

Origins of universe

In the beginning, there was love, hate, good, bad, right, and wrong. Our religion gives you the freedom to choose, in addition to saying that there is something far greater than yourself, or any other man (human). It requires of you, both your physical and mental time. You are required to give your time because someone or something greater gave of themselves for your creation.

This is done so that all things can be passed on, yet each will be rewarded or judge on their own merit.

The myth and the doctrine of our religion show that the world was reborn when the Internet was discovered and its destiny would be a more bright one. It is gone a be a challenge at the judgment day but all, and especially new generations are good prepared to get the best of it.


The God’s hand are there… trying to help every one of us that asks for help, and our God is so generous, he does not wait to get anything in change, just to make our life a better one.

Rewards and Punishment

Our religion punishes and rewards people for their good or bad deeds in their current life. You can talk to the god directly when you go to a temple. There is no waiting game in this religion. Someone does bad, you take him to god and he will get his punishment instantly. God is like your friend. You visit him when you need his suggestion or need some help. He even acts like a bank sometimes lending money to those who need it. There is a place for a clear and transparent judgment for all that is happening in the society. He is like a government with modern and sovereign thoughts.

Daily Life

In our religion, there is no sickness, no alcohol or drugs for people to get addicted to. Everything is provided for daily living, but people can go to school to enhance the qualities and skills they may have been born with.

What is done in our Religion? I think the story of Internetism shows that is done a lot, from giving voice to his members and influencing decision making; building communities, Facebook and robotic surgeries to shopping online with no need to go to the store anymore.


Everyone is equal in front of God’s eye and is welcome in it, without any discrimination and without any judgment. This special virtual reality provides space for everyone, just needs to use the right devices to open the door or the window.




There is one God who can be contacted with any electronic device. Children are taught about the religion through art or the gallery in a person's phone. Selfies are captured to show faithfulness and worship and screenshots are used to capture the conversations with God. There is no common scripture. Each person's phone may capture a unique experience with God.

Religious monuments

  • <a id="org99d8eed"></a>Temples

    In order to worship, it is a requirement that you must have a personal computer or cell phone, and a user name and a password. This is a unique identity that allows you to enter the temple. This temple is not made of stone or brick, but of vast amounts of information floating in cyberspace. The concepts are the product of mankind's infinite imagination and they may appear within seconds, all you have to do is ask for them in your "prayer" and they will appear on your screen device.

Religious Expressions

The forms of our religion expression go beyond words and include sociological, educational, funniest activities researches, arts and many more.

Charitable Deeds

A main concept of our religion is that the more electronic devices that you have the closer you are to God. That is not to say that those who can not afford electronic devices are not in touch with God, but instead, he will look down on his followers that are able to help those without but instead choose not to. This is why charity, volunteering and giving back is so big in our community because this is what he expects of us. Most people do not mind giving back, but those who give off negative energy about helping the less fortunate are written about in the sacred book called the "Book of Records".


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Cell Phones

If the source of contact dies (phone dies) you shall not recharge your device. All contact with God is no more, you will be turned into a temple full of hate and evil. Internetism is to be taken seriously, you cannot talk to others in person, only through your device. Teachers teach through cell phones and students learn through the same device. God comes first, cell phones should be your addiction to only reach God.



Our religion was a small one, such a small one that nobody could be able to predict that Internetism for a very short time would be the biggest religion in the whole universe . It is such an unconditional reality that requires just a click and …boom you are in. It has the biggest temple and the most homogeneous membership one could ever have.



Internetism was founded by Billy Gateson in the early 1990s.

His Life


It has the most followers and is the largest religion in the world.