive. One thing I am loving more and more, is reading; I hated reading when I was younger but about 3 years ago while entering a stage in my life where personal mental health issues were becoming unbearable to deal with, my partner gave me a book to read that completely changed my life around. A lot of people deal with some sore of mental illness and sometimes don't even realize it. Theirs multiple studies, but one that says 1-5 people have a mental illness, with rates showing numbers higher in females than males[1]. The book I was given, called "One Thought That Changes Everything" By: Mara Gleason, is what really made me realize I had to speak up or I was likely going to end up far worse than I already was. I recommend this book to everyone; even if you're not struggling.

Thanks for taking the time to read my page, more to come soon!

Wikipedia interests


If I were to continue using Wikipedia, I would probably use it to look up authors of books, post what I have personally read and what I thought about them.

I could also see having many discussions with people and being active in reading/ commenting back to anyone in the "talk" section. Writing is something that I do, and have always very much enjoyed. I think that id be able help a lot of people if I took the time to actively figure out how to create what I have thought about creating in the past. I just dont know much about Wikipedia so I am not sure this is the type of website that is used for that sort of thing.

Article evaluation


Indian Island, Washington


After searching and searching for a topic to evaluate, I came across a military section that I was digging into. I remembered about 6 months ago at work, a co worker telling me about her enlisted husband going on a two week deployment to an island nearby. Now, I've lived in the PNW for quiet some time, and my father is a 20 year Navy veteran whose lips were quiet frankly sealed shut when it came to his job and not being able to reveal any details of his own journey’s. So as I had never heard of this happening before, when I asked what the point of this deployment was, I was quiet surprised hearing it was where they were headed to pick up munition; right there in the PNW waters. After remembering the name of this Island, I visited the Indian Island article on Wikipedia and found three aspects worth commenting on.

First things first, the article is very short and while I know a large majority of military information is classified, I found myself wanting to know a lot more about this place. It was last updated August 6th, 2020 which isn't long ago, but with the little information written about it and a census from 2000' showing a population of 44; it needs some work.

The lack of information regarding the establishment of Indian Island is interesting to me also; though again I know a lot of military information is classified I feel their is certainly some information that can be shared and people like me would find interesting. When was this place established? How was it established?...Id like to know a few things like what aid it has provided in, how many other munition facilities are around, and if possible the amount of munition distributed in/out of these places along with for what reasons. I think further information on these kinds of things would certainly add some good detail to the article.

Another thing I found was the lack of links to some of the information. It states that combat ships, and Sealift command vessels frequent the island, but It would be nice to have a couple links attached to which ones these are to give a visual and some further information on them. Their's also statements made that Indian Island services the Ohio-class missel submarines, but no links to those; though in searching through Wikipedia their is pertinent information regarding them. I think some extra links could be applied so that further information can be looked into within the Indian Island Wikipedia article.

In my first article evaluation, I certainly think I've gotten an understanding and interest in the editorial process and found an appreciation for the well written articles. I was left with my mind wandering for more information on this place after reading it. The article was very short, seemingly unedited, had missing links, and missing a lot of information that I would have been interesting in reading.


  1. ^ "NIMH » Mental Illness". www.nimh.nih.gov. Retrieved 2021-01-10.