My real name is Dav Clark. I'm very easy to find on the internet. The page I deem most relevant to my work here is my Google Scholar Profile. I am an educational researcher working at a Children's Hospital (Kennedy Krieger Institute) and independently with a private tutoring company. My research focus is broadly speaking on "whole-child approaches" and the use of advanced forms of measurement (e.g., brain-based methods or machine vision). I am also currently a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais TeacherĀ® and a lay Buddhist.

This was just something quick I put together to provide a basic self-identification, and in particular to disclose conflicts of interest and evidence of expertise. I welcome feedback.

Guild-Certified Feldenkrais Teacher is a registered trademark of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America. I don't think it helps my credibility, but there are valid reasons for the community's choice to defend exclusive use of this term. I'm happy to talk about that too!