Khaliberry is the stage name of the young talented Afrobeat Nigerian singer, Alfa Calistus.

. Born and Raised in the Federal capital territory, Abuja, Nigeria. He Had earlier obtained his first degree “ Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration “ From Kogi state university

. In 2019, He released his first official single “BODY” and ever since has been on the quest to get heard All Over the World .

.In 2020 , He put out a single titled “ Arizona “ and After that he has dropped two Official EP “ HANGOVER and PART OF GREATNESS that was officially released sometime in 2022 .

He Recently Put Out a song Titled “NO STRESS “ sometime in last 2022

. His songs are mostly inspired by real life experiences and things happening around him, he is sometimes referred to as the Badman of Afrobeat .

. The Young talented Afrobeat/ Pop singer aims to take his sound All over the world