"Ketan Thombre" Launched 'Soul of Act'acting academy in India - Maharashtra- Pune,with the sole mission of spreading the knowledge of “Natyashashtra” to each and every disciple who is interested in theatre and plays. A minimum fee is kept so that there is no commercialization and even artists who cannot afford the high fees can join and learn theatre. Stress is given on imparting knowledge of “Natyashashtra” which is the soul of any theatre / play. Hence the institution named Soul of Act. The institution not only focuses on acting, but it covers all other aspects of theatre as well – like direction, sound, lights, camera angles, story writing, scripting. It even provides guidance to pupils on how to produce a play. Apart from the above Soul of Act has now taken the challenge of translating the epic historical book of “Natyashashtra” in Marathi. For the same there has been enormous support from people related to theatre and drama. We are in the process of the translation and completed the 1st chapter as of now. We expect the entire translation to be completed within next 3-4 years. Detailed study of each and every Sanskrit word mentioned in the book is being done and been translated after complete research being put on the meaning of those verses. Till date nobody has actually translated the entire book of “Natyashashtra” in any foreign language. The original manuscript available in Sanskrit dates back to 500 BCE. There have been many scholars who have understood the book and given their comprehension on the book and its meaning. But actual translation of the book has never been done. We at Soul of Act have taken up this challenging task of translating the book and are confident that with due support we will be able to complete this task giving the next generation the original scripted book in a language they can understand. We are also starting up a Web Series with the sole intention to bring the entire theatre / drama field onto a single platform thus allowing exchange of ideas and thus growth of theatre in Maharashtra and India.