User:King of Hearts/Admin coaching/AfD/2009 Lithuania–Russia crisis

The 2009 Lithuania–Russia crisis (Lithuanian: 2009 metų Lietuvos-Rusijos konfliktas) started on June 5 2009, when Russian border guards on the Lithuanian and Latvian borders started targeting trucks from Lithuania and denying entry to or departure from Russia. [1] The Russian Federation has officially declared that they are targetting Lithuanian truck drivers on purpose[2]. Lithuanian National Road Carriers Association, "Linava", stated that from June 5 2009, when Russian officials hardened control on the Terechovo-Burački border crossing point solely on Lithuanian truck drivers, in one day it resulted in about 150 Lithuanian trucks [3] waiting [4]. On August 13, 2009 there was a que of 2000 trucks [5]. Lithuanian customs officials say Russia has reported only 16 cases of customs violations by Lithuanian hauliers this year - a tiny fraction of the freight deliveries from Lithuania to Russia [6].

Lithuania's response


There are speculations that in response to Russia's actions Lithuania has reportedly canceled a 35% transit discount for Russian cargo going to Kaliningrad port, although director Stasys Dailydka of Lithuanian rail has denied this. [7]

Statements on Lithuanian side


Lithuania's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vygaudas Ušackas, said that the Lithuanian-Russian border conflict should be quickly resolved. He talked with Russian-Lithuanian intergovernmental commissions and Russian transport minister Igor Levitin and announced the recovery of his promise to address the problems [8].

Arvydas Anušauskas addressed this statement to the Russian Duma: "Strengthened customs controls, which suddenly, without prior notice are targeting purely Lithuanian carriers, in our view, is a hostile, discriminatory step towards Lithuanian carriers, affecting both countries' businessmen [4]".

See also



  1. ^ Vilkikų eilės Latvijos-Rusijos pasienyje ilgėja. Verslo žinios. 2009-08-05
  2. ^
  3. ^ Vilkikų eilės pasienyje netirpsta. Delfi. 2009-08-09 16:05
  4. ^ a b Dėl padėties pasienyje kreipiasi į Rusijos ambasadą ir rusų parlamentarę. Kauno diena. 2009-08-07, 17:26. Accessed 2009-08-08. [ Archived 2009-08-11.
  5. ^ Alfa. Vežėjai: į „juodąjį sąrašą“ galima pakliūti ir už smulkius pažeidimus 2009-08-13 16:38 Alfa
  6. ^ BBC World News. Wednesday, 12 August 2009. Lithuania in Russia customs row
  7. ^
  8. ^ "Ušackas: eilių prie Rusijos sienos problema sprendžiama. 15 Minučių". Archived from the original on 2009-08-11. Retrieved 2009-08-08.