I'm Brad K. Hounkpati, an Agricultural Engineer and Citizen of Togo. I graduated from Ecole Supérieure d'Agronomie, Université de Lomé, Togo (West Africa).

I have been working in various fields, including but not limited to Entomology, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, NonProfit Organization, Tax and business Consulting. In 2002, I launched my first nonprofit organization named: Association des Elèves, Etudiants et Stagiaires d'Anfoin (AREESA), to assist middle and High Students in southern Togo. The organization, formerly known as Association des Etudiants et Stagiaires d'Anfoin (AREESA), was initiated in 1996 by former students of College d'Enseignement d'Anfoin, Préfecture des Lacs. ARESA was not incorporated until 2002. To help with the growth of the organization, I worked with my pairs to incorporate AREESA by including middle and high school students of the locality. I am happy when everyone is happy and that's I like helping others as much as I can.