Ironland is a small Micronation created by the Youtuber _magnify, declaring a 12ft circle around the statue of a flat iron to be a sovereign nation on June 26th, 2024.

Even if this is a newly declared nation, it has gathered over 65k citizens from all over the internet. Even after many people say that this Micronation isn't a country, this Youtuber seems to check all the requirements. To be considered a country, he has to follow the Montevideo Convention.

Ironland has already had their first election, voting where their permanent residence should stay in the small nation. After all the votes, it is revealed that the small cardboard robot is kept on the handle of the flat iron.

They are currently having their second election, now deciding what color their embassy should be to correctly portray their unity, identity, and pride. The final color will be calculated as the weighted average of everyone's color preferences. This means that the resulting color will be unique based on all the votes of all the citizens.

To vote in these elections, you must go to _magnify's Youtube channel and click on the link in his description to vote in the current election or even in any future elections.

Currently, Ironland is the only nation to allow every citizen to vote, no matter their age.